Well, that’s evidently not true. As I said earler, looking for someone completely overgeared is simply not “the same reason”.
This is not even remotely identical. If you want to jump into 2,1k group as a beginner, that’s the wrong group for you. It’s not the same as a 2k+ xp with ilvl 380 getting declined for a +6 courts lol We cleared ruby +12 with less xp and less gear. How can you call this identical? Not even close.
You simply misunderstand the point. I have absolutely no issue with people having requirement for a content. This is completely fine.
The issue is having absolutely delusional OVERrequirements.
You mean people can’t just nuke the bosses and have to actually play mechanics, so they look for way more gear than required? Well, makes sense ngl.
And that’s the point you missed.
There were tons of ~380 people but he didn’t want them. He was waiting for higher geared people which were NOT queuing, obviously. We were sitting for 15 min in queue with like 20 people queuing while we already were insanely overgeared for this dungeon. And that’s just one example, it’s not an exception nowadays, it’s the rule.
The people who did 11+'s with you 3 weeks ago are now doing higher keys…
And those of us still gearing up comfortably in our 11+'s are now having the players who either didn’t do m+ at all and are just now testing it out. Or the players who back 3 weeks ago did 6+'s and stuff are now up doing 11+ with you. Is my take anyway
It is absolutely the same thing. People asking for requirements way beyond what is necessary happens in both PVE and PVP.
Your comparison isn’t valid, I have not claimed that someone is trying to get into a 2k group, however people will expect you to have 2k rating as a beginner trying to get into any group. Just like PVE makes ridiculous demands.
I fear maybe I’ve hit a nerve but the playerbase is the same across the board, setting over the top requirements is always a thing in all parts of the game. I’m not sure why this had to become an issue. It’s just how people are.
No, it’s not. How can you even argue for that?
PvP people ask you for XP. Why? Because there is huge difference between someone who never did PvP and a multi glad.
Now we go back to the previous example. My xp is THE SAME, the ilvl is different, while it’s is still way OVER the requirement, by A LOT.
How in the holy glory is this the SAME?! It’s literally NOT the same. Not even close. How can you not see that? Hilarious.
Well this is just not true or a rare exception. Nobody will except you to have 2k xp in a beginner group or conquest farm grp, that’s pure bs.
You just keep failing to understand that you STILL argue for experience, while I don’t even argue about that. I argue about the absolutely insane gear requirements for already easy content, where the XP is irrelevant and this solely exists in PvE content only.
Its up to the person making the group… why are you getting mad about it.
Theres nothing you can do about it. In a previous thread you were complaining that people were taking lower ilvl players when they should be taking you with a higher ilvl. You cant have it both ways…
Because it’s stupid? He made 4 people wait for 15 minute for absolutely no reason.
No, I didn’t. Stop making stuff up, again.
Because you compare xp to ilvl, it’s literally not the same.
I don’t ignore it. I explained it to you already. You compare apples to bananas.
It is a playerbase problem, yes and it happens mainly in PvE. Look, I explain it one more time very clearly so you maybe understand where your comparison failed.
My scenario: people ask for a lot of gear (not xp) for an already easy dungeon. This gear is not needed even remotely.
You argue for: people ask for XP in PvP (for a rated bg) that’s not required in your opinion. (which you btw can’t know because you don’t know the mmr)
The equivalent to this would be: People asking for 2k+ RIO score for a +6 dungeon group, not gear.
To make it even more clear(with a very extreme example): It would be like asking for someone being fully conquest geared in order to farm conquest.
Do you see now how stupid that is?
I compared starting RBGs or other content and people expecting you to have over 2k rating. You are trying to diffuse the problem by claiming the PVE equivalent of expecting an LFR player to be invited to Mythic raiding.
It’s literally the same as the have Curve issue but in PvP terms.
This is the last time I’ll reply. It is pointless. You just want to deny the problem exists and this is now so far off topic it’s ridiculous.
Nobody is going to ask you to have 2k CR in order to join a low rated RBG. That’s absolute bs but feel free to prove me wrong. People always ask for XP which equals RIO SCORE in PvE.
But again: CR =/= ilvl requirement
So you either didn’t understand what you were talking about (confused xp with cr) or you were straight lying.
Ilvl in lower keys doesn’t matter nearly as people think and they fail to consider it doesn’t mean someone with higher ilvl is going to be inherently better than someone with a lower one.
I’d rather take a good player with 10-20 ilvl below than a bad one with a higher ilvl.
I’ve stopped just looking at just ilvl now, had so many who do dogskite damage. I try to look at rio, and pick high ilvl, but seems they got carried or something. Lower ilvl, and high score seems to give me success now. Many have just gotten invite because of worldquest/rare/event gear and being carried around.
But I’m patient, I know there are tons of tourists at this stage of an expansion, lots of angry people too that I simply ignore.
It’s often because that’s the ilvl THEY need to be able to do the content, so they imagine it isn’t possible at lower ilvl. It happens as lower skilled players start to progress further through the content difficulties.
When I had to get my Mage Tower recolour, (RBG wins) PVP groups wanted everyone to have 2k rating. It was insanely hard to find groups willing to take you even fully mythic raid geared.
As with PVP it’s easier to complete dungeons or raids if you join a community. There are several communities that help you find others in a non toxic environment.
Pugs will always set unreasonable expectations, high ilvi, demand tier or simply require you to have a specific achievement or score.
Both Dungeon Dojo and Scared of Dungeons aim to help people do regular keys. There are different communities if you want to push. Raider IO is affiliated with Mythic Plus Friends and have sections for higher keys.
I personally was concerned about my ilvl all the time, still now. With my hunter at 386 now i dip into 5-6+, with my BDK at 356 i did only 0-2+ as i was so afraid of being dead just by looking at the mobs. I am doing fine, I don’t die as a tank, but still get declined due to higher ilvl tanks joining the same teams.
Every key master has their own rules, which is fine. I don’t have the confidence to start a group, but i don’t mind being rejected and finding a group after 4 decline. Every i had so far was nice, calm and very friendly tbh.
I mean what you think literally doesnt matter. Its his group he can do what he wants. If he wants to do a +2 key with people who are over 405 ilvl thats up to him. If you dont like it find another group.