Soul Crusaders (A/H), Turalyon-Doomhammer EU was founded in July 2007 and has always prioritised people over pixels and expects all members to behave with common decency and respect. We understand that real life comes first - and is busy, and messy! We enjoy progressing through normal and heroic raids, sometimes achieving AoTC, and challenging ourselves in M+ (the majority’s goal is KSM, but a fair few members push themselves further).
We’re a friendly bunch, with laughs in raids and kind support and guidance in M+ when we can.
We are currently recruiting 2 healers and some DPS for our raids (bonus if you have an alternative role for an offspec, and great if you want to join for M+ too
Our raid nights are Sun and Tues, 21:30 - 23:00 Server time
Our M+* nights are in the same time slot as raids:
Wednesday nights: baby/learning and gearing keys (when there is enough interest)
Thurs nights: Building confidence and practicing mechanics and strategies in mid-range keys
Fri nights: higher keys, with the goal of working toward - and potentially beyond - KSM.
*The actual key brackets change throughout the season, as we learn, progress and gear.
If you’d like to find out more info, please message me Bnet: sheira#1910 Discord: Lakshmii#0552 or you’re welcome to post a guild application at
We’re looking forward to exploring Season 2 M+ starting Wednesday evening and can’t wait to dip our toes into the raid (starting Normal) on Sunday evening! Would love to have some new additions to our team 
We’re looking for 1 healer and some ranged DPS
If you’d like to find out more, get in contact sheira#1910 (Bnet) or Laksmii#0552 (DC) or you can apply at
Hiya! We’ve had loads of fun catching up with guildies, new and old, to explore season 2 of DF this week. We’ve enjoyed exploring the new M+ dungeons and working out where our challenge point is in them, and are looking forward to run more 
Our sign-ups for Sunday’s raid are looking good too, i can’t wait! Our first step inside Aberrus will be fun 
We’re still recruiting ranged DPS and a healer to join our team. If you’re interested, please get in touch! (DC) Lakshmii#0552 or (Btag) sheira#1910 or feel free to jump straight into a guild application at
Im interested to join your ranks as range dps. I can add you on Bnet to talk further
Hi Medrash! Thank you for your message 
it was good to speak to you this evening, looking forward to your application 
We had loads of fun exploring Aberrus Normal last night, clearing the first 4 bosses - and we’re looking forward to exploring further tomorrow night and see how far we can get 
We’re still looking for more members for our core raid team and mythic+ nights. We normally raid on Sunday and Tuesday. Always have mythic+ nights on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We have so far completed 8/9 on normal raid!
We’re looking for 1 healer and some ranged DPS
If you’d like to find out more, get in contact sheira#1910 (Bnet) or Laksmii#0552 (DC)
Hi all! We are thoroughly enjoying Season 2 and would love for you to join us 
We still have space for ranged DPS, and a healer would be great, too!
We’re currently 8/9 Normal Aberrus and planning to visit HC Aberrus this Sunday. We’re also enjoying various levels of M+.
If you’d like more info, please see the original post here, or get in touch: (Btag) sheira#1910 or (DC) lakshmii#0552 or feel free to head straight over to our discord to apply there! (as a guest, you can’t see much of our server, there’s loads more to see if you’re a member though
Looking forward to hearing from you 
Soul Crusaders are still looking for more members for our raid team.
We’re progressing on Sarkareth Normal and dipping our toes into Heroic Aberrus. We also run Mythic+ three nights a week, with focus on Fun, Learning runs one night, Gearing runs the next, and pushing a bit on a Friday.
We would like more DPS to fill our ranks, and would especially like Rogues/Unholy Death Knights but applications from any DPS class would be welcomed.
See the original post for contact details (sheira#1910 (Bnet) or Laksmii#0552 (DC)).
Or you can apply via our Discord server @
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Hi all, we Soul Crusaders (A/H) Turalyon/Doomhammer are still looking for more members for our core raiding teams. We have achieved 9/9 Normal, 1/9 HC.
We are going slowly in our raid progression just only because we keep clearing Normal for loots/sets for all of our members. We normally raid on Sunday+Tuesday 9:30pm - 11:00pm server time. We also do mythic+ runs on Weds, Thurs, Friday weekly.
We are casual/chilled guild with mature members but also do enjoy some higher contents. We currently are looking for more dps for both raid and mythic+ contents. We don’t really have requirements for specific classes, but we are short on druid dps/ dks/ shaman and rogues. Nevertheless, all classes are welcomed and if you are interested in joining us, please get in touch: (Btag) sheira#1910 or (DC) lakshmii#0552 or feel free to head straight over to our discord to apply there! (as a guest, you can’t see much of our server, there’s loads more to see if you’re a member though )
Hi all! I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend and fantastic summer so far! 
We are thoroughly enjoying progressing through Aberrus and building confidence in M+. Our current Aberrus progression sits at 9/9N and 4/9HC with solid progress on boss 5.
We are still recruiting DPS for our raids and M+ . Although any class and spec is welcome, druid, DK, rogue, shaman, monk, mage and evoker would be fantastic 
If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch (btag) sheira#1910 or (Discord) lakshmii#0552 (this might just be Lakshmii now, since the Discord name changes), or feel free to jump right in with an application on our server
Also, our raids are usually livestreamed, so if you’re curious or want a preview of our raids, head on over to on Sun or Tues nights, around 21:20-23:00 server time 
Hi! it’s been a while, where has the time gone?! xD
We’re now 9/9 Normal and HC and still enjoying reclears as a combination of gearing up and obtaining Curve for mains, and to gear up some alts. We’re also still enjoying M+ and Dawn of the Infinites 
We’re still recruiting for DPS spots in both raid and M+ and you get bonus points if you have a healing offset that can be used for reserve heals! 
If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch (btag) sheira#1910 or (Discord) lakshmii#0552 (this might just be Lakshmii now, since the Discord name changes), or feel free to jump right in with an application on our server [discord uP9xRPZh]
Also, our raids are usually livestreamed, so if you’re curious or want a preview of our raids, head on over to on Sun or Tues nights, around 21:20-23:00 server time 
Hi all! We’re looking for some active DPS to join our team 
We’re still enjoying our HC Aberrus reclears for remaining Curve achies, elusive loot and to gear some alts and we’re also still enjoying our M+ nights and the Megadungeon once a week. We’d love to bolster the team with some new DPS though 
We’re a small, friendly guild, and we all have busy lives, whether it’s family, work, pets, partners, all of those or something else, we understand that playing WoW 24/7 is a thing of the past
but still like to enjoy the satisfaction and teamwork in progression content. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, come and say hi 
You can’t see much on our Discord server as a guest unfortunately, most of it requires member access, but please do send a message (btag) sheira#1910 or (Discord) lakshmii#0552 (this might just be Lakshmii now, since the Discord name changes), or feel free to jump right in with an application on our server
Also, our raids are usually livestreamed, so if you’re curious or want a preview of our raids, head on over to on Sun or Tues nights, around 21:20-23:00 server time 
Soul Crusaders is looking to recruit dps and a healer for our raid team. We have achieved Ahead of the Curve for all our raiders and are enjoying re-clears of Aberus on our alts at the moment. We are organising M+ runs on Wed, Thur, and Friday nights, sometimes switching the Friday night runs up and doing the mega-dungeon, but like everyone we are suffering a bit from the end-of-season lull, and are looking forward to being busier again after the summer.
So if you are looking for a friendly guild, with good organisation and a focus on progression in a supportive atmosphere then check out our discord using code dWyzjbKW or see above for contact details.
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Hi all! Soul Crusaders is still recruiting to fill some active DPS spots and a healing spot for both M+ and raids 
Our focus is normal and HC raiding, and M+ - while prioritising the people behind the keyboards, and encourage a team approach. We’d love to get more members who are active outside of M+ and raids as well.
Our raids are usually streamed at twitch/tv/erdiud and will soon be public on youtube as well. So if you’re curious, feel free to hop in and give us a watch
We’re currently running a bit of a skeleton crew due to the end of season lull though, just so you;re aware xD
Things have been quiet lately due to the end of season lull, but we are all looking forward to S3. In the mean time, us die-hards are shfiting from the last few HC Sark reclears for elusive loot towards Glory of the Aberrus Raider, in between catching up in the game with alts, keys and other things 
Bonus points if you have what it takes to potentially be a guild entertainment leader in the future! 
If this sounds interesting to you, get in touch:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at
Hey all ! Soul Crusaders is looking for new additions to our raid team! Are you a healer or DPS and looking to have some fun raiding normal and HC? We’re all about taking it slowly but surely with respect to everyone’s capabilities. Our goal is to reach AOTC if possible.
We have 2 raid evenings (each 1.5h) on Sunday and Tuesday starting at 21:30 server time. So we respect private time and don’t make it a huge chunk of time to be reserved! Of course being on time and prepared is mandatory to ensure a fun and rewarding evening for everyone!
Of course we also organise M+ nights of al key brackets, so there’s plenty of things to do!
Sounds interesting? Feel free to contact:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at
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Hi all!
We’re still recruiting for DPS and a regular healer for our raid and M+ teams. We are so excited to finally have some new content around the corner and can’t wait to get into a fresh raid 
As a long-standing guild (created in '07) we welcome both new and veteran players.
We’re a friendly bunch with busy lives, so we try to keep things balanced with 2 raid nights a week 21:30 - 23:00 server time. We run different levels of M+ on Wed (learning and gearing), Thurs (gearing and consolidating) and Friday (challenging ourselves / working towards KSM and beyond) with the same time slot as the raid to cater for everyone’s interests as much as possible. Loads of us run ad-hoc M+ throughout the week as well, so you’re not locked into these scheduled runs (although it’s great to have loads sign up and join in
If this sounds like the guild for you, please get in touch:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at
So happy you found us
Looking forward to doing some keys with you and to have you in the raids 
Hi all!
We are still looking for more players to join our raid and mythic+ teams especially on DPS and healers. If you are happy to keep your teammates alive and if that’s what motivates you, that would be the great spot for you as we still need one regular healer who can join us on our raid nights which are on Sunday+Tuesday - 21:30 - 23:00 ST.
We also regularly have M+ nights from Wed to Friday on different levels each day.
If you are looking for casual but mature and would like to experience core raiding experience, our guild might be the perfect fit for you!
If you are interested, please reach out at
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
or please feel free to visit our discord channel to start your application right away where you can also have a read on our guild’s charters and policies.
Hi all! We are so excited to be exploring the new raid and new season of M+ from next week! It feels like we’ve been waiting forever 
Soul Crusaders, created in 2007, is a friendly guild with a focus on enjoying normal and Heroic raids and M+ keys in a friendly, supportive environment. Our aim has always been to be a team, rather than a bunch of individuals doing their own thing. Respecting each other as people is one of the main tenets in SC.
We also know that life is busy! Most of us have kids and/or busy work schedules so we value our free time and like to make the most of it.
We are currently looking for 1 full-time healer who can attend all raids (within reason - life happens!). We also have space for DPS. Class doesn’t matter, we’ve always been a big believer in play what you enjoy.
It would be great to have some flexible roles who can also join our M+ runs.
Our raid nights are Sun and Tues, (first pull at) 21:30 - 23:00 ST. We run different levels of M+ on Wed (learning and gearing), Thurs (gearing and consolidating) and Friday (challenging ourselves / working towards KSM and beyond) with the same time slot as the raid to cater for everyone’s interests as much as possible. Loads of us run ad-hoc M+ throughout the week as well, so you’re not locked into these scheduled runs (although it’s great to have loads sign up and join in
If this sounds interesting to you, please get in touch:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at