Part 3. Brothers and Sisters.
The 5 friends and Souldefiler’s brother who has given the name he wishes to be known as, Gemellus. They have chartered passage on a ship headed to Ratchet from Stormwind. They have paid a generous amount of gold to the ship’s captain to sail to the co ordinates Gemellus has given the captain. After safely navigating the maelstrom the seas begin to calm once more and the crew prepare for the remainder of the voyage at night. Everyone is having a meal before bedding down for the night. After their meal all except Senna and Gemellus retire to their bunks. Senna asks Gemellus what has been on her mind since that night in his house.
“Gemellus, I wanted to wait until we were alone. You were not wholly frank with us.”
Gemellus looked up from his platter, a faint smile flickered.
“You see far. As a shaman should. But yes you are right. i was not wholly truthful. i have learned over the years to be wary. Many traps have been laid for me, and I have not escaped them all without cost.”
Senna waited for Gemellus to continue. “Since I returned after Light’s Hope I lived my life as I had hoped it would be as a married man but such was not my fate. I had been gone long, and when I returned my home was empty. My wife and children had moved on. I blamed them not. In my quest for knowledge of my sister i had forsaken them and they in turn forsook me.”
“I waited like a fool, hoping where there was none, that my family would walk up the path to our home, the children laughing and running ahead, my wife calling on them to be careful. As time grew on, the hope dwindled until it became fantasy. And then a strange thing happened. Two members of the Argent dawn came to me saying that a Death Knight had come down from Acherus asking for news of a family who lived in the outskirts of Redridge. My heart rose and i asked them if they could describe her as best they could. They told me what they could and i knew it was my sister. I told them to direct her to my hamlet where i would await her pleasure.”
“Three days later she arrived at my door. There were no tears from either of us, I was too ashamed and she was changed. No longer was she the carefree girl who ran around waving her wooden training sword. Now she was full of purpose and great deeds followed her name. She asked me of my life from the day we last parted, and I told her all that i told you. She seemed not to care about my joining the Crusade, she seemed more interested in where my family had gone. When I told her I knew nothing, she asked me if I would like her to try and locate them when she was on her travels. Now that she had found me, she would relay any information she discovered to me through her contacts.”
"I could not find the words to thank her enough. Then she stood up and told me she must take her leave, as she was travelling with friends to seek a part of her missing life as a mindless undead soldier under the Scourge. When I asked her how she became a Death knight she simply said “I was better than the rest”
“Then she mounted her steed, a strange skeletal wyrm that seemed to form out of strewn bones whenever she raised her hand. Then she flew off and I have not seen her since.”
Senna sat thoughtfully before finally asking “Can you tell me what she was wearing? She usually wore the same garb no matter her situation…”
“Yes, she wore a strange armour made of a metal I was not familiar with, nor it’s strange azure hue. All I can say is whenever she came close it was as if the very warmth of my blood was stolen away and seemed to invigorate her. I have never felt anything like it.”
“I have” replied Senna “It is a strange power that certain Knights possess… it gives them strength when leading others into battle.”
“it is called Blood Presence” said a new voice, startling them both. The voice was Gia’s.
“As Senna said, it is a power that is terrible to behold. Few can survive the rigorous training required to fully master the Blood presence, and not succumb to it’s allure”
“Did she control it?” Asked Gemellus. “or did it take her?”
By now all were awake. “heh” grunted twill. "Now we are answering the questions. Yes she was very skilled in it’s power, She was skilled in all the Death Knight Arts. She wielded the power of blood as a demon wields the fel, few could match her skill. She mastered the art of undeath, or unholy as it’s sometimes called. The art of disease and pestilence to decimate her foes, and the art of resurrection to reanimate those fallen as her mindless yet obedient servants.
Bors voice lowered “But her true skill is in the cold icy touch. She can freeze a heart still with but a breath. She uses that power most of all”
Gemellus looked at all 5. “What of you Punicilla… What do you have to add?”
“Nothing” came the reply. “I give her no mythical standing as my friends do, I simply saw her as a friend who was strong in her art. That is all” Punicilla got up and walked out to the deck, Dawn could be seen in the distance as she closed the door behind her.
“I see they have history…” said Gemellus as he turned to face the party, all now seated.
“Yes. During our struggle against the legion one of her tasks was to re form the Four Horsemen. They tried to resurrect Tirion Fordring in the paladin stronghold at Light’s Hope. The paladins, already smarting at the defeat of one of their greatest, did not take… Kindly. To such a brazen attempt. They fought with Souldefiler and her champions and drove them from the Chapel. They have never forgiven her. Puny certainly still bears a grudge, though it has lessened as of late after Souldefiler apologised and begged their forgiveness. Although she never renounced her title of Death Lord. She reveled in it when she would visit Acherus and was greeted in such a way. A small step from lord to Queen I guess” said Bors
“LANNND HO!!! ALL HANDS TO YOUR STATIONS!!” came a hoarse voice from above them. “It is time. let us prepare”.They all retired to collect their belongings. Their packs were secured in a skiff and two kul tiran sailors carried them to the strange island on the horizon.They paddled to the shore of the island.
“OK yer here, now gerrout, we ain’t stayin here for any longer than we have to. All ships avoid this place. Strange t’ings be 'appenin…”
They unloaded their packs and got ready to make into the island.
“This place is… strange.” said Gemellus, looking up and sniffing the air. “I sense we are being watched…”
“Probably just some local critters, by the looks of it we should find lots of them, the land teems with life”
“Certainly not a place I would expect to find a Death Knight or anything connected with one” said Senna. “Perhaps the spirits can shed some light…”
“Go ahead” replied Gia as he unsheathed his daggers and inspected them. “couldn’t hurt.”
Senna arranged some incense into a pile and lit it. Soon smoky tendrils filled the air, calming all their spirits. Senna sat still deep in in trance her mouth speaking unheard incantations. Then she awoke with a start. “She is here. Not far, yet somehow distant. It is very strange.”
Suddenl;y Twill turned sharply and unleashed her bow. A thudding crash echoed through the undergrowth, birds flew into the sky shrieking and unseen beasts scurried to safety.
Puny drew her sword and made her way into the undergrowth. Before her lie a prone figure. “It’s a troll!” she cried. Are the Horde here?
“I doubt it” said Gemellus. i saw no sign of settlements. And this one serves no Horde. Look…" Kneeling down he turned it’s head to one side. “These are strange markings” said Puny. I have never seen such markings on any of my troll allies.
Now all 6 were huddled down looking at the corpse.
“This mark here is old.” said Senna. I sense it was… a druid. It definitely bears scars of feral. But this mark is very strange. Almost… a healed wound. Can you see?" She ran her fingers over the troll’s chest where small patches of fur could still be felt.
“Ritualistic?” asked Gia. “We all know how the trolls love their rituals and other mumbo jumbo. No wonder they love shamans and druids.”
Senna ignored him and gestured Gemellus down. “what do you think?” she whispered in a voice only he could hear. “I suspect he was raised from the dead. If Souldefiler is here, she has been busy with enemies who fell foul of her”
“I think you’re right” he replied. “We should be cautious.”
He stood up again and looked at the sky.“This is indeed very strange. Not over 4 hours have we been here and already night draws in. There is strange magic at work here. We should camp here and set watch. Hopefully we will not be disturbed.”
Night deepened. Bors was restless, something did not seem right with the camp. He kept turning his head to look at the encroaching jungle as if he expected hundreds of undead to suddenly appear. Finally he could stand it no longer and stood up, wrapping his cape around him. he made his way to the fire and bent down to throw a new branch on when suddenly his very breath seemed to freeze in his lungs. He gasped loudly and coughed. The others awoke and jumped up with weapons now drawn. Standing in a circle around the fire they stood guard, waiting for what had come to disturb them.
“Well. isn’t this a surprise” said a gentle voice. “Now why are you all here standing like lost sheep on my threshold? Did I miss a party in Stormwind or something?”
“SOUL!!” everyone cried and all gathered round her. “Dammit girl what’s the idea scaring us like that?”
Souldefiler flashed them a grin and swept her hair behind her head, it fell around her trademark twin wielded Slayers of the Lifeless sheathed on her back. “well you know how I like to keep you guys on edge. but why are you here?”
“oh OH YEAH!!” said Twill "This guy Gemellus here is looking for you. He’s your brother. i never knew you had one, and… To be honest…? " she sidled up to Souldefiler with a mischievous grin “I still don’t think you do” she whispered before going back to her sleeping bag.
“I do have a brother.” said Souldefiler. “So you came here after all. Even after I told you not to. I’m still glad you did. it has been so long.”
“Indeed my sister. Too long.” They embraced for what seemed an eternity. “Come on” said Puny. “lets leave them. They need to talk and we can think about going home. While I have enjoyed seeing you all again, i fear the war between the Horde and Alliance will soon have us fighting again. Only each other.”
“Pfft” snorted Gia “I’ll just stabby stabby and Bors can shooty shoot you while Senna healie heals us”
“And I’ll bubble stone leaving you to shoot thin air you ridiculous gnome” retorted Punicilla, rather testilly and hand on her sword hilt. Gia hopped up and started to draw his daggers.
“OK OK thats enough. lets deal with that when it’s time” said Twill, for once the voice of reason. “Lets get some sleep before we head home. Not exactly the adventure I was hoping for, but… OH… We still… Get paid…? Right?”
“Yes” said Gemellus. “In the morning when we depart i will tell you the location of the other half of your payment.”
“OTHER HALF?!” they all cried in unison. Oh we’re going to have a great time in Dalaran. Soulie you must come!"
Souldefiler laughed “Yes yes I’ll be there. Just no more drinking competitions, i always win and it get’s bori…” grunting with pain she collapsed on one knee holding herself up with one hand. "
They all rushed to her side.
“Are you OK?”
“Yes I’m fine… Some wounds never heal.” she whispered
“Let me look” said Senna and came to her.
“NO!!” replied Souldefiler sharply, making them all jump. “Thank you but no, Senna, I’m fine. Now please, leave me with my broher for a while, we have much to discuss.”
The 5 friends made another fire and had their meal while Souldefiler and Gemellus retreated to another part of the shore. After their meal and some wine the 5 friends once again felt sleep overtake them. One by one they all dropped, Punicilla last of all. Before sleep took her she glanced over to where Souldefiler and Gemellus were deep in conversation.
“I still cannot find it in my heart to forgive you death knight. For what you tried to do, and what you did do to some of my Order. I hope I never grow to hate you, as only one of us will survive our battle. I promise you”
restless sleep finally overcame her, and the all too familiar screams of her fallen comrades once again came to haunt her.
(End of part 3)