Souldefilers raid last tale. (It gets dark)

Disclaimer (it gets heavy and nasty.)

“And she walked to them with outstreched hand…”

Synopsis. Souldefiler has finally been found, and after reuniting with her brother Gemellus the 5 friends are now ready to go home. Long into the evening and still no sign of Souldefiler and Gemellus endiong their conversations, the 5 prepare to bed down for the night.

“Well I for one can’t wait to get back home.” said Twill. “This has not been the exciting escapade i was led to believe.”
“Yeah… Could have been worse though. Remember that time we had that fishing competition in my Garrion on Draenor and we ended up fighting that huge murloc?” said Gia, glancing over to Bors and Senna.
“Hmmph.” grunted Senna. “All I remember is being pulled into the water, nearly drowned by a huge mrggle mrggle while you and that hunter over there laughed so hard I thought you were going to throw up”
“You should try that in Frostfire ridge” said Puny. “You get pulled in there you get toasted alive. Imagine it. And the little gnome screamed hot hot hot in that squeaky voice!”
Gia rose to the bait. “Oh look it finally cracked a smile! What did you mistakenly drink a potion of humour instead of your usual potion of bitterness?”
Now it was Puny’s turn to get angry. “Be silent tiny tears Or I’ll roll you into a ball and throw you for the crabs.”
“Ok OK enough!!” yelled Twill and Senna. “Enough.” yelled Senna getting to her feet before re composing herself. “It’s getting on and we’re tired. Lets go to sleep and sail home in the morning. The ship we chartered will be making it’s way back and we need to be ready. They won’t hang around.”

By now Souldefiler and Gemellus had finished and were now making their way towards them. “So you’re leaving?” asked Souldefiler.
All were now soundly sleeping except for Puny who had woken when she heard the crunch of their feet. Gemellus lay down apart from the group and was soon asleep.
“Yes we are leaving tomorrow. The Horde and The Alliance called back their champions to discuss matters. I fear war is about to erupt again.”
“A never ending cycle, I grew tired of it.” said Souldefiler. “Part of me wishes I could march into both capitals and just wipe them all out. Sometimes I wonder if Sylvanas had the right idea with Teldrassil”
“That ship has sailed” replied Puny now sitting across from her.
“Look at me Soul” Souldefiler lifted her ashen face and met her gaze. “Soul, I never truly forgave you for what you did at light’s Hope. Even though you came to me claiming repentance, I never fully trusted your word.
I am a paladin, a champion of the Light, sworn to uphold justice and protect the innocent. Before the Scourge took your life and remade you hardly anyone knows of your past. Gemellus told us some stories, but he never explained why you took the path you did. Why did you suddenly leave?”

Souldefiler sighed and drew her gaze over the horizon.

“I have seen many things that would be seared forever into the memories of the living. I have done things I regret. Some I do not. I performed great deeds for the King of Stormwind, i performed great miracles for your Horde, freeing them from Hellscream’s grip. But never once did I feel like I was given the respect I was due.
I will not presume to guess your motives, but knowing you as I do I would say they were different.” her voice grew softer and Puny felt she heard a slow menace creep into it.
“Many things I have done. Many people slain. Empires toppled. World’s saved. Even our own. And yet I lost everything and gained nothing. Except for a few baubles and some worthless titles.”

Puny drew closer. “Look at me Soul. Pamela. Listen to me. Open your heart to me.”

Souldefiler again matched her gaze. “I killed them Puny. I killed them as easilly as I speak to you now.”

“Who…? Who did you kill?”

“Emily… Deverra… I slaughtered them. And I felt nothing while doing it.”

Puny backed away, her hand still holding souldefiler’s. “But why? What purpose did their deaths serve?”

"Because i needed them. I needed them to be the first of my new Order, the Devoted. And this reason, is why you, are all here. You cannot leave this island. Not alive. She removed her hand from Puny and began to rise to her feet.
“Allow me to show you something paladin, it will give you a glimpse of the future I will bring to this island, and soon, Azeroth.”

Souldefiler rose to her full height and a black mist formed around them. Puny whirled around, looking for her friends. All she saw was blackness, with piercing eyes all focused on her. She tried to call but no words came. Panic began to set in and she reached for her weapon.

“Now that would never do, I cannot allow that” came Souldefiler’s voice from the blackness and with a wrench her weapon was ripped from her hand. “So this was your plan you monster… to lure us here. I tried to reach out to you, and this is how you repay me Pamela?” shouted Puny as a screaming wind began to pick up. Sand from the beach whipped and twisted in the air, forcing her to shield her eyes with her palm.

“You were always a weak Paladin Punicilla. I should have killed you at your worthless chapel that day. No matter. you would, and you will, have made a worthy Risen”. Souldefiler suddenly appeared through the sand, her swords drawn. She did not run to Puny to attack, but seemed to walk slowly, full of purpose. In her eyes was a mocking smile, she slowly raised her left arm and pointed the edge of her blade to Puny.
Puny felt her throat tighten and her breath came in shallow gulps. She was dying, her very throat being crushed by unholy forces. “Before I kill you” Souldefiler whispered “I want to you to see what I will show Gemellus, when the time is right. Behold the vision of why I sought out his family”

Time slowed to what seemed an eternity and a vision appeared through the haze. Puny saw Souldefiler tear apart Deverra. She saw her final battle with Emily. Tears began to form as she saw Souldefilier deny Emily’s request, and she raised them both. Then she saw Souldefiler ride to Redridge. She saw her ride to the house where they had spent the night with Gemellus. But Gemellus did not open the door, but a young girl, no more than 12 summers. She looked upon with horror as Souldefiler cast a blight unbeknownst to the girl, and told her to seek out her brother who had hurt himself picking apples. The young girl ran off to find her brother, only to infect him with the same blight. Crying in pain they fell to the ground, and life left them. Dismounting she walked over to them, and committed the most heinous crime Puny had ever seen. She raised the children and commanded them to seek out their mother. As lambs go to their mother for comfort, so did these lambs go to their mother, but not for comfort. The screams from the house dwindled as Souldefiler leapt back on her horse, and rode into a Death Gate.

“Do you see now?” asked Souldefiler. “They meant nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. This world.” her grip tightened. “Means.” And tightened. Then there as a hideous crack and Puny was gone “Nothing…”
Releasing her grip Puny’s now lifeless body fell to the ground. “Now you will serve me forever my devoted Champion. Arise now, and be known as Darkened Justice!”

Raising her sword the lifeless body began to tremble as unholy energy coursed through it. With an ear rending crash the corpse arose and roared in agony. Then it fell to ground on it’s knees and a new voice came from the lips of the former Paladin.
“I am Devoted to you my Lady, command me!”

The sound had woken everyone with a start. Everyone now stared at the moment of horror that was before them. “Oh… I think we… are… in. trouble” whispered Bors.
“They haven’t noticed us” whispered Senna. “They seem transfixed on each other. If I recall the amount of energy Souldefiler uses to raise someone as strong as our former friend is taxing. We can either rush them…”
“Are you serious?!” hissed Twill. “We should be getting out of here!”
“Let me finish” whispered Senna “We need to move. Now. Before she sees us.”

But Souldefiler had already seen them.

Countless shrieks now surrounded them. “What is that!” yelled Gia, panic and terror now taking hold.

“Voices of the dead Rogue!” boomed the soft yet evil voice of Souldefiler. “They come for you. there is no escape for you. How shall you die, and how shall I raise you I wonder. You will all make fine champions of the Devoted.” She turned her head to look at them. Suddenly a frigid wind began to form. “Run.” Cried Bors. “RUN. Do not even dare to look ba…” And they heard no more from the hunter.

And flee they did, as the screams began to get louder and louder. Rushing footsteps could now be heard, crashing through under growth. “He’s gone… Gone!” yelled Twill, panic now fully in control. “I have to get out of here!” turning to run she ran straight into the arms of an undead. “pre…tttty…” wailed the walking corpse, it’s lank hair obscuring it’s features. “Back you disgusting filth!” shouted Gia, pushing the corpse back which fell with a gasp. Jumping over it they ran through the thicket, an ever growing sense of dread following them. Suddenly Senna gave a scream and she was yanked back into the following dark, her outstrecthed hand in one last pitiful gesture before she was gone.

Now only Gia, Twill, and Gemellus remained. Running on, they came to a clearing. Stumbling forward, they scrabbled on the ground, the sharp rocks biting into their hands.

Cursing as the rocks bit her, Twill looked down, and gave a shrill cry. “By the Sunwell!” Jumping up she quickly pulled Gia up and with a white look of terror whispered “do not look down at our feet…”

Gemellus whispered “Listen. They have stopped following. This will give me time…”

“Time?” Yelled Gia “Time for what? And get your hands off me Twill!” wrenching his hand free and losing his balance. crashing headfirst into what he thought was at first rock, he quickly pulled himself up with a look of horror. “Oh curse you Souldefiler. If I could wipe you out of existence with a thought I would do so now and not feel a shred of remorse you monster.”

“Be quiet” said Gemellus. “I need time.” raising his staff to the skies he chanted a strange incantation. Light began to fill the area, and revealed the piles of broken bodies and bones they stood upon. “I can’t bear to stay here, do what you must and hurry.”

The voices rose again. Souldefiler’s voice boomed through the wood. “First Punicilla. Then Bors. Now Senna. All now serve me.” She stepped into the light, Puny came alongside her, her eyes burning with desire. “let me take them Mistress. my sword yearns for blood”

Bors then appeared on the other side “No… Allow me! I want to test their resolve” notching an arrow he prepared to shoot. “NO mistress! It should be my honour!!” screamed Senna, and shape shifting in a ghastly distortion of her wolf, it’s eyes blazing red fire, it’s mouth dripping foam and blood. She crouched as if preparing to leap.

“Oh but how eager you all are!” exclaimed Souldefiler joyfully. “Truly my Champions of Devotion.” Turning to Puny and Bors she motioned them to kneel. Senna in her wolf form sat on her hind quarters at her mistress’ feet.

“Brother… why do you resist me. You know what will become of your friends. Of you. Here. A gift.” She threw a ring into the circle and it circled to a stop. Gia picked it up

“What’s this you absolute scum?” he demanded.

“Ask the one who brought you here to me. Unwittingly of course, he did so with the best of intentions.”

Gia turned and showed the ring to Gemellus. Still chanting his incantation he looked at the ring. Then his voice began to fall away. Dropping his hands, the light faded from the circle, leaving only a small pool of red light at their feet.

“What is it!” shrieked Twill, her mind now gone forever. “no more no more!” and with a cry she ran off in the darkness. A hideous howl shattered the sudden peaceful calm and only the screams of Twill could be heard before silence.

“Only you and the gnome remain brother. nothing will save you now.” The shapes of Puny, Bors and Senna surrounded them, slowly circling. In the darkness the sounds of tearing and ripping could be heard, followed by a scream that chilled the blood. Then there came a hideous laugh, and the form of Twill followed Souldefiler, bent over holding her strung bow aimed at Gia.

A deadly quiet now fell over the area. Gia looked around him, panic starting to take hold. Twill gave a crazed giggle and raised her bow, preparing to loose an arrow. With a hand Souldefiler reached across and pushed her bow down. Twill, still cackling, leered at Gia licking her lips.
“tasteeeeee…” she muttered.

Gia could take no more. “I will not allow you to defile me as you defiled them!” Plunging his daggers into his belly his life was gone.

“I was looking forward to cleaving off his ridiculous head” whispered Puny. Looking down at the corpse of Gia with her arms crossed, dark smoke rising from her back.

“Enough” said souldefiler “You have work to do. Prepare to leave for Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Garb yourselves as champions of both cities. No one must know of your true mission. Get them ready for my coming. But Bors. I have a special task for you. Give this to Jaina Proudmoore.” Souldefiler dropped a small trinket shaped like a demon’s head into his outstretched palm. “She will not say anything to you, or indeed anyone, and she will make no sign. But she will later ask you to meet her in private. When she does, say only this. Shalakazor. She will understand it’s meaning. Go and leave us.”

Coming into the circle she stood over the corpse of Gia. Without even pausing to glance downwards she clenched her fist and the corpse began to decompose rapidly. Only the bones remained. Clenching her fist harder, the bones exploded. Crying a new spell, the ghost of Gia fell to it’s knees and whispered in an evilly cold voice “Mistress. I serve you with all my being” Gia then rose and stood beside his mistress.

Now only Brother and Sister remained.

“I am stronger than you brother. Do you recognize that ring?”

"Yes… " he whispered. “Yes i do. it was Selonia’s. A gift to her from her father on her wedding day”

“Indeed. Marriage…” said Souldefiler softly.

“Where did you get it. Have you killed her too.?”

“No I haven’t. But they did.” She gestured forward with two upright fingers and two small figures came into the light.

“Hello father. We missed you while you were gone. Aunt Pammie has been looking after us. We were so ill but she helped us get better.”

Gemellus looked at them with tears forming in his eyes. then his glance hardened and he turned to the death knight, now standing with her arms crossed as if judging his worth. “I will not allow you to crush me as you crushed so many others” he thought.

His voice broke into a hoarse whisper “You have not won yet sister.”

Standing facing her directly he spoke clearly.

“Never did I think you could do such a thing sister. Even after all the tales I have heard. This is… an unspeakable evil. I feel nothing for you now. Do what you will. You can take nothing from me now.”

Unseen he rolled the finger in his hand, yet never taking his eyes off the Death Knight.

Souldefiler looked down at Gia who was fixated on Gemellus, eager to kill and please his mistress.

“Patience little one” she mockingly sneered. “I wouldn’t have you kill an unarmed man, one so worthy.”

She threw Gemellus one of her blades and with an evil voice “As I gave Emily a sporting chance, I give you one. You will die here, but I will not raise you. I will simply leave you for the beasts.”

Gemellus rose to his full height, threw back his head and laughed at her.

"You never knew, what this ring actually meant to me did you Souldefiler? Now with a clear and ringing voice, he grasped the ring and yelled a spell. Gia leapt towards him, but in an instant he was frozen in time and space. “You cannot physically hurt me Souldefiler!” laughed Gemellus. There is nothing you can do to me while I hold this ring.
You gave me a gift out of your own evil and twisted malice thinking to break me as you broke them. Already I am leaving this damned place. Do not try to follow me, you will not find me.

But I will find you. I will seek out your new Champions of Devotion, and I will destroy them as you destroyed those champions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

I shall destroy all you hold dear, as you destroyed all dear to me. And when I face you for our final battle. I shall not be alone. All of Azeroth’s champions, those still with us and those long gone.

All shall hear of your deeds this day, and we will return terrible retribution on you. Prepare yourself for reckoning Souldefiler. We will come for you!"

And with a blinding flash he was gone. The sword he was given by Souldefiler clattered on the ground. Gia broken from his spell, crashed on the ground “Owwww… that smarts. Now what!” as he looked around wildly.

Souldefiler said nothing as she picked up her sword and sheathed it with it’s twin across her back.

“Come. We have work to do.”

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U write very good! Loved it :slight_smile:

Your raid boss is now up, I’ve added it to the already existing Bors thread. if you want me to change anything let me know.

(took me just over 2 hours lol)

I love it! You write so good :grin:

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