Spawn rates


Likely never to be heard but can we look at spawn rates of stuff? Every night its like, taking an hour to complete a quest in a zone where the mobs take 5-6 mins to respawn.

Its great to see the world populated but I’m spending a lot of my time just sat here, logging off, begging for a layer change or competing against 8 others players spawn camping. It’s not like I’ve much choice, these are the quests and the spawning is bottle-knecking causing some people to behave depraved.

You know the type, sees you making a run for a mob only to desperately pull it before you can. Thanks! Be lovely becuase I’m picturing Hellfire Peninsula next year and I’m not looking forward to this.

(before the obvious is stated, I refer to loot quests, not kill ones, I’ve found people group up loads on the kills just not the loot quests)

This has been discussed to death during the first month of Fresh before Christmas. Layers are too big and spawn rates are too slow. Blizzard didn’t do anything about it when it affected most people. Do you think they will do now that it only affects stragglers and alts?


Well atleast its a populated server still :smiling_face:
Im actually suprised ppl still do low lvl quests still in mass😅

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Many of my retail friends came back to classic and i’m sure they are not minority

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