Speculation: WoW Classic has more players than retail in the EU and the US

Its all hype . Once people hit 60 and see there is no content they will come back to BfA screaming “how cruel the world is”.


Would of been cooler if you had said “unfair” :smile:

You realize those data are based on number of characters?not players.Most of the current realms,its been speculated since WoD,are around 10k population capp wise.Draenor and Silvermoon are specific since they are soo dam huge and it’s suggested they are around launch time period around 15k pop wise.And i doubt the api would hold a bigger realm,it would crash down,hence why we have those mail/ah/bank lags durring those times.Not to mention the old engine and the data it has to pacagged down with current WoW.
Also the current WoW retail realm list in game has High all the time no matter the day/month,witch pretty much means its not using and addon to update it,but stationary updates.(shocker)

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So let’s supposed that indeed Wow classic has more players than retail.

No for the sake of argument let’s say it has 10 times the player base.

What’s the purpose of this thread?


Exchange information,ideas and discuss them?I mean its the forums.

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Complete bullsh1t.

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Lets speculate again, after the masses hits lvl 60, and discovers that there is mediocre endgame.

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I’m still waiting for Trelw to tell us what the numbers are when he is ready to do so. He seemed like the most reliable guy for this sort of stuff.

Edit: I think I confused Danelos with Trelw as the go-to “numbers” guy. Apologies.


Indeed, and retail forums are the best place to do so. On the classic forums 90% of the replies are: " bAcK tO rEtAil! #nOcHanGes."

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That there is no end game******. Anyway guys, anyone saw the 8.2.5 new stuff from yesterday?

Don’t think there’s much more to discuss about this clown thread.

It deppendes what kind of people and posters you want to exchange information.And people always have some hidden baiss.There are always people who just apply the “mob mentality”,if a group of people is doing something it cant be then “bad”.

Its like the old one “horde players are scum” they ganked me,sorry to break it to you but its people related not faction wise.Same logic here all kind of people/posters m8.Its for you to decide personally to witch you want to give attention too.

Like any and all of these threads, obviously - classic bulls won, retail cucks lost.

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  1. Because of the hype. Streamers always stream current hot-game. They are subscriber baiters. Nothing else.
  2. And most people do not browse /r at all. Also see point 1- the hype. Need for information.
  3. I play in a top 5 realm. I see literally no difference. And people talk, and sharding has always been … sharding and mixing people to fill in the cap.
  4. You have always had times where you need to wait in LFG tools. No link with Classic.
  5. Like always.
  6. Actually nowadays only 3 servers on classic have queues, and their capacity is also less compared modern realms. Classic realms feel more populated due the layer capacity size and that there were wave of people, so likely you saw many people on your level. Whereas when I did my bank character in classic I was ONLY new undead, and I was ONLY lowbie going for L10. EMPTY.
  7. I am in medium sized guild, we killed new mythic EP boss this reset, despite 15 of same raid team also playing character in classic. Most players log between games because of the community within guild. Maybe your guild wasn’t as social and nice afterall? Also yes, coincidence.

What i think ? I think you over think and I am not sure if its bait or not.

I wonder why people still play classic after 2 weeks and don’t join retail that has no new contents anymore until 8.2.5.


Well give it some weeks doesn’t mean 2.5 ^^
Let people reach 60 on classic and get into the endgame. That’s the point where tourists will probably realize it’s a grind over there aswell. The population will start balancing out after some time. In the end we will prbably see people shifting back and forth patch wise. If Blizz alters their retail and classic patches good they will manage to bridge the feeling of content draughts abit and generate a buffer, which is good.

Right now people enjoy the feeling of freshness in classic, compared to the repetition they feel in BfA. Let’s wait for 8.2.5 and see what happens then, I am not worried at all about either game. Guess they’ll both always have their audience :slight_smile:

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Trolling, flagged.

Pretty much this ^^^

It’s around 2-3 layers per server

btw, how do you post an image ?

Trust level 3 . It’s basically means that you are a active member of the forum