Spells lost in action bars

Every time I log out of my recent Pandaria Remix character, all spells disappear from her action bars. I’ve read that this is semi-common on characters up to level 10, but it was fine until 11, then I dc-ed once, and now it happens every time I log out. The character is level 18…

Locking the action bars did not help. So far, only that one character is affected, though I’d love to actually level it once that’s fixed. Would deleting it and remaking it help? Might be faster?


On lvl39 Paladin in livegame, same story. I’m playing BfA through CT and for the third time in a row, my keybinds are completely empty upon log-in.

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I boosted a character with the expansion pack boost, and many times during the day I get my spells in the action bar reset.

Is this character I am writing from

This is a known issue:

Happening to me as well in level 70, didnt happen until i reached level 70, every time i log in i need to place every spell ones again, which is not small amount,

i tried to remove all addons and it still happened

i checked for patch but there wasnt one

please blizzard make it stop, its annoying to spend like 10 minutes every time i need to log out or going to the bathroom for 10 minutes and the character disconnect

Same problem here on one toon so far. Every time I log back in, all my action bars are empty.

My other toons are okay tho… Odd…

I have the same problem.
I have noticed that when I clear all spells from action bars and re-login after that this bug happens also on characters without it problem before.

i have too problem :pensive: with my new character 70 lvl not save skil

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