there are 20+ lvl 60’s in EVERY zone from 20-50 vacuuming up all the herbs and ores.
No point getting a gathering profession until you are 60.
half of them are bots, the other half will one shot you to get your herb spawn or whatever.
completely broken for anyone leveling up.
We need a seperate layer for level 55+ in every zone so they can gank eachother and leave the levelers alone. if they leave the layer they get auto put back into it.
The problem is as soon as players notice such a layer they will just have two toons, one for 55+ and one for sub55 levels specifically twinked. It would not really hinder them. Especially wouldn’t hinder bots.
Are you playing on a PVP realm? If you don’t enjoy PVP you can consider joining a PVE realm where engages are at-will in most zones instead of all the time.
Exactly, low level gank is the only way for WoW players to feel powerful in their life. We are not going to take away their only accomplishment here on earth, they have nothing else, the poor.
The solution is dynamic spawn nodes (that means it always appears to you even if someone else harvested it disapearing only if you harvest it) like in other games, it wont break the economy and will dramatically improve gaming experience.
The counter argument is then bots will move to questing. Well that would be an amazing scenario, seeing how quests one are not repeatable and second they will be seen by everyone and reported. Or better yet ganked endlessly.
The question is why is Blizzard allowing bots to have such an easy time? Sure they get banned but the bots have already budgeted for that.
Yep not only do they completely control the black lotus market, also the boosters are completely controlled by them. There are several discord servers where they mass report anyone thats not playing to “their rules”. The second you try to sell a boost youll be flagged in an hour by mass reports.
Dont believe me? Here’s one of their servers;
https:// discord .gg/ fu72pVwD
The economy currently is cornered and under monopoly, by allowing every player to harvest the same node (as in node CD is tied to a specific player) you return the market to a fair state.
Again, this is not my concept or idea, it has been around for many years in MMOs and works well.