Spineshatter EU PVP Boosting Mafias

Hey all,

Since few weeks/months we have toxics players specifically on the Horde side on the Spineshatter EU PVP server who are trying to get people banned for several reasons about Maraudon Boosting.

These players are deliberately driving up prices about Maraudon runs, for exemple for 5 runs of 330+ mobs you will pay 125 golds, normally it would cost you 85 golds or 90 golds maximum for 5 runs but these players have toxic behavior to force other players who set lower prices than they do.

They contact you via private messages on the game and tell you to raise your prices, because if you don’t, they’ll have to compete and no one will come to them because their prices are very high (for a bad quality…).

You have two options: either you give in out of fear and raise your prices, or you refuse their offer and continue to set your prices lower, but they’ll tell you that they’ll make sure to mass report you to get your account banned from the game. They take advantage of this system because if a player is reported by a lot of people, there’s a good chance he’ll be automatically blocked without a Blizzard support team having studied the request manually… You will then have to create a support request so that Blizzard can check it manually and detect the error, although this may take several days.

They also wait for the slightest mistake on your part when you post an ad in the wrong channel to mass report you to get you banned.

The vast majority of these players have two accounts, one in the alliance faction and one in the horde faction, if you don’t want to take their offer they follow you with their Alliance account on every layers you are and after that they will connect their Horde account for klilling you and your “clients” that you are boosting. Just reminder that union between Alliance and Horde are not allowed.

When you decide to create a group to go and fight these people and kill the boosters who want to intimidate you, they log on to their account of the same faction as you (Alliance) to threaten and insult you. Here you can saw that on this screenshot of today :


I have in my possession a discord on which this community is grouped together and regularly posts information about players who don’t want to be intimidated by them, i will post many screenshots of that :

Screenshot of one of them telling to his weird community about the mass report


If you /shout or /1 your boost rip



Even if you post on “Services” where you allowed to post your boosting they report you


Finaly, if you tell them that you will kill them and make FREE boost for your faction they also report you too


It would also be a good idea for Blizzard to impose restrictions on servers according to their geographical zone. As a large proportion of these players are not located in Europe, it would be preferable to prevent them from importing their negative behavior and illegal activities…

These kinds of situations can make the gaming experience unpleasant for many players and it has no place in the game. Hopefully things will change once and for all.


It’s not possible as they use VPNs. Ofc blizzard can try to block VPNs, but even in this case they can use private proxy that is not possible to detect.

I play on Spineshatter Horde, and I have just gotten banned from exactly this. I was practicing my maraudon boost and therefore lowered my price. After boosting for 2 days I am now banned for 7 days. While i was boosting i also got permanently camped by 5 alliance players from the guild , who i suspect are the same people as some of the horde mages that whispered me to raise my prices (even though i told them i was practicing).

Tried contacting blizzard through the ticket system, and the first response I get is an automated answer as well.

I really hope a human being from blizzard would take their time to look properly into this. It’s a REAL issue.

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Boosting is harmful to this game. You produce people who didn’t work as hard on their characters as other did, you provoke RMT, you fill chats with ads. Just don’t do it and report other boosters when you have a chance.

Yes we know, Blizzard doesn’t care or else they would have banned these individuals by now.

You cannot boost if you are not part of mafia communities. I got banned multiple time trying to compete their prices, even if you sell for their prices someone else will report you. People triggered by boosting messages in game and majority of them which are not part of the boosting mafia reports as well.

Blizzard should remove boosting like GDKP or report system have to be changed.

I report every boost message I see. Good to know it has the effect.

You seeing what happens when a company worth billions of dollars decides it needs another million dollars a year because it doesn’t want to hire in-game GMs to actually handle the player base. Please be understanding, the share-holders need a new boats and the executives need a good boy bonus for being the best little doggy they could be.

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