Spineshatter RMT

Those who break the rules and engage in RMT (buy gold and raid loot) are all on one mega server now the affects on the game are visible with bots farming everything and AH prices out of reach for most.

I don’t know if character transfer from PvP → PvE can help?

Or open a new PvP server so people who don’t want to waste a year on a bot infested and RMT full server can go?

This is a lie. GDKP is banned therefore the economy is fine. Inflation is an illusion.


The playerbase are the ones who provide botters with business.

Moving the RMT-playerbase to a new server won’t make any difference. It’s just how sad the playerbase is these days. No way around it. The good old days are long gone, we just gotta face that fact.

As long as people will buy gold with their mastercard we will have goldsellers one way or the other and Blizzard will constantly be one step behind the botting-industry.


Those who have already dumped a large amount of real money will stay, the rest of us can go?

Sure, but that won’t stop players buying gold and later on boosts and gear on the new server.

Why do you only blame the playerbase?

If in your society, there is ZERO penalty from taking something from the supermarket and not paying for it, do you think people would not go ahead and not pay for stuff?

What about the enforcement of the rules?

I cannot stand these posts blasting the playerbase anymore. I NEVER do RMT, and the majority of people complaining here about it are the same. Why are we the issue?

Where is the enforcement of the rules?


3 Weeks ago same bots same area 24/24 They make from herb near 600 to 1 k gold per day .
There are 3 bots curving same area . Imagine plenty of people that are reporting them and even on general with cursing and flaming

Tanaris is a fun area. Plenty of bots with red gear dying …respawn dying again:D
The number of Hunters is astonish with plenty of them taking high-spawn area were many players are .(They don’t give an :smiley: _).

Felwood again 57-58 lvl hunters same route 24/24 …
Blasted Land the same :smiley:
Arathi the same with Tanaris

What could go wrong ?? A mega-server where players compete with bots in exp-proffesions .
I see on winner or basically 2 winners and 1 loser .
1st are the bots …easy win on everything and mostly because they don’t get banned .
2nd Is blizz more income .
3rd are the stupid players that most of them are in their 30-40 believing that they would caught again the amazing experience once they had in 2004 or some that never had an experience to play the peak time of wow .

Lastly i really consider using bots seeing some video-photos of people abusing the system and earning almost 6k gold per week while not doing anything .


Yes, I’m blaming the fire on the arsonist, not the firefighter.

Also, I never said that Blizzard should have zero penalties for idiots who buy gold.

Making things up and arguing against them is called strawmanning, you should stop doing that that.

It appears the anniversary version of Vanilla could be named “The Botting Crusade”.

In Era, for years, we have complained incessantly about botting schemes, boosting, GDKPs, etc. We have come to accept it, and live with the fact there are 2 parallel Era universes - 1. The OG Era community (a minority), which loves Vanilla WoW and has principles and integrity, and 2. The RMT ran community, which sees no need in community building, and establishes EVERY SINGLE interaction between players as a Gold transaction (which Blizzard is obviously fine with).

Now with one Vanilla mega server, with layers, bot are even more concentrated. There is no longer a need to bot in some hidden empty Era cluster. No more need to cater to the economies of a variety of servers like in the Classic re-release.

The money making scheme all at once under one roof, pre-planned, making the makers a TON of money.

Blind are those who cannot see this.


You can’t blame fire fighter because there is no fire fighter. Arsonist spends 2 days in prison and is released. No one douses fire because government decided that firefighters are not needed.

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Well if you choose to belive that Blizzard is lying regarding their punishment for gold-buying, by all means that’s your perogative. But you can’t really expect anyone being able to hold an honest conversation with you if your baseline is that anything that doesn’t suits you is a lie.

I dont say they are lying. I say they choose not to take any serious meaures against it


This quote alone tells me you have zero idea how business, markets, and money making works.

What conversation do you want to have? That big corporations are honest and do not lie? Is that your baseline?



“there is no fire fighter” - There are according to Blizzard.
“2 days prison” - They state that they start with 14 days on first offence with removal of gold and increase it on repeated offences.
“No one douses fire because government decided that firefighters are not needed.” - Here you straight up call them liars. Which is fine if you want to belive they are, we just can’t discuss anything if we have that as a baseline.

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Seeing as you your self have no issues at all with making things up, as seen earlier in this thread Mr Strawman, I guess cooperations reflect people in some aspect so they probably lie quite a bit. I never claimed otherwise.

But having a discussion with people who pick and choose what is true and not according to what suits them and proceeds to make stuff up like you do is just fruitless though. You can’t have a meaningful discussion about anything.

Also, thanks for the feedback on me being completely clueless in regards to business, markets and money making. I wonder how you got to know me that well? Well, I’ll make sure to study all those areas harder from now on.

Don’t waste your time on this, trust me.

I do not pick and choose what is true or not. I think out of the box to try and hold a company I pay money to accountable. I am nobody’s vasal.

You are the one who chooses to believe Blizzard is on the good side. Let me quote myself again:

“What conversation do you want to have? That big corporations are honest and do not lie? Is that your baseline?”

Now if you want to add something to the conversation, tell us why you do so. What has Blizzard done to earn your trust? If you are so sure about them being fair game, you surely have some irrefutable arguments outside of being defensive, don’t you?


Sorry Mr Strawman, I cba to spend anymore of my attention on you. Good luck with all your future forum-fistfights.

Good luck defending big corporations with zero arguments next time to you too.

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TBH Blizzard completely screwed this from the start.

A single mega server with not enough layers, far too many players with far too few mobs/slow spawning mobs and a release schedule that encourages players to rush to 60. This was begging for people to pay for boosting services which encourages the use of RMT. This in turn results in an increase in bots, which take up even more limited resources/mobs on the server, encouraging people to use RMT… and the cycle then continues.

I honestly believe Blizzard want to have bots. That’s just my opinion and it could be completely incorrect however these sort of ridiculous and obvious mistakes make me lean towards they must be doing it on purpose.


I guess you havn’t read anything I wrote at all. :joy: