/spit has been removed

So what you’re saying is that Blizzard shouldn’t remove /spit from the game? They would combat toxicity better if that emote was preserved? Is that your point? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Their managers are getting their ducks sicked by pwetty gurls for promotions. Their C level execs buy multiple yachts and set a negative tone at the top.

Meanwhile the issue is a /spit emote

What’s next? Undeads becoming k-pop band members?

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Don’t misquote my dude.
There’s a contextual reason for why they have decided to do this now. They’ve been caught with their hands down the wrong pants and they need to quickly drum up support for their decrepit creep pot.
Don’t fall for the corpo sleaze handwaving.

I didn’t. I quoted your entire post and it was right above my own. There’s no ambiguity there. Everyone can easily read what you replied to and what I replied to.


Agree wholeheartedly.

I’m not.

But I still recognize the change as being good.

Do you?

I mean, it’s a simple matter.

Either you want /spit removed from the game, or you don’t.

So what side are you on?

You can wrap it up in all the contextual reasons you want, but there’s still a practical question at the end.

Yes, but no.
Yes because it’s a good change when viewed myopically without context. No because it’s manufactured to make them look better. Hence the term deflection being used.
It’s just as easy to do /ignore on the person spamming it at you, but Blizzard wants to appear like the wonderful parochial protector of the victims here, which they are actually the opposite of.

It’s really not black and white as you like to think it is. Every move they are doing right now is calculated to make them look as good as possible.

Ha! :kissing_heart:

Sadly the game designer responsible for the change – Jeremy Feasel – can’t take both positions on the matter. He has to make a decision.

Do I remove /spit?

Or do I preserve /spit?

And he has decided that the best course of action is to remove it.

Do you agree with his decision or not?

I mean, we can all sit here on the forum and recognize that the matter is nuanced and grey and there’s pros and cons and contextual motives and what not.

But at the end of the day there’s still a simple question:

Do you want /spit in the game or do you not?

What he’s saying is that it is text book corporate deflection strategies in action

This action doesn’t feel like it was born of Blizzard caring about toxicity, but rather are just looking for easy points to score. Regardless if that isn’t what it is, it’s bad enough that it does feel that way
Want to do a better job at tackling toxicity? up the droprate for gear in content which was nerfed to such a degree that people became even less tolerant for mistakes that potentially made content last a minute longer.
Rehire staff that is able to pick up tickets and respond to player complaints instead of relying on this automated heavily abusable report system
Fix being able to report afk kick players from the opposite teams in battlegrounds
Removing an emote is a joke

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Yeah but man, that doesn’t look as good on twitter does it?

Because they are se facto removing agency to the players, and if I, that I have one year of experience as a designer, can understand that players get angry when you do it, this shows they should work on bad indie games instead of a 3A company.

Today is /spit, tomorrow will come:

  • you can text only with pre-recorded phrases.

  • you can kill an enemy player once a day.

  • Limited amount of auctions you can list in the Ah

And more


Yes I understand that. I also see lots of companies who donate to charity all the time, not out of charity on their part but out of image and appearance. I think we all understand how the corporate and capitalistic world of today is working.

But therefore I can still recognize the action being taken as good, regardless of whether the motivation behind it was less noble.

Like I said earlier, then I can recognize one change as being a good solution to one problem without criticizing it because it’s not a solution to another problem.
Different problems, different solutions.

I mean, I don’t criticize the work my local plumber did on my toilet just because his solution didn’t also address the problem I have with holes in my roof.
I can recognize different issues needing different solutions and one solution for one problem not having to be a solution to all problems.

Don’t forget tax exempts, most of them do it because of they donate x amount to charity (different per nation) they can get tax exempts.

The issue I have is that I don’t really have faith in the fact that they’ll go for other options, I think their fixes will remain shallow removal of emotes which look good for PR but don’t do anything else, something you can circumvent by typing /macro and spending 10 seconds to make one.

I guess time will see tho, hopefully they’ll prove me wrong.

In general the plumber you hired and the guy that fixed your roof you hired probably don’t work for the same company, I’m not cynical towards the developers (regarding the /spit change), I’m cynical towards the company.

I think this is a textbook case of argumentum ad absurdum. That’s pretty dumb. There’s absolutely no logical line of thinking that says that because Blizzard removes /spit today, then down the line that will lead to only being able to kill an enemy player once a day. That’s just absurd.

Yes I am aware. That’s why I gave the example. I am aware.

That’s possible. But if the alternative is doing nothing to avoid any criticism for doing something, then I would still prefer them doing something – even if it isn’t much.

I mean, again, it’s still a simple matter of recognizing a small change to partly address a small issue. I can recognize that as a good change – even if it doesn’t also solve climate change and world hunger as well.

Because they are removing agency and interaction to the players,in a mmorpg where the core loop is having good or bad interactions with other users.

Oh without counting the fact that due of this removal, new form of grieving will born, and they will be worse than spamming /spit.

Another proof of their incompetence since they didint cared to study the MDA documents of the game they are working on.


Like I said above, then you’re reducing the argument to absurdities. That’s a logical fallacy. I just called it out. That’s all. Repeating the argument to me doesn’t change anything.

Are you also a game designer?

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No, but I’ve gone to school and learned what fallacies are.

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Ok your school means nothing since you have no knowledge on how design in this industry is made, come back when you will have at least shipped a game.


Is that an attempt to appeal to authority? :smirk:

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If only could they remove rating restriction from pvp gear as easily

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