/spit has been removed


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Or you know, any of the other major pressing issues and structural issues in the game right now.

You know how many /silly and /flirt lines have been removed since release and entire emotes have been purged and none of that has occured yet. Doomsday posting about this stuff gets old fast especially that farfetched.

They didn’t have the same numbers of dynamics and aesthetics attached to it.

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man there’s a lot of arguments you can make for them not removing spit.

aesthetics is not it LOL.

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A single mechanics can generate x number of dynamics and them generate different aesthetics to the players based on their player type.


As a designer you have control only on mechanics. That’s why before introducing or removing any mechanics inside your game, a good designer along side is GDD it has checks the MDA of his game, since it’s a tool that helps to comprehend how your Ta is going to react.

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This also implies Blizzard have designers on the game, or people playing the game they “”“design”“”
Which is being very generous to them.

Getting in on those absurdities, eh? :clap: :clap:

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Yep…will probably be replaced with a / kneels down and reluctantly absorbs life-force and proceeds to cry afterwards emote.


For what I am seeing I would not being surprised that even a senior or a lead is completely ignorant about fundamental frameworks, like schells mechanics analysis.

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I mean its been proven that developers slack off, interns are forced to do the work and corporate leaks show very few people care about the game itself so… not sure what the absurdity here is.
Or why you seem to intent on defending them? Are they paying your sub?

Lol…it’s almost as if Blizzard is challenging toxic players to find new innovative ways to be toxic?! But hey…they seem to know what they are doing.

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This was a good discussion. I’ve enjoyed it. Now you all seem to double-down on stupid fallacies which I won’t participate in – I can only call it out.
But as said, it was a good discussion, but I’m out. Enjoy the circle-jerk. :kissing_heart:

From what i’ve seen they’re drunk most days so not surprising at all.

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Because actually working in designing new mechanics is to hard for them, easy to remove any form of interaction.

But hey people with no experience at all in the industry dares to say that is not true.

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Considered that i managed to ship a metroidvania in a 4 day jam with other 2 people , and noone of us knows how to programming, shows their quality

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“Oh yeah!? I bet you’ve never worked on and shipped on a game but hah - me being the greatness I am worked on a game no ones ever heard of or will look at and therefore that makes my opinions superior on anything in relation to games and dev work!” Brainrot is a real condition

I suppose THAT is clearly not a reason to run protests in Oribos, right?

So is ad hominem my dude.

Said this guy:

Okay now I am out! :rofl: