/spit has been removed

/spit is getting removed because Asmongold started a trend where people would spamm spit on players with store mounts and people have not stopped, to this day i see people getting spamm spit on for using the TBC deluxe edition mount. So if you want go thank him for that.

In a mildly twisted sense of humour the whole game is dark, I just watched N’Zoth torture my worgen and gifting the eye. If you see the worg ani its pretty dark not like the Lord Walden choke hold more like soul ripping, Anyway I get ahead… A shadow priest is possibly one of the most foul, abusive, harrasing and damned class after all casting pain and mental torment then a plague and void energy to twist the mind further. If spit goes which is minor in comparison then as OP said its just furry farmville.

The staff and company need to sort themselves out sure but the game should not be PC’d - but it does look at the differences in China where death is taboo and objects are changed (was it that or meat lol)

Anyways keep warcraft bloody, ripping and tearing please. I like rivers of horde blood when there head explodes from my torment… (oops) oh a perhaps remove worgen claws they are a bit dangerous take an eye out with that.

Humour, sarcasm, sorry not sorry. Real world gets sorted but please not the game.

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I feel its a bit late in the day to start caring about the WoW playerbase being a toxic mess, Failzzard. :stuck_out_tongue:

next peoples will target on peoples use /rude or /gasp and they have to remove that aswell ? :rofl:

Another strong reason to hate horseteethman

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