/spit has been removed

When I started paiting I was watching tons of videos how to do. To make my art better and better every time. I’m still not satisfied but I improved a lot from first time when I started my hobby.
This is very important to want improve yourself.

depends on what you are trying to improve though… painting is far more beneficial than say getting rating in world of warcraft… (unless you are one of the lucky few who actually play this game as a job).

most people just play wow for fun and dont care about winning or losing they just want to escape the awful real world for a few hours.

I play for fun but I improve my skills to do old content faster or do it solo and get all drop for myself. There is always reason to improve yourself irl or in games.

that is fine to do that, but also need to respect the fact no everyone is here to do the same.

You know it’s against the ToS to mass report with your alts, right?

Oh man… You surprise me every single time with how low you’ll go.
Every. Single. Time.

Anyway… /spit

should stay.

Actually all different individuals, I just swapped to mine other account since on this I can’t post gif.


Just use macro /e spit on %t

No I simply payed with gold.

To be clear I’m fine if it stays, the thought that /spit should be removed never even crossed my mind before. In fact, I think conflict between players, to an extent, is fine and it’s part of the game. But I don’t care if they remove the emote either, this to me sounds 100% like fake artificial outrage, for a change.

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What if I play wow for the furry erp with specific fetish for vulpera spit.

If the removal of /spit is such a huge problem for you and other than you are the problem. Stop making drama about every little change and quit if you don’t like the game anymore.

Yeah… This is just a violation of the Freedom of Speech. Pfffft, who needs dat.

CRINGE, yikes.

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why spit gets removed and not lick? isn’t licking someone without consent pretty much sexual harassment/rape?

o wait… thats right… blizzard devs love that sexual harrasment.

removing spit is nothing more then just a show towards the media ‘‘look at us making the world better, please ignore our giant sexual harrasment lawsuit’’

Mate, you’r playing a cow. Cows lick stuff on daily basis.

we also give milk and you don’t see us running trough ogrimmar and soaking everyone in milk

Well I seen a couple on RP realm.

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so is /laugh, better remove that too

Deleting something harmless without any good reason is a problem for me yes. And people who dont like this change such as me have right to be heard, if you dont accept this → quit.