/spit has been removed

another daughter of another soyboy complained when another sigma /spit on her. the same as it was with the words of garrosh about sylvanas which have been removed
I will continue to /sit and /fart btw

Pandas should not use that word. LOL

There is no such thing as that. Getting funnier every second.

Ah you rando was replying to me. Way to miss the point of my post. Back to your tree elf. Oh wait.

Removing /spit would be one of the few good changes in years.

You’re telling someone to go hit the gym when you’re busy posting in the public forums of a fantasy game featuring elves, goblins and gnomes whilst your own avatar is a prissy Barbie like female elf.

And you’re trying to do so whilst holding onto pretences of being some macho hard man.

You are doing this TOTALLY wrong.

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Ticking all the Fash boxes…eh, Top Lobster 13.

Whoa, chill, boi. It’s just a joke. Ah, forget, you are all vulnerable. That’s why u need more meat in ur ration, gym etc.

Vulnerable? Mate, i’m laughing my backside off here. This ain’t offence, it’s disbelief. You kinda lose the “it’s a joke” angle when you resort to using the same stuff to try and take a swipe. That you actually probably believe it is I think the funniest part.

He ran off without even stopping, I don’t think he noticed to be honest. I was going to /w him but he was gone.

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This will teach people to be good and non toxic. I’m certain of it.


Oh god I really hope these dudes tell their buddies whom they laugh about soyboys with that they post as anthropomorphic foxes on that fantasy role-playing game for nerds. But they don’t, because they know they’d be laughed at. So they take to trying to be the biggest D nerd in the pool, the pike in the pond.

To coin a phrase from the likes of which, absolute betas in every sense of the word.

well as a roleplayer i use /e all the time :rofl:

customized emotes are unintelligible cross faction, but you can still “/e spits on %t” on members of your faction.
I guess most of the problem with “rude” emotes is cross faction, as you can simply /w and insult someone if they are on your same faction.

I guess that I will need to buy more elixir of tongues then.

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How about if they work on company issues first? Build proffesional work environment and focus on the game how about that?

Instead of working on actual game blizzard prioritize’s things like this and you people love it?

It is like throwing a dog crumbs instead of actualy bone, but i guess people have to show their non existent virtues.

It is toxic? Sometimes yes, is it that important no, just fix your company and games first.


will kinda funny if they removed /spit :rofl:

Kind of reminds me of


I have a large, genuine Megalodon tooth fossil…true story.


I think this is 100% absurd. This game is about killing, so its ok to kill a player but not spit on them, which is worse?? This is not going to remove the toxity as someone can simply type out the word spit or something else.

Retail has so many problems and yet the developers feel this is the most pressing issue. No wonder people are leaving.


What’s that full release you’re talking about? This is wow, not some science fiction.