SPOILER Jailer Cinematic

Since when is Asjon an US player?

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I dunno. /10char

Wait, so that’s it? This is the most underwhelming cinematic I’ve ever seen, and I had no expectations to begin with.


So…that’s it?

Basically, heal Icecrown sky and happy days?

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you don’t need to understand it
it’s stupid story from a bad writers no need to pretend.
this whole expansion was a JOKE
and basically as someone in this thread already said
it was a FILLER just like WOD was filler for legion…


This is even worse than WoD being a filler though.

BFA was the filler for SL, yet SL was just the filler for 10.0

So we’ve had a filler’s filler expansion.


A forgettable end to a forgettable expansion.

The problem is there is nothing to give any confidence 10.0 will be any better.


Remembering the events of recent years, the next expansion will be another filler. So filler’s filler’s filler :smiley:

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Then that will be a “wait and see for 11.0.”


Because hes an Automa. Same with the other covenant leaders. Given we are fighting their prototypes in the raid as well.

He has no anima etc. Hes a contruct of the first ones. Hes not part of the cycle as hes created to exist outside of it.

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I’m just completely lost with what Kretias is talking about.

Now I don’t know which characters are robots and which are people
What is this expansion?

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Everything in the shadowlands were once robots. The Pantheon are still the raw construct of it. They replaced the previous pantheon (because they were too fanatical in their concept and were incapable of showing compassion and all the other “mortal stuff”). So the Pantheon are hard robots while everything else is “living”.

If you would kill the Primus then a similar construct would remain as corpse while everyone else turns into smoosh (anima). Same would have happened to Denathrius if he wouldnt have been absorbed by remornia.

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Yes Kretias. Absolutely.

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I never said its an even remotely good story now did i.

Never criticized what you said.

I’m mocking myself, by the fact that I’m as confused about this story as I am about WoD.

Lorewise WoD stomps Shadowlands. Shadowlands entire lore is trash. And the ONLY good thing that came out of this xpac was Daddy Denathrius.


Yeah he and Sargeras are in the same boat.
Both tried to save the worlds from " Something "
Sargeras case was the Void.

We dont know what is to come that Zovaal mentioned, He already know of the Void etc.

Spoilers (?)

Could be that he wanted to unite the 6 Forces against the 7th force which we know very little about (If anything)

Sargeras wanted to kill everything. Zovaal wanted to unite it (albait mind controlled).

Given the Old Gods were already precisely aware of what Zovaal was doing before Sylvanas was even recruited by him (and knew exactly what she will do from that point on) i will stick with the Void Lords.