SPOILER Jailer Cinematic

Only good theory on that.

But it’s still very underwhelming, no conclusion what so ever…

Yeah Sargeras wanted to kill everything so the Void could not consume it, and it’s titan.

Yeah the Void and the Void Lords, and the Old Gods sees Thousands possible paths, they knew for sure the result of Sylvanas and Zovaal.

Next Expansion does look towards a Light & Void expansion, but i guess we gotta wait til the 19th of April to find that out :sweat_smile:

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Its gonna be the light xpac so they can throw more bones towards the void. Plus its too early for the void xpac without Azeroth being fully powered.

Denathrius was trully amazing.


True in a way, but we do know our next journey will be on Azeroth, or well take place there.
Dragon Isles? :eyes:

Could be full with secrets there about the Void, Light and Azeroth herself.

im confused regarding the final words, so zovaal wanted


to unite us all (with domination) because a biggest threat is incoming, yet he never warned any of us and only told us that reality was unjust, so how were we supposed to be convinced?


I liked the intro cinematic. That was a clever angle on Icecrown that I don’t think many had speculated, but it makes a lot of sense – even retroactively – and therefore that’s a feather in the hat to Blizzard. Credit where credit is due!

The ending cinematic was disappointing.
I fully expected this cinematic to be the moment when Blizzard would pop the champagne bottle, stick the needle in the balloon, and otherwise do something about that storyline that they’ve just been pumping up and up and up for God knows how long now. I mean, it is countless expansions now where every ending is a foreshadowing and a warning of some big baddie that is yet to be revealed. And it never gets revealed. It’s always just around the corner.
And I’ve been playing this game for freaking 17 years now!! Is it too much to ask to get some kind of tangible advancement in the story? This is worse than Anime when it’s at its worst!
And I know the speculation will now revolve around what the next expansion is about and if the intro cinematic will reveal the big baddie. And the community will play right into Blizzard’s hand, only for them to take us on yet another irrelevant adventure with little consequence and less revelation. Blizzard are pricks for teasing for teasing the story so much and delivering so little for so long.
Between Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands I don’t really feel like I have gotten anywhere story-wise since Legion.

Very disappointed in the ending cinematic. Blizzard are not feeling the room here, at all.
And 1:23 minute long?! C’mon!

I dare to say that the ending cinematic to Battle for Azeroth was better than this, and that’s saying a lot.

I mean, Christ, The Jailer is officially the lamest and most pointless villain ever introduced into Warcraft. Freaking Team Rocket accomplishes more than this guy!


Jessie and James are more interesting than Ash - especially when it comes to their pasts, like Jessie/Blissey and James/Chimecho.

I still have no idea what the jailer or shadowlands is about…


Join the club.


I agree with you jito. Normally the end of the exp cinematic is somethin epic and glorious! Think about arthas death or illidan sacrifice… or the big bad of the past!
And now we have this… somethin…
During legion after the “im my scars cinematic” i was deeply curious about the subsequent events.
Now i just dont care. I wanna just go back on azetoth (better the 2 main continent)

Why would he hide his motive if the reason was to unite the cosmos against an even bigger threat? Probably would be possible if he said it from the start instead of when we knocked him down. He would’ve been a powerful ally for it most likely.

But I guess you can’t see that happening when the people writing your character doesn’t know where to take you 3 months from now.

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As one dude on us forum said: "im convinced all bring us to hogger "

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Yeah I don’t understand how Blizzard feels confident in continuing to drag the storyline on and on without going for the big reveal and getting people excited about whoever this big baddie is.

The timeline is just too long. Most players will have quit before Blizzard gets around to revealing who’s behind curtain number 34985739847.

And I’m going to disagree with a little that I said earlier about the intro cinematic being clever because they use Icecrown and the Forge of Souls.
But how does that even work?
It sucks up Azeroth’s soul.
And it goes through the icy pillar of Icecrown.
And into The Sanctum of Domination and Torghast…
And ends up in The Sepulcher of The First Ones?!
How the hell does that even make sense?!

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And those four are only the “main” reals of the afterlive with extra jobs (ferrying, army, atonement, nature god recycling), there are “countless” other realms of the afterlive we haven’t visited - which is why all the “but where is XY, they forgot, bad writers” complaints are silly. (Not saying the writers aren’t bad, though.)

It’s just boring to end up with another big bad behind everything… probably the beings of the seventh cosmic force that has been hinted at in ZM.

When you think about it, this cinematic made both BfA and Shadowlands utterly pointless. They destroyed the story for nothing…


Jailer wanted to remake reality… or more likely create his own afterlive or somehow abuse the afterlive forges… to gain strength / escape the Maw he diverted all souls to the Maw with Denathrius’ help. Since we had to stop him from abusing the forges, we kinda ignored the Maw problem… guess after the Jailer’s gone, the other Immortal Ones (queen, angel, primus… and well, Renathal) will fix it.

isnt he too weak?? he literally got one shot by denathrius pet sword

At this point, who cares?

Let’s just finish this nonsense off and get out of SL.

Because he didn’t have all (Venthyr) Medallions back then and probably wasn’t “raised” yet as an Immortal… or something like that. :wink: