SPOILER Jailer Cinematic

Why must modern writers be like this? Why do they destroy and ruin old to make way for their new stuff? Why in flipping burgers did Jailer need to be the master mind behind it all? So that some one could stroke their small ego and be all “mmm yeeess… thanks to me the plot is so much better now that this new villain is here and I made better!!!”

Blizzard, your games look and sound great but your story telling is nothing but embarrassment

Where are the stories such as Morgan Ladimore of Duskwood before Cata revamp?
Frostfire Ridge horde mainquest?
The Darrowshire quests also prior to Cata?

…The friggin’ secret map quests all over old WoW?

And we all thought “woaaaaaaaaah this is SICK!” seeing the Afterlives: Uther cinematic. And Denathrius. Look where Devos and Sire ended up, two actually interesting and great characters in Shadowlands. The only two great characters sadly, binned during the opening of it all. Ughhhh.

I have a stupid question :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

In the cinematic, it seems like Zovaals skin is turning to ashes and a robot is revealed underneath it. What is that? I guess that is something that has been explained in the new zone somehow, but I am not there yet and I would like to know

Only this time no one cares about the “cliffhanger” anymore.

I’m still mad that they didn’t use More of nyalotha…
The whole black city should have been zone / big patch.

I love lovecraftian stuff.
It was so much wasted potential.

But yeah, the story writing and character building is kindergarten level.
(Or should I say Netflix level of story and character development (

So we raid blizzards office and the easiest but most annoying Boss will be danuser?


and the final one will be “THEKOTICK” and he will fight throwing yachts


Well if that fits your taste. I prefer the blue “waifus”.

Still a better story than twilight.

At least “Twilight” has a story, whole SL has like 10 minutes of narrative.

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And he will look like a slimy green , most ugly Goblin.


Basically the same approach the Eternals movie did with the eternals. They are also these type of robots. I’m not saying SL ideas were snatched from Marvel movies but i’m saying they definetely snatched their ideas from Marvel movies.


Basically it’s because the Pantheon of Death (Zovaal, Winter Queen, Kyrestia, Sire and Primus) are basically just robots created in the Sepulcher of the First Ones. So when they die they leave an empty robot husk.


you know? all that thing make me sad. disappointed and terribly terribly sad.


They even managed to ruin Elune with this narrative. From the only true goddess, wrapped in mystery and intrigue, to just being a robot…

Quoting my preferred game lately: “keeping togheter eh bree? " I’m alright , as long as I don’t think about it too much”

Did anyone else see it?

“There was another way brother”

He knows whats coming, he’s gonna be the main lead when whatever is coming goes down!

Playable nathrazeim confirms? :joy:


The wives of Henry The Blizzard:
(Final boss)
TBC: sucked in a portal
WOTLK: dead
Cata: hit by a beam
MoP: stopped plan
WoD: sucked in a portal (ghul’dan)
Legion: sucked in a portal
BFA: hit by a beam
SL: stopped plan
I see a pattern here :thinking:

I can actually accept that Zovaal may have become the villain we know thanks to being bound in the Maw by Domination magic for eons.

But if I am to sympathize I need to know:

  1. How was he before the Maw?
  2. What did he discover and tell his siblings?

And then there’s always the bit about Sylvanas:

  1. What did he promise/tell her about the universe and how he might have remade it in order to win her over?

I love WOW. I WANT to love WOW. But I need to UNDERSTAND!

Cliffhangers just don’t work if the characters feel lacking.

(The line from Denathrius was genuinely amusing, though.)


Well at this point Shadowlands definitely is worst expansion ever (in matter of lore) for me.
Even these “back in time” WoD were more interesting than Jailer (planning skills: 1/100) and Sylvanas “wymen wont serve!”

I had very very low expectations but I’m still disappointed :tired_face: