SPOILER Jailer Cinematic

My three year old daughter tells better story’s than this absalute sh!tshow

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void lords coming yo !

Kinda poor end. Better than 8.3, but srsly…its just bad. Heroes just killed tones of noname bosses, coming to the most bad and “boom” he is dead. End of story…lol

My money is on the next enemy being all about turning people into fruit to make the universe a more pure place

I hope next expansion will be not space marine assault.

Actually, if we are to go by the story as we have now been told it, then it’s not the Void Lords.

In the Enemy Infiltration book the Nathrezim depicts how they’ve successfully manipulated all the cosmic forces according to their master plan – including The Void.

And The Jailer’s plan was specifically to use Azeroth’s soul to channel his power of domination from Zereth Mortis and through the other cosmic forces’ Zereth planes and thus gain control of all of creation in the universe. Again, that includes whatever Zereth plane that exists in the realm of The Void.
Those Void Lords were checkmated.

So when The Jailer says that a cosmos divided will not survive what is to come, then he is referring to something outside of the 6 cosmic forces that we already know of. Something so big and bad that it cannot be defeated unless the entire universe is united as one.

So that’s basically the story that Blizzard are setting up with this bigger baddie. It’s beyond The Void Lords. It’s beyond anything we’ve ever heard of. It’s the 7th cosmic force! The clockmaker! The inherent chaos!

It’s whatever crap Blizzard decides to pull out of their hat.


There is a small hint in the Firim lore papers you can find in Zereth Mortis, but it is not very clear what it is about. Mostly it talks about 6 forces being “one” and 7th the other one. “Did they desire union? The song seemed to say otherwise. Both were, yet only one could be.”


A crossover with Starcraft would indeed be really scary. Within a certain context, the Zerg are worse than the demons and the scourge

Damn Jito I didn’t know I would live to see a day to see you calling WoW crap.

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10.0 i think is going to be grounded but 11.0 omg idk that will be the climax of the cosmos itself

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Yeah, and if you want to draw some vague parallels, then it already sounds a lot like the creation lore for the Diablo universe, with Anu and Tathamet.

We’ll see. It’s hard to get hyped about it though, because it’s so vague and so far out and the time scale Blizzard operates with is daunting and they provide nothing of substance to work with and it generally feels like a goose chase upon another goose chase at this point.

It’s reveal upon reveal but with little meaning to the reveals.

It’s happened a dozen times or so over the years I think. :slight_smile:


Inb4 it’s the reapers.

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the pineapple pizza

There is no spoiler because the cinematic literally doesn’t tell anything.

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In the beginning there was pineapple pizza. :pizza: :pineapple:
For a time the pineapple pizza was content with its existence. :yin_yang:
But then the pineapple pizza chose to pursue purity of form. :innocent:
So it cast aside the pieces of pineapple. Eww! Pineapple! So gross!! :face_vomiting:
As the pizza pursued the universe as a being of purity the pieces of pineapple found each other and formed into a whole pineapple. :pineapple: :muscle:
And thus after eons had passed the destined fight between the pineapple and the pizza began. :crossed_swords:
The result was the destruction of both. :radioactive: :boom:
The pineapple was shattered into pieces and flung out into the far corners of the universe. :skier: :dizzy:
The pizza was likewise destroyed of form, all that remains being 6 individual slices of what used to be a greater whole. :broken_heart:
And as ages have passed the 6 slices of the pizza have become living and breathing worlds of their own where life goes on as usual. :house: :sun_with_face: :deciduous_tree:
But in the far reaches of the universe the pineapple pieces have once again found each other and formed the whole pineapple. :clown_face:
And now the pineapple is set on a course to finish what was set in motion eons ago. :space_invader:
Can the parts of the pizza come together in time to face the pineapple again, or will the sheer terror of pineapple without pizza be the fate of this universe? :fearful:

Come back to me in a few years and that’ll be pretty close to what Blizzard ends up with. :yum:

where i have to enlist to stay side by side with the terror of the pizza without pineapple? :smiley:

Great piece, Jito!


But who created the reapers? At some point we’ll be going through a portal to yet another universe, something goes wrong and we end up 50 000 years into future without the possibility to go back.

Funny tho. The Void are already aware.

They can see thousands of possibilities and outcomes, they would easily be able to see through Zovaal and the Nathrezim’s plans and Manipulations of the cosmic forces.

Also the Void could see this as a Oppertunity to Use the Nathrezim to achieve their plans.

So the Nathrezim may think that they got the Void around their fingers, but it could be the completely opposite, The Void wants the Nathrezim to believe that they have won the Void over.