SPOILER Jailer Cinematic

This cinematic sucked but I guess that the thing is antimatter.

It wants to touch and unmake the reality so nothing can exist anymore.

I guess that is what those portal statues are for. To observe all planes and timelines to make the antimattercrap make a plan to unmake everything again.
I am 90% sure they are antimatter portals for an antimatter army to destroy everything after taking enough power.

Still doesnt make sense. Isnt this the void? It is another reality.

It is like saying that an asteroid will hit the earth but another asteroid that is an asteroid popping out of existence unmaking the regular asteroid, will hit the earth.

Yeah the story is so predictable. It will propably just be antimatter that will make everything pointless.

hmmmmm is it me or will 10 be a version of azeroth … like the shadowy version of it, so that the baddies can destroy whatever they like and the “real” azeroth wont be touched. Theyll want to destroy the shadowy version and super-impose it on to the real azeroth, thus taking over. EG, they destroy the SW gates in the shadow version and then when the super-imposing comes, the SW agtes will be destroyed in real azeroth and thus they can get in.
The main bit of it will be that you can pvp destroy opposition citys with massive world pvp (gotta force people to pvp, so lets do it via destroying main citys etc) in the shadow version.

shadowy version of azeroth … hence why the azeroth map is all greyed out in the cinematic.

Ugh please let me be wrong, there will be so many sharding problems with this. Nightmare. Blizz, you cant even work out that having a WB out in the open leads to massive lag in the new areas … if you cant get that (after millions told you not to do wb any more) right, you cannot deliver on 2 versions of azeroth at the same time.
Hope im wrong

There is lore in Shadowlands???

With what happens to Arthas, it is confirmed that it is the worst expansion of all. For that, Arthas did not need to appear in this expansion. Worst expansion ever

its dead bro

Anyone else hyped for 11.0 Zovaal great redemption arc when we rebuild him to ask him what threat he was talking about and to help us fight it? I’m getting Illidan vibes.

We want Azeroth to wake up thats the thing. Her being asleep is problematic to us for two reasons.

Her being asleep puts her at incredible risk to be corrupted. Something the Old Gods were attempting to do and also Sargeras goal (either that or have her killed. Although he did call her, in extension, already corrupted when he created the scepter of sargeras in regards of what he said about the eye ontop of the weapon). A corrutped Azeroth would be problematic as she is, lorewise, the strongest being in existence.

Her being asleep delays the Voids demise since she is, according to Aman’thul, required to battle the void lords as nobody else can permanently end them.

Their story has been poop for a while now. Although there is still the possibility that what happened in Ny’alotha isnt everything. This is also supported by Blizzards statement that if we believe what happened in ny’alotha is the only thing that could or has happened then we havent learned anything from what N’Zoth tried to teach us.

Its also supported by il’gynoth given the stuff he said required us to succeed in nyalotha. He directly refers to Mueh’zalas confrontation with us. But not during 8.3 but during Shadowlands. He also refers to Turalyon becomming the King of Stormwind (which as we know required Sylvanas to kidnap anduin). Il’gynoth also refering to the Dreadlords having infiltrated all realms of the cosmos and serving someone else (daddy denathrius).

And the most important piece is that the whispers of the void have become worse since N’Zoth apparent demise. The opposite should have happened. That either means that N’Zoth was acting against the void lords (he does regard us as his children more or less. Even if Yogg-Saron is the true father of several mortal races on azeroth) or that killing him has caused a chain reaction. Also every player with the Gift of N’Zoth after having “killed” N’Zoth can deny his death to several NPCs also bearing the gift and who would know better than the “killer”?.

What i disregard however is Y’Shaarj returning given his last remnant was wiped out after he entirely merged with Garrosh back in MoP. With the latter being able to resist the strongest old gods corruption. Unless they pull the “old gods respawn in the void realm” card.

My bet is on that afrasiabi was impacting the story a lot and after he got yeeted out they scrapped his parts and tried to salvage it. Which ultimately failed as well. Also i assume they tried to wrap up shadowlands since the raid already reeks of 2 raids thrown together (as does the story of zereth mortis). So they just tried to get back to the void lords story arc rather than going through with the jailer story. The Jailer is a terribly written villain through and through that lacks every kind of proper background (and no blizzard, the “he was planning everything since WC1!!!1!!1!!11!” doesnt count as we know thats horsepoop and we already debunked that stuff countless times with direct references to your lore)

Oh yeah freaking hell I forgot about that :rofl::rofl: what happened to the players who never purged the eye, it just disappeared? That went nowhere. So much potential yet no progress.

We bearers that refused to cleanse daddys gift still have it while not being in the shadowlands.

Battlestar Galactica plot twist as well! It has all happened before and will all happen again.

Oh, I see. Had no idea about that lore part! Was just interpreting the Lovecraft background and there it sounded as if waking up would end the world. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Nah that was just me mocking Blizzards lorewriting by presenting azeroth name origin pretty much.

So cool :grin: :grin::grin:

The Jailer could’ve been a really good villain, but for whatever reason, he was completely shallow, one-dimensional and very, very dull. There was so much story they could’ve milked about his 4-D chess antics to set everything up, but instead it was just ‘Yeah… I did that… move on’. Rendered him completely meaningless IMHO.

The cinematic shows us the end of his story. The problem is they forgot to show us the beginning and middle of it. The whole schtick with there being a worse threat out there is therefore rendered rather pointless really. It’s like this dude wanted to kill us all and destroy reality to ‘save’ us from something else, which apparently is something only he knew about. So yeah, the writing has been really terrible for most of the grand story in this expansion, which is annoying because it could’ve been very, very good with a bit of… well… storytelling.

I am not into lore and I think that most games lore really sucks but this has to be the first time I react negatively towards lore.

The Jailer is absolutely useless, I hate him, I HATE HIM. Whoever wrote his story, whoever made these cliffhangers should be fired from writing stories. I dont even know much about Lich Kings backstory when I first started to play the game but I still felt something. This Jailer villain gives me nothing. Absolutely useless.

I mean are you serious? I want the old WoW back. Please. I cant stand this anymore. The only positive thing about this new direction of WoW is that they are putting work on race costumization. I love that. But to end an expansion with “a cosmos divided will not survive what is to come” is enough for me to want the WoW story writing team replaced. I have no power over this but this is not the direction I want to go. I dont want a villain in every expansion that plays 5d chess with me and then says “ah yes you do not know me or my motivation but really there is something bigger”.

The only * big thing in WoW is the void lord, they UNMAKE stuffs. There is no 7th force. Its the VOID who is the dangerous being.

Which is infact Sargeras’ lore.

The Jailer is a budget Sargeras in its entirety and the whole “he planned everything since WC1 and now the first book is closed” is just utter horsepoop. Whoever said that and actually meant it has to be removed from the lore team asap and forbidden from ever returning. The same goes for anyone actually agreeing with said person.

He would have needed to be mentioned or forshadowed here and there since pretty much WC1 to support him being the “villain since WC1”. This never happened because he didnt even exist until at best, if am generous, until Legion alpha. Its an completely new villain that caused a lot of retcons (something Blizzard just loves. Their chronicles being a prime testament to that. They are even written in such a fashion to allow every possible retcon. Retcons barely if ever work and Blizzard is retconning stuff on mass since WoD).

Also this shadowlands pretty much settles it in terms of our powers. So now we heroes are defacto Titan++ level of strength given this is what Ion said his power is (Horse. Poop.) So how again was N’Zoth able to corrupt us if we are Titan++ as a raid while an old god is considered weaker than a titan? I mean Aman’thul (who is titan+ not titan++) literally ripped Y’Shaarj (the strongest old god) out of the planet like its nothing. N’Zoth should have toppled over just by us sneezing at him.

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