[SPOILER] New Login Screen for TWW

The new login screen has been revealed on beta

How do you feel about it?

Edit, just for comparison


Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft! :crazy_face:


I quite like it, it’s the first time I can recall it not being a wow location though.

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I like it but the music is a bit underwhelming.

I like the calmness of it. I was never a big fan of all the flying and roaring dragons that previous ones have had.

But at the same time, with auto-login I spend about 0.3 seconds looking at it before I find myself at the character selection screen. So it’s not a big deal anymore, if it ever was. :upside_down_face:

Edit: I’ll throw in the prediction that the Midnight version will be purple and the one for The Last Titan will be Azerite.


Yeah we do see them less these days.

A 2D animated wallpaper, is that really it? No in depth animations or anything to make it interesting? Really disappointing.


My favorite, and still to this day, was the Cata Login Screen, it gave you that nice feeling, effect, the audio of Deathwing, dunno why…it just stuck with me, and had a nice animation, same with the Lich King one, however this one is nice, but it’s like everyday wallpaper you can download and have on the back of your screen, kinda lazy, but I like it.


I like it, its simple and effective.

Also, the current one on my PC has me logged into the character select screen before Alexstrasza can land on the pillar in the background which makes her animations feel redundant.

It’s dogwater, probably the worst they’ve ever done.


I wish they could do an extended version for ultra widescreen users.

It’s… a log screen. About all I can say given it’s pretty bland all around. Inoffensive and forgettable.


It makes me feel… weird. I was expecting an under grown overlook of the dwarf place tbh.

Oh my god it looks

xD sorry not sorry but its awful.

feels like they put 0 effort into it when you compare it to wotlk cata and the iconic Black Gate login screens


Not bad. My preferred one was tbc.

I think its boring and who ever the artists are they need to get away and really move on from all this belinding of colors. It’s dull AF!.


Looks fine. Not like you’re on log in screen for more than 2 seconds anyway.

This is the worst login screen they’ve ever done, by far.

It’s flat, uninteresting, and the colours are muted. It’s also uninviting, showing up as effectively a giant wall. There’s a reason the WoW login screen was a portal…

I guess since nobody actually logs in using the login screen, but instead uses the battle.net launcher now, they just don’t care anymore.

Because ain’t no way someone who cared made that. That can be done in less than a day in Blender - or even with a wallpaper engine.



I don’t care for it, but then again; it’s only a login screen. I’ll hardly ever see it.