Saw this on reddit
its so bad, i think it’s the worst one they’ve put out. what even is it? hopefully back to the drawing board.
Weird how the three best versions of wow all had the dark portal for a login screen while the ones without are meh at best.
Looks boring
what sword? there is no sword in silithus.
Silithus has no sword , Silithus needs no sword
I read today an online article, that the loginn screen “probably” get changed since the criticism of the community how boring the design is.
Files should have appeared that indicate a new screen.
Still better than Dragonflight theme imo.
I don’t really spend anytime looking at the login screen, but I agree with Heramaar, that it’s better than the DF theme.
Ooh where did you read that
I don’t actually mind the screen myself but I can understand people want something more traditionally WoW.
Most likely this
It was a german online gaming magazine which often shares the same soucre like similar ones which is wowhead (one take wowhead as source and others copy thats- thats how modern jorunalism works)
yeah even when its on wowhead now, its a “possibility”,
Thank you
So much better and I love it!
Look so pretty!
But, fun pre-patch one “closed” when release come out and “open”.
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