[SPOILER] New Login Screen for TWW

Not their best, haven’t heard the music for it yet though.

Boring. It’s just a bland combination of Hearthstone and Warcraft 3 Reforged.


Like a gnome!


Unironically better. It’s a portal, at least.

Well, mating the portal will open over the patches, idk. But as it stands right now… blah!

Its not good. A little glow and black stuff for animation ?

Cata was awesome for sure. And so were some of the others. I too think this simply feels likes its lifted straight out of hearthstone.


the Light core and the shadow circling in from the trailer

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It’s a bit underwhelming to me I’m not gonna lie, not that’s a big problem anyway. It does suggest it will change through the course of the expansion however, if that is the case then it would automatically become VERY interesting!

From this trailer?

Also I mean kind of screen like this, not exactly but you know what I mean. I hope for completetly rework new logo screen! :point_left:


Ooh that’s cool!

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what are the chances that it is the base for the whole trilogy and it will evolve as we near the end?

I’ve seen various speculation about that!

Would be cool if it evolves over the trilogy tbh.

As they added Alexstrasza on the DF login, Blizzard needs to add Xal’atath walking past with a book she’s busy reading to the TWW login, with her randomly pacing from left to right, or right to left, and sometimes stopping left of the login UI or right of it, and sometimes when she stops she stares at us in a “fourth wall” sort of way doing her typical smirk from the cinematic. They need to make her height so she reaches just about the middle of the screen and her legs below the knees don’t show so you get that sense the device on the login screen is massive. Yep, with Xal’alath added it would look more interesting… :slight_smile:

She’s competing with my Illidan desktop image… Let the competition of stares begin… :slight_smile:

And yes, that smirk on Xal’atath when she walks past the login screen splash… :wink:

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With music


The music is way better than the screen to be fair

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The music never lets us down IMO

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Music better than on the Dragonflight login screen for sure (I found it too simple and unoriginal). The opening chords sound a bit cacophonous to me but it progresses well.