*SPOILER* New Love Is in the Air Patch/Trading Post 10.2.5

What is that?

love is in the air

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I am going to look fabulously hideous!!!

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This mount fits you very well, idk why it just does haha.

Im absolutely wetting myself laughing at the male model wearing the outfit…
So many questions…


whats wrong in being fabulous? i´m gonna slay in that beautiful outfit.

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I usually hate that wowhead always put male humans in all the outfits rather than a mix of races but this time. Comical genious.

Just stay away from certain establishments…

Souldefiler is going to look awesome in it… I may just visit Goldshire wearing it and make the internet explode.

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The event outfit and this thread are pure cringe.

The male in a short skirt looks hilarious :joy: :joy: :joy:

come on now, you gonna look epic!

I’m not excited about these though. They look kind of odd.

that with the pink fox mount aaaaa

Hmm, that mog only really works if you have the barbarian pants that’s lets you see all the thigh, but I do like the little shoulder cape.

lol Blizz… They even thought of the poor saps who will spend Valentine’s Day eating gallon tubs of ice cream watching Bridget Jones’ Diary.

Nothing wrong with some Cringer!!

Reading this thread and looking at the update, it’s like it’s 2001 and this is The Sims forum talking about the new expansion Hot Date.

WoW has really shifted its focus, like many of its players, from being a game of adventure, to playing with dolls.

I think it’s just trying to cater to a lot of different types of players.

A lot of the feedback has been about removing restrictions for fun cosmetics. Especially as it’s very inconsistent which ones you can and can’t use outside of their event duration.

So this will appeal to certain players and not to others. At the same time we’ve seen them try to return to class fantasy with tier, after they tried to stick us with ‘raid themed’ plate/cloth/mail/leather sets in expansions like BfA.

I think variety is better. Many other games let you look however you wish.

You mean only boys are getting good stuff?

Sure. But catering to any group of players is still going to shape the game and its direction to reflect the desire of that particular group of players.

And lots of players like playing with dolls, so game development reflects that. Including WoW.

I wouldn’t say that’s a free round.

Early in the development of Diablo IV there was player feedback begging Blizzard not to do silly skins and appearances in order to preserve the dark and grim aesthetic visuals of the game - the immersion.
Now, some months later, there’s a horse skin on the store covered in red and pink flower petals.

A game like Lost Ark has gone all-in on this and any appearance you can imagine exists. It’s one big costume party.

And WoW looks to follow suit.

The problem is of course they’re multiplayer games, so everyone has to tolerate the player who looks like a Barbie doll in a bunny costume with a giant sword.
Muh immersion and all that.

You are delusional to levels of not understanding that true endgame of every mmo is fashion?
If you can’t dress up your chars - your game wont be able to be successful, its an honest truth, every dev knows it.

Revamped tuxedo would be good for sure. As for these new stuff it is nice to see some sort of different tone from it. Much more variety is always good to have in games.