[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

I doubt it. It’s more likely that Tyrande will be treated in the narrative as being in the wrong for refusing to treat with the Horde while she chases Sylvanas/answers.


And it always made sense for me that most of the actual Forsaken that accepted the condition of undeath are to an extent out of their damned minds.

Seems more likely yes
Such a shame if that’s the case, an actual chance to explore the concept of righteous fury wasted

To be fair, from the perspective of a Horde Player. When I first saw that tree burn I was happy, until I realized what that dragged in tow, in the very next moment. The Horde could have once called itself “morally grey” for real. Not the morally grey of Blizzard. That, was taken from us. The Horde, in that singular event was basically destroyed.

Once, it had been a unique faction, in my eyes the most unique I’ve stumbled across in any MMO. They were a gathering of “monsters” and “weirdos” that somehow made a highly dysfunctional family work. Not just work, but persevere and succeed where others would’ve failed.

I hope that one day I wake up and realize BfA was a bad dream, don’t think that’s happening any time soon though.

The fact is there examples of Forsaken, however missing dialogue they are and nameless hey are, that represent stuff like farmers, bag vendors, mushroom vendors. Individuals doing stuff. Unless they’re secretly mailing poison to alliance towns, they don’t qualify as evil, not directly (you could make an argument for by association). The fact that even nobler Forsaken have upped and left again gives evidence that the race itself it not necessarily evil, perhaps more the way it was organised. I maintain though that “not evil =/= good” which is the problem I have with the new rewrite.

Going back to my example of Eredar, there are no Eredar random civillians just kicking about or selling stuff or just in the background. Every Eredar we meet save that one guy in Dalaran is hostile and attempts to attack us on site, and a vast majority of them are encountered at sites where they are invading or subjugating others.

That is the difference between an evil race and a race that can tend towards doing evil things. You can meet a forsaken farmer and you ca meet a forsaken blight specialist whom nukes forests. You can meet an eredar who nukes forests but you will not meet an eredr farmer ever, at least not as far as we’ve experienced them. Every single one of them engages in the assault (in one form or another) of other life forms for nefarious purposes. Therefore they are an evil race whereas the Forsaken is a race that has prediliction towards doing evil things but they are not the same. One has a potential for evil in their very nature and for the other evil is their very nature.

But to reiterate again- this doesn’t mean I think Forsaken should be portrayed as “good”. And doing so is not the only way to move them away from a one-dimensional “evil” portrayal (as in BFA). It is perfectly okay for Blizzard to write that a majority of Forsaken conclude SYlvanas was bananas and ultimatley doing more damage to their situation and security than good, without them taking oaths to “preserve life” or whatever has been cooked up.

From my PoV, the Burning of Teldrassil was objectively evil. The Horde followed Sylvanas’ orders (after also happily butchering Ashenvale/Darkshore) to kill thousands of innocents.

That presented a really cool narrative for me to play with on my Night Elf, and I really loved Elegy and A Good War, but I can see why it pushed the Horde into a difficult corner - the morally grey expansion angle was disproven during the pre-patch.


My apologies, but… please. Pick one!

Sorry, the what?

Never heard of that. Is that some sort of RP campaign?



but if you are playing a forsaken you arent playing a farmer (that anyway other than growing fungus or toxins to make poisons what he need to cultivate?), you are playing a soldier, you are one of these sociopats that want to be with the forsaken, otherwise you would be in the other organizations and not be a forsaken. we arent playing an undead, we are playing a forsaken
damn all the pre cata forsaken were a society developed around being a war machine against the lk, every single one helped for the cause.
now all the forsaken for some reason disappeared, only to be replaced by voss copy carbons dropped from nothing.
there wont be anymore the forsaken, not even undeads, because all these new “smelly humans” lacks of every undead trait that blizz even stated just in the chronicles (and to be clear, the problem isnt the existence of exception like voss or faol, but the entirety of the race)

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Okay wow, you’re really sinking so low as to insult a genocided people who have suffered nothing but punch after punch by Blizzard since they were introduced in WC3? All Blizzard ever does it spit on night elf players, killing our immortality, world trees, lore and people all for the benefit of privileged Human Male Paladins like you. I’m so sick of you HMP’s mocking the night elves every time something bad happens to us and quite frankly it’s unacceptable. And yes, us not getting a brewfest stall is a punch to the face. Apparently there are so few of us left that we have to outsource our products to a ‘crack squad’ of void elves, the antithesis of all that is night elf second only to HMP’s. This is why subscribers are tanking and people are flocking to Classic, because of how Blizzard treats the night elves like garbage, especially post cata. It’s not funny, so take your human male paladin privilege and human potential elsewhere. Going through the indignity of following an 18 year old human boy is bad enough as it is without scrubs like you rubbing it in.


haha fire go brrrr


Hardly bearable to still play Horde with how Blizzard butchers their identity every single expansion.

Precisely this. I loved the Horde. The actual Horde. Not the bullcrap we’ve got nowadays. That is what makes it so hard as well for a veteran Horde Player tbf. It feels as if you’re a relic of a time long gone by.



Time to apologise, Hordebros

With 20/20 hindsight I think we can all agree that Warchief Sylvanas was the only one keeping true Horde culture alive … damn … if only we had listened … if only …



You say SORRY


Understood master!


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That’s right :triumph:


Das rite, das rite


Class, say it with me

F, o, r.
T, h, e.
L, i, v, i, n, g


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