All threads have to be about Night Elves, and how everything is either a spit, or a punch to the face, I mean what is wrong with a good old roundhouse kick?
It still would have been nice to get a small quest surrounding it showing how Gazlowe’s ascension would involve fending off threats from other parties sniffing around like Pozzik, Noggenfogger etc looking to jump into the vacuum.
But yeah RPers can fill the gap, you may even have a clear schcism between Goblins who like Gazlowe’s way of dealing with things and those who aren’t “Gallywix supporters” but are very much of the mind allowing Horde politics to get too involved “softens” the Cartel to threats from the others which reduces the standing of the Cartel in the eyes of the Goblin world stage, thus reducing some of the Cartel’s business dealings overseas.
I mean, you can’t tell me the Cartel only makes it’s money from activities it does relating to the Horde. There’s probably a reem of off-screen stuff that fluffed Gallywix’s pockets such as weapon trading with other Cartels, slave-trading, security work, piracy, off-the-books deals with neutral parties etc. But other Cartels let the “aligning with a faction is bad for business” slide because, well, it was Gallywix, and he was a mean son of a gun. Can we say it’s still the case with Gazlowe in charge? Potentially lots of further stories to tell here but the question is will Blizzard give them airtime?
Anyway enough- this topic will get it’s own time. Let’s not forget this is about the questionable hand being dealt to the Forsaken. Or should we say, the Forgiven.
Genuine question, you know all that blight that the Forsaken engineered that we see copious evidence of in BFA assaults, what’s gonna happen to it now?
Are they going to rebrand it and sell it in a distilled form as pesticides or something? I mean, why would a race that seeks to watch the living’s back keep lots of blight around?
Or does all the blight go into room 101 alongside all witnesses to Teldrassil?
You know, that posionous stuff the Forsaken, who were in the Horde, made tons of and surely have stockpil-
muffled noises emerge from the Mechagnome’s mouth as he is swiftly grabbed by nondescript heavies wearing black outfits with blue trim and bundled into a van