[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

I’m pretty sure they’re just going to switch them out with the human greeting lines so they sound upbeat, cheery and optimistic. Can’t have them sounding glum and shady …

Reading this actually makes me feel a little ill, thank you.

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Even though I’m an almost exclusive Alliance player, I feel really bad for Horde right now.

I liked the whole idea of the races who banded together out of necessity to not get trampled by the Alliance, and who were struggling between being warlike and trying to rise above that.

Same with the Forsaken who at first were described to only be in the Horde out of convenience, not because they liked the Horde that much. They were clearly there to cater to those who wished to actually play a ( forgive me for saying it) morally grey race. Actually the whole Horde was -actually- morally grey back during Thrall’s day and even during the early days of Garrosh’s reign before Blizz decided to make him evil.

I will admit, lately I felt the Forsaken were going too much chaotic evil under Sylvanas, a bit too extreme as it were, but now they seem to become the complete opposite. It’s something I’ve noticed with Blizzard’s writing for a long time now that they seem to deal only in extremes. You’re either this, or that. Not in between.

And trying to re-write/whitewash history is always bad.


See my earlier contributions in this thread on that topic, in complete agreement.

It’s not the fact it’s Gazlowe, it’s how it was done. Goblins the race of known schemers and folks who look out for themselves and not ONE of them raised a hand or attempted to sabotage Gazlowe (from a foreign Cartel) being paracuted in by Thrall. Because every Bilgewater Goblin thinks he’s simply that awesome.

Not to mention the Trade Prince of the Steamwheedle Cartel just letting one of their “big movers” completely defect to a different Cartel and take all their business and resources with them. I mean this could be a future plotline but I won’t hold my breath. Goblins and Gnomes don’t get much meaningful narrative, we get the say the “I have a device for this!” lines that the plot requires to move forward.


Are… are we the baddies?


I can’t agree more. If only we could preserve what the Horde was like in the Burning Crusade. Where the most ‘good’ race, on the whole, was the Tauren, and the honourable trio were the original three races. The inclusion of the Forsaken was to give that opportunity to play a more antagonistic character, and Blood Elves filled the niche inbetween.


Exactly, everything we know about Goblins points to the fact that when a big player like Gallywix is removed. There’ll be a mad scramble to fill the power vacuum.

And the fact Gallywix has seemingly put up 0 resistance to being uprooted is silly, plus you have the questions of what happens to Ratchet now.

We need an anduin/tyrande mock-up of that meme stat!

We indeed are, Brother.

Said that as Human.

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On the topic of Gazlowe, I always found it weird they put him in the Horde to begin with. He used to be a neutral guy who leaned towards Horde a bit, without joining them. A bit like Spain during WW2 perhaps.

As for when Gallywix left, I feel they should’ve had another Bilgewater goblin step up to lead, instead of shoe-horning Gazlowe, a -Steamwheedle- in there.

Gallywix, who will regularly try to knock out people he even suspects of being a future threat to him, just ups sticks and leaves, letting his entire Cartel being taken from him on the basis of an Orc going “want the job?” and every Goblin going “yeah whatever Gallywho?”.

I mean, he’s painted as a figure many Goblins are rightuflly afraid of due to his vindicative and ruthless nature, his immense resource base and his complete disregard for playing fair, and not one of them seems to fear installing Gazlowe will have any negative consequence whatsoever, because Gallywix is on holiday?

Just…did Blizzard forget all of what they’ve written regarding their characterisation of life in the Bilgewater Cartel? I mean I know many other cartel Goblins are presented quite moderately, bit more laid back, but the whole of the starting experience of Gobbos and subsequent depictions of Gallywix interacting with them has shown that it’s a Cartel largely run with an iron fist and that Gallywix has fended off several unsuccessful attempts to oust him, and can call upon seemingly unlimited resources and lackies when he needs them! You’d think they’d be a bit uneasy about the reprecussions of Thrall interfering with things when someone like that is involved!

Okay wow, you’re really sinking so low as to insult a genocided people who have suffered nothing but punch after punch by Blizzard since they were introduced in WC3? All Blizzard ever does it spit on undead players, removing our racial leader, Undercity, lore and people all for the benefit of privileged Orc Male Warriors like you. I’m so sick of you OMW mocking the forsaken every time something bad happens to us and quite frankly it’s unacceptable. And yes, us not getting a brewfest stall is a punch to the face. Apparently there are so few of us left that we have to outsource our products to a ‘crack squad’ of honourable orcs, the antithesis of all that is undead second only to OMWs. This is why subscribers are tanking and people are flocking to Classic, because of how Blizzard treats the forsaken like garbage, especially post cata. It’s not funny, so take your orc male warrior privilege and orc potential elsewhere. Going through the indignity of having no racial leaders and following an honourable council is bad enough as it is without scrubs like you rubbing it in.


It’s another example of Blizzard forgetting their own lore. I wouldn’t be surprised if we kill Gallywix in a dungeon or something. But yeah, for all the story and examples we got of the Bilgewater Cartel being an unforgiving/cut-throat environment. Blizzard conveniently forget that now it suits them.

If anything, it gives Goblin RPers a chance to make some cool RP surrounding the uncertainties of the cartel / ratchet and the market shake-up.

si:7 drags u into a dark cell before mathias shaw and ties u too a chair

a light spins around u as shaw speaks

“There is no war in Stormwind City. There are no factions. There is no war in Stormwind city.”




Hand of Friendship



Ew! No! ew!

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I am afraid it had to be done. I am sorry Marlight :sob:


Now I really will challenge you for the mantle of Executor!

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Wait, did someone earlier try to turn this lore butchery into another Night Elf Pity thread?