[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

Maybe that is why genocide and imperialism are matters treated so nonchalantly. :clown_face:


Or abolish the factions and focus on 2-3-4 races at a time…?

Racial stories instead of factions. You decide which race you want to help out. Your Kaldorei’s goals align with the Vulpera and not the Orcs for x story? Go for it!

Your Orc firmly disagree with the Gnomes ruining the balance in the Barrens? Team up with the Night Elves and Taurens etc!

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Takes deep breaths It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. We know how it really is, we’re gonna forget we ever read this and go on like nothing happened.

(Are there anything on Alliance races?)

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Wasn’t that Copeland?

They haven’t been datamined yet.

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I’m in the same boat. My Forsaken priestess wields the Light and strives as much as possible to be nice, humane and maintain as positive of an attitude that someone who is… well dead can. She’s interesting to me because she is the outlier, it actually makes RPing the “good guy” interesting when the “good guy” isn’t the basic for the race. It also screws with my Hunter and Rogue who are much more pessimistic and typical to the Forsaken. So they’ve managed to upset people that hate undead, people who like good guy undead, and people who like villainous Undead. That’s almost impressive.


Sadly, it is impressive in the wrong field :frowning:

Wild guess: they will remain (mostly) unchanged except for maybe the night elves and the worgen.

Either they won’t be changed, or they’ll get the Horde treatment of “vague explanation and you FIGHT FOR AZEROTH”.

I’m mostly just waiting (as per my first post in the topic) on what we actually get. Blizzard are kind of hilariously consistent at telling us one thing while we consistently see other things.
See the whole “morally grey” debacle since the announcement.

Honestly, during the entirety of BfA, I haven’t felt as if a singular moment was actually morally grey. Even though that was one of their big advertising points.


You know what’s not morally grey? Lying to us about firing the GOSH DARNED BILGEWATER CANNON. ALEX. WHY WOULD YOU LIE LIKE THAT.


First time?


You know. It’s a funny thought I had. But what if, when we were returning from alternate timeline Draenor, we actually returned to an alternate timeline Azeroth. :thinking:


Just like the “Thrall’s family is dead” theory, Blizzard are not capable of that kind of subtlety.

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It looks like it’s been changed back.

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Was there much backlash on Twitter etc? I assume those are the places they’d have been reading for feedback.

Yeah I sent one tweet and it was instantly changed back when Blizzard realised their most important customer was upset


There was on reddit, at the very least.

Yea you showed them!

Anyways its a good thing they changed it back; makes one wonder if they’ll change the Troll one back to not stating any specific tribe to :thinking:

Imagine if that was Blizzard testing the waters for their planned Calia reformation of the Forsaken race.

Writers room in absolute chaos now as they frantically try and rewrite the plot.