[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

Changing this text is only a small comfort if what it said reflects the narrative they have concocted for Forsaken.


No they’ll just plough ahead with it. Have you been under a rock during bfa or something?

Also, they’ll keep cringely telling us we’ll have to wait and see how the plot goes, they’ll surprise us :winkwink: also, we’re all morally grey :winkwink:

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Troll has always stated Darkspear.


No negativity in the dojo.


Ahem, the troll one was changed from:

The ferocity and pride of the trolls are known throughout Azeroth. You set off for adventure to prove yourself amonst the many troll heroes.

Into this one:

Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity.

As you can see, the old one (for Shadowlands) had no mention of tribe or troll species.

But why would they do that when the sandfury troll skins were the highlight of Blizzcon

Oh, wait, I’m doing that thing again: questioning the method in the madness.

Yes, they changed the one on the Alpha.
In the retail game however…

Once at home in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale, the fierce trolls of the Darkspear tribe were besieged on all sides by the warring factions. The orcish Horde came to their aid, convincing the Darkspear to sail across the Great Sea and settle in the untamed lands of Kalimdor. Though they cling to their shadowy heritage, the Darkspear remain vocal advocates of a united Horde, lending the strength of their arms and powerful tribal magics to the common cause.

Blizzard seems to be amending it to be in line with the retail canon of the player trolls being Darkspear.


Even Blizzard don’t endorse Sand Trolls in Orgrimmar, today is truly a day of days.


Just to clear up what Mordi and I generally mean, yes we know what the current retail says, however when we’re talking in spoiler threads like this we’re going by what the old alpha description said and not what retail says.

And I am fine with that, honestly I am, however I liked the first one better purely because it talked about trolls and we can play non-Darkspear trolls too in Shadowlands (Dark, Farraki, Forest etc).

That first description isn’t endorsing farraki in Orgrimmar either, but it keeps it neutral to what kind of troll you are.

Honestly hoping for a neutral description for the dwarves too, but then again Blizzard already said it better, they don’t care if you’re a Farraki Darkspear or a Wildhammer Bronzebeard, they want you to be able to play what you want.

You misunderstand. The issue isn’t with the character creation screen, the new intro texts that everyone dislikes are in the Exile’s Reach intro cinematic.

They haven’t been changed back.

we had a good 125 minutes, everyone get the pitchforks out again


Raises Pitchfork

Get the torches as well.

We need a battering ram? 'Cause I can go get a tree…

Ok how did we go from discussing forsaken to siege of Blizz offices?

Just like the peasants rebelled against nobles in the medieval ages. They were unsatisfied.

We went this way because Blizzard went TO FAR.

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Okay, fair enough. To quote Joey, the line is a dot to them!

At this point I just want to know who they run their ideas by before implementing them in-game. There hasn’t been a major lore point or change in the last… five, six years, that HASN’T inspired wide-spread groaning and confusion from the players.

Real tired of the writing portraying the Alliance as squeaky-clean moral-lawful, who never, ever have to deal with their side of war atrocities. But the Horde does, and now, has to be the ones to clean up the mess? Like… that’s… not how war… happens???

They run their ideas to each other in a closed off writer’s room that no one else can get an input on (because according to an interview they “don’t like negativity in the writing dojo”) and then ship them off to some poor quest designer to make sense of.

I’m not even joking.