[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

it really do be like that :pensive:


Sorry Warchief, you’re fired.

as with all the race-summary rewrites, it’s very powerful lore that provides amazing insight into the race

which i will totally ignore in favour of what the race is actually portrayed as being in quests, novels, and the rest of the lore


just social experiment bro there’s cameras over there


B-b…but retconning is so much easier than trying to follow lore and making sure everything matches up! Ha-ha clean slate, blizzbros, am I right?


The chad “death to the living” vs the virgin “love the living!”

Forsaken have every right to be malding rn


rotfl. at this point i’ll resub only to delete my character before they murder my 11 years old rp.
damn how they could conceive something so stupid? how the"death to the living" race, that defile the environment as their main warfare strategy could be the livings protectors?
damn, my damned rp, my poor character…


Silly dum dum forsaken.

I don’t think so. The description says YOU strive to protect the living that scorn and shun you, not that the Forsaken as a whole do so. You, the big hero to be, are the one to defend the living.


Except the big hero doesn’t, not in the starting zones when you’re still a mere nobody, a sad champion, instead of THE Champion!

See, it’s funny cos I’ve played with the idea that my forsaken warrior does strive to protect her living allies and is fueled by a sense of duty to them, so one’d think I’d be all over this change, but honestly… nah, it’s totally bogus. It goes right against everything established about the race as a whole.

If I may also be a sulky RPer it sort of compromises all that fun conflict I’ve had for years of having that character be occasionally at loggerheads with her fellow Forsaken, like… wow, guess they all just changed their minds over night so are all best of friends now? Urgh.


clearly Calia’s influence is already far reaching in Forsaken society… Sylvanas was right😩

I really hope that this does just apply to the player character and not all forsaken in general. Because then it’d make more sense.


I think it does. It doesn’t say “Along with your fellow forsaken, you strive to protect the living that shun you and your kind.” I believe it solely means the character that is being created.

But why would it only apply to the player character? This description is meant to convey what the race is like. To set the tone and make it easier to pick a race. Why would they go with a super exceptional world view?


I think you can understand it both ways but it being part of the Forsaken introduction implies that it sets a tone / narrative, though I really hope that it just applies to the incredibly boring one dimensional hero of Azeroth

But even then, why ? Why is the Forsaken Azeroth champion so drastically different and basically dooms his own people to be equally one dimensional villains instead of tragic characters like they were before


Yeah, that’s more than a fair point. I’ve no idea, man. I don’t think anyone knows why this was implemented. It’s so out of nowhere.


What is Slands???

Basically, yeah (at least in my own perception)

There’s truly 0 (zero) point in writing a description based around a singular character when said description is explicitly present to describe the entirety of the race that you are choosing. That’s the entire reason for it being there - to draw you into the race and compel you to create a character of that race.

Also, as Morsteth said:

This would be pretty weird & not make a lot of sense. The descriptions aren’t there to try and draw you in to your own character, they’re to try and draw you into the race. It just seems like the Forsaken have (sadly) been turned into generic “I fight for living… even in death…” characters which really isn’t as compelling compared to what we have now


I was already a bit worried they’d go really hard on the “redemption” angle for the Forsaken. Cartoon villains (although compelling) throughout BfA, which was never sustainable, then straight into following good guy Calia.

Miss the ambiguous but sinister Forsaken pre-Cataclysm. :pensive: