[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

But what does slands mean? Shadowlands?

Its like Blizzard wants me to unsub.
I really. Really. Reeeeeeeeee-ally. Hope they rewrite that bs.
Leveling pre and post cata low-lvl zones as Forsaken was a delight. The murder, the plotting, the atrocities.
Now… What will they have freshly risen do, make friendship bracelets for Anduin?


Sorgal my father / my son, you can still have that . . .

in the Grim Gest


Is this a guild? WHat rP do you do?

It’s probably not a race-wide thing and more a case of Blizz not being able to think of anything both fitting, and heroic they could put in to fit the whole race. Unless BElves as a whole are going to be all about stopping anyone on Azeroth from suffering ever again.

Yes it means Shadowlands.

For the orcs, Forsaken and trolls atleast.

“Hey, we’re adding dark and sand trolls, also we’ll make the intro from generally speaking of all trolls to specifically speaking about the Darkspear, also they’re the only non-savage tribe, but don’t tell the Zandalari”.

This is one of the strangest retcons that I’ve ever seen. I guess someone really liked the, For the living! battlecry from Hellgate: London, and has gone to great lengths to insert it into WOW.


“Victory for the Living!”

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But why then write Slands and not Shadowlands? :thinking:

Blizzard speaking to the Sylvanas loyalists and Forsaken players: https://youtu.be/kAAlEoLRuTA


I’ve always been a bit wary about tearing into devs.

But honestly this nu-blizz writing is atrocious, each of the new race intros for this garbage tutorial island are painfully generic.

Danuser can choke on a boaby.


Forsaken PC: “Protect the living!”
Forsaken: “The living are trying to kill us and take our lands!”

While the 180 is a bit much, I feel like the insistence that the complete lack of independent thought from the Forsaken was a good thing is weird. Further still, it seems to me any deviation from what was the result of years of neglect of the much more well rounded race from Classic being sanded down to suit a Sylvanas that followed the plot thread from a mediocre short story instead of the events of Wrath of the Lich King would have been regarded as bad thing regardless of what it was because of how some people would prefer to portray the race in the game.

This isn’t a great way to get it going, but honestly anything that isn’t just a bunch of mindless background figures to Sylvanas and Nathanos is a step in the right direction.

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Disagree, right way would be reverting to twisted individualism instead of “we are the good guys actually”


Well, I said I’d race change to a belf if they put Boring Calia Menethil on the forsaken throne, but it looks like I may be doing it anyway.

What the hell Blizzard?

I agree, though I’d say presenting a more varied front in terms of the radical individualism the Forsaken had in Classic would mean accepting there are truly benevolent members of the race and that they don’t have to be a minority so as to remain uninteresting enough as to not impede upon Mommy’s very important temper tantrum.

wut, there are literally since vanilla undeads that refused to join or stay with the forsaken for their methods.
but the forsaken were always depicted as sociopathics douchebags worshipping sylvanas. thats the rp.
at least until that book where suddendly the sadsacks of the desolate council appeared

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Agree, ideally they would have the full scale but some overarching distrust for “the living” that reaches down all the way into human experiments etc.

And going by the in game / quest text it should be mostly evil stuff (and that is based)

Also I do not mind the Forsaken worshipping “old Sylvanas” so much as the new one who – I say this as one of the big Loyalist role players – is a bit weird : - )


The Desolate Council appearing actually made (sort of?) sense.

Sylvanas just left and left a power vacuum, she didn’t put someone in her stead as a Regent, she just left.

So ofcourse, being human deep down (no matter how twisted and sociopathic), they would look to establish a new hierarchy. But even so the Desolate Council outright stated they intended to rule only until Sylvanas returned. (Even if they apparently had an entire different definition of what would be good for the Forsaken then Sylvanas).

Not everyone. They certainly looked upon her as a messiah, but the Forsaken were largely speaking still people with wants and needs. Their own motivations and un-lives to lead day to day, which was reflected in the fact that while some folks were unhinged(and that was okay), others just sort of went on doing stuff the same way they would have before. Diversity of thought in the face of an increasingly weird set of events would have been nice years earlier, as far as I’m concerned.