[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

The problem w/e Gazlowe is that despite us being told he’s a really slick and cunning businessman, his business startegy seems to be “I pay more than nasty old Gallywix =) I will just pay all the Bilgewater goblins to be nice like me”

Like how is this dude still in business if his legendary business know-how is literally just overpaying workers until they think he’s friendly and love world peace or w/e. His character can only function based on the fact that he’s a video game character and will never run out of made up money


Hard agree.

What irks me about the situation as well as how Gazlowe became Trade Prince. He seems quite happy to burn up Goblin tradition, which would typically be a mad scramble for the spot, bidding and turf wars, and taking out competition etc. Instead he gets appointed by his Greeness directly and he’s quite happy to just say “yes” and for some reason no other Goblin takes issue with this. What is up with that?

Also the idea that he could afford more than Gallywix is preposterous. Gallywix is supposed to have been one of the richest goblins in existence, living off the gains of the largest Cartel in Azeroth for many years, and sucking most of the profits for himself. He’s also supposed to be smart, so the idea he would lose out to Gazlowe because he’s just so stupidly greedy he won’t spend more money where he would know that’s the only solution is not plausible to me. It sure as heck ain’t the problem that he can’t afford to do so, Gallywix has been shown to be bankrolling the Horde since his arrival and stll manages to live in affluence, he isn’t lacking a chequebook to Gazlowe!

At the end of the day, even if it would have been easy to write out Gallywix in plausible manners (ie Gazlowe is sick of being second fiddle and ignites a power struggle along proper lines- a gang war as it were) where Gallywix simply loses because Gazlowe is more resourceful or w/e. But instead they’ve chosen wierd reasons like Gazlowe had more materials behind him (LOL no), the Goblins are suddenly on board with Trade Princes being elected without making a show of force (LOL no) and Gallywix despite being shown to have several character flaws for some reasom develops a wierdly sycophantic loyalty to Sylvanas which has him disappearing around the same time as her because he’s sticking by her or something similar. I mean what?

The game has shown us the big G will do anything to hold onto his throne, but when push comes to shove he just toddles off and is nowhere to be seen when an attack ismade on his position, and we’re to believe that all the Bilgewater Goblins just simultaneously agree “it’s for the best” so there’s no conflict and no power struggle and Gallywix loses his position overnight because someone just asked the Goblins if they wanted a change and they replied “yes” because Gallywix is on holiday? I ain’t buying it.


Gonna just quote a few of the others here from wowhead.

Your people, the blood elves, have persevered through tragedy and betrayal. You toil to ensure Azeroth never endures such suffering again.

Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity.

Though the orcs came to Azeroth as conquerors, your kind has shed the blood thirsty ways of old and now stand in defense of your new home.

Why did they change not just the Forsaken(which is ultra stupid) but every single Horde race from actual descriptions relating to their race to ‘hey, you’re this race, you love AZEROTH and PROTECTING it!!!’


So all the times ive supported the forsaken out of all you horde such were for NOTHING??

Sylvanas was the best racial leader in the game, and not just for her boobs ; )

When you tell a highly divisive and controversial story about faction conflict which is integral to understand your new expansions story to just remove every reference to the Burning of Teldrassil - its catalyst - from new players.

This be how Danuser does.

Absolute hack.


Yeah it’s super weird that literally 0% of the Bilgewater Cartel goblins made a play for the top spot and were just like ahhhh well based Thrall said this guy’s cool - despite him being from a rival cartel - so I guess he is our king now

Why does some random orc (who isn’t even Warchief) decide who rules the incredibly cutthroat and businesslike Bilgewater Cartel based literally by saying “this is my token goblin friend so of course he will lead you”

It’s so unreal honestly


Oh wow.

I can’t wait to see the Goblin one “Cunning and ingenious at spinning a profit. As a proud member of the largest Trade Cartel Business on Azeroth you seek to pour your monetary mastery into inventing devious weapons starting small non-profit organisations seeking to protect the planet and secure legal rights for all denziens whom reside there.”

Unlike other goblins, your Bilgewater cartel has abandoned neutrality to side with the Horde for the promise of adventure… and profit.

It’s not quite as bad as the others, which is why I didn’t mention it but it is absolutely still a step down.

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Ahh yeah I remember when the Bilgewater Cartel famously joined the Horde for " " adventure " "


Man this is lame. Like, what the hell?

I’ve said it several times, it would have been infinitely better to have a small questline attached to it where we the player support Gazlowe’s bid for the spot, as it is recognised that even with Thrall’s support, if it becomes clear a non-Bilgewater is seeking to muscle in, other influential Goblins around Azeroth will attempt to do so as well.

So we the player go about securing contracts, knocking off heavies etc of other big hitters like Noggenfogger, Boss Mida, Pozzik who are attempting to jump into the vacuum.

So even if we do end up with a bit of a blandie in Gazlowe, at least this way we’d know he got to the top spot legitimately. Him doing so in a completely un-goblin fashion is what kills it for me. By all means he can be more moderate than G (not all Goblins are clones after all) but for the entire of the race’s known cutthroat culture to temporarily suspend to allow him to do so, that is what I find completely unbelievable.


Not as bad but they’ve whitewashed the fact that Thrall essentially threatened the Cartel ledership with extinction and coerced them into joining. The alternative being he leaves them to fight over things on a desert island until the island is blown.

“Joined for adventure” - i’m pretty sure Thrall said that Gallywix needed to reform the Cartel or else. Unless all the Goblin history books now list Gazlowe as only ever being dear leader because Gallywix certainly didn’t agree to join for adventure and profit.

I mean i’m cool with that being the reason they have stayed on post big G- but this whole “rewriting history” stuff that is going on hordeside is a bit troubling for me. It’s like Sylv’s departure is now year zero, and all horde literature pertaining to anything that went down before that has been burned- and somehow because of wierd magic, the alliance themselves look like they’re going to be on board with this “new history” - but are STILL at loggerheads with the horde because reasons that don’t have anything to do with the horrible stuff the horde did in the past because none of that seems to be getting mentioned any more.

So what the alliance don’t like the horde anymore because of simple racism or something?


Yeah that sounds about right actually.


Don’t like Orcs, not racist, just don’t like 'em.

  • (Wrynn, Year Zero)

really glad i went ahead and got black eyes to better tie my elf to the lost of her homeland (for the second time no less), glad there’s still a concrete lore reason for all those Elune-empowered elves running around in the name of vengeance for a genocide that definitely happened.

what do you mean they took it out

Despite being 30% of Argent Dawn population, the Horde commit …



More like SOYsaken.


very excited for the Rotgarde & Grim Gest to pivot to DEHTA roleplay where they go and save small animals every night at 8 realm time


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319404245260566528/702801107524517898/unknown.png :slight_smile:


Yeah the Stygian legion will focus its efforts into relief help.