[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

…can’t do epic pictures, i’m not liked by blizz enough but

That doesn’t make sense, since when are Darkspear jungle trolls able to also have the skin colour/appearance of sand trolls and dark trolls and possibly even forest trolls?

If every troll race can be every colour then there can’t be specific subraces anymore.

Gazlowe should’ve remained with his Steamwheedle Cartel bro’s, not turn rogue and become a Bilgewater Cartel Trade-Prince! Where’s the loyalty to your Cartel, which allowed you to run Ratchet as you saw fit?

Guess the Zandalari are still savage. Move out of the way filthy Zanda’s, the Darkspear will protect Azeroth!

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You can put links in between grave accents.

This will not make a clickable link but at least you won’t have to butcher the URLs.


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Don’t you remember what happened?

“Muauhahahahah” screeched the banshee queen as with a twirl of the moustache and a most henious draw of her bowstring, she set loose a single flaming and most sinister arrow that travelled across the dark waters.
“Never! You can’t” came the voice of a most concerned and crying darkspear headhunteradmirer. As his words left his itchy throat a young orc and Forsaken both attempted to leap into the air to bodyblock the arrow, but both failed, the Forsaken collapsing in a grieving heap at recognition of their failure.
“Oh…but for the living” they wept.
The entirety of the night elf tree went up ablaze, whilst the banshee queen and her henchman Nathanos Blightcalled the Despicable boarded their getaway train “The Face of Evil” and cackled into the darkness.
“Quick, muster the forces, we must aid them!” Came the voice of the young orc. He prayed to the savage super-helpful elements of the land and the spirit of water fashioned for him a dozen lifeboats made of congealed water. The boats boarded with Horde forces led by Saurfang in a rubber-ring fashioned in the style of a Hippogryph made landfall to the ablaze tree, attempting to rescue as many of the Night Elves making for the waters as they could.
As The horde rescue team saved countless night elves, they began to make their way back across the water to the beach. Malfurion flies by Saurfang mounted on a Hippogryph, gives a curt nod to Saurfang and Saurfang salutes him back “Stronger together” the grizzled orc mumbles.

Meanwhile Tyrande is seething when she finally located the arrow that set the tree abalze in the ruins of her home. She plucks it and finds a message engraved in the wood “Hur hur we didz it cuz we are Orcs - Signed Sylvy and Nathy”.
She grips the arrow hard and crumples it into a woodchip pile of extremely misplaced and unjust anger. “They will all pay” she looks at the camera.


Name a more perfect crime. You can’t.


you’re right, i completely mis-remembered that cutscene.
that’s why Nathanos defeats Tyrande by yelling ENOUGH! - Tyrande suddenly remembers all the cool summer barbecues they had and breaks into tears

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Makes plenty of sense. Trolls adapt to their natural environment, as seen literally everywhere. Darkspear are starting to look more like Farraki because of their stay in an extremely arid region (Durotar).

If this isn’t hyperbole, it’s cope. Besides, if the only thing to change is colour, that doesn’t suddenly change all other biological differences that Jungle trolls have when compared to Forest, Frost, Sand or Zandalari trolls.


Sylvanas “Wheels within wheels criminal genius” Windrunner, master of extra-dimensional chess strategy takes Tyrande “She who basks in the wisdom of countless milennia and goddess on speed-dial” Whisperwind’s King with her Pawn.
The audience gasps, never have such a strategic move been seen in all of history.
Camera zooms towards members of the audience weeping at such a brilliant display

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Remember when in WC3 he told you not to worry about his sappers blowing themselves up.

I honestly reslly like him in WOd and even BFA, its just that he was cool as the EXCEPTION, rather than the norm.

By turning him in2 the goblin leader (which alone is weird since he is a steamwheedle) he undermines what goblins as a playable race are about. He’s ok as a sideline character like Alonsus Faol, not as a race representative.

Trolls adept, agreed, but do they adopt that quickly? I mean the Shatterspear are still jungle trolls, but if trolls would really adept that quickly, they would look like Forest trolls.

Or the Speakers for every tribe in Zuldazar aswell as the sand and forest trolls should look like jungle trolls too, especially since they’ve been living in a jungle for decades and have permanent settlements there.

The skin colour is what makes the difference, the only troll race that has a biological difference from the others you named are the frost trolls (since jungle, forest, ice, dark and Zandalari trolls easily freeze to death).

Then again, going by the other introductions Blizzard doesn’t care about lore at all so I guess it wouldn’t be a surprise they’ll suddenly drop the differences between all troll species and say every troll can have every color. :man_shrugging:

Here’s to you thinking Faol (and Calia) will be sideline characters for the Forsaken, rofl.

Yeah Goblins are in for a wild ride. They’re going to be tokenly greedy in a way where you keep saying “profit profit” and going on about money,but when it comes to making a decision between friendship/loyalty and money, money is no longer on the table as an option, which means their racial greediness may as well not exist if it doesn’t shape their decision making process.

Instead whatever good-guy decisions they make are going to have a footnote added that they were also “the most profitable” option which the goblin chars go on about to remind you the player they’re still greedy of course they are.

Thats what I meant.

Faol and Calia should be sideline characters. Not main ones.

With how they’re pushing the “good guy” Forsaken, I highly doubt one of the few truly good, Light-blessed Forsaken will remain a sideline character.

Cult of the Forgotten Shadow to Cult of the Light and Protecting the Living, when?

I think Blizzard are trying very hard to drive new players into going with these new descriptions, as they have to do the new starting area, and BfA which is being edited to make the Horde less… Evil.

Was BfA all a dream???

New Forsaken NPC dialogue datamined:

“Be Fair to Living”
“Trust’s so fun”
“Victory for them ‘n’ us”
“What would you ask of friends?”


Tbh this does have lore representation as far back as Cata. The goblin friends you have in Kezan for example risk their lives to bail you out and vice versa- and most of them are sick of gallywix too.

There’s also a goblin guy in Tanaris who makes you kill a dozen venomous animal species to make an antivenom for his dying wife,- paying you gold and gear up to the point there isn’t anything more to give.

…on the second hand I also remember from Vanilla there being a goblin either in Gadgetztan or booty bay who low key tell you to kill their sibling because he owes them money or something.

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I took a quick read through, but I think it really just boils down to you trying to cope with Dark Trolls being extinct (and thus not really roleplayable) and Farraki being enemies of the Horde (and thus still not really being welcome in Orgrimmar).

What is culture?



Someone brought up the clans and such thing with dwarves and how all the early quests make you a Bronzebeard.

They said outright that the starting quests may not necessarily reflect the accurate origin of your exact character, and that they can come from wherever based on what customisation you have. So a dwarf in Wildhammer tattoos is a Wildhammer even if the starting quests call you a Bronzebeard.

I imagine the same philosophy applies to the Troll skins.

The difference is that the dwarven biography text on the character creation screen never specifies Bronzebeard, while it states Darkspear at least 3 times for trolls. The quests don’t really matter in that regard, because if I did them on a human, your logic would make that human a Bronzebeard too.

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Agree, but if it’s touted as a racial characteristic I expect it to be the case more than it isn’t the case. Exceptions exist in Goblin culture (and actually as far as races in WoW go, Goblins have pretty good records for showing they seem to take romantic relationships pretty seriously) however if they tend to use other factors in equal measure or in greater measure than greed when making decisions, they shouldn’t be referred to as greedy.

Then again, I don’t think the Bilgewater Cartel will be referred to as that anymore. Profit-focused yes, but not longer greedy. shrug