[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

Can’t believe Blizzard is now making the clean grunt-legions myth canon.

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16+ years of endless war and grief makes the people of azeroth… Good?

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Consider: It’s written by humans.

Creatures that have a long history of warfare, grief and misery and are happily killing their own planet while still living on it.

In comparison, the people of Azeroth are saints!

It’s such a gross simplification of how it was previously presented, too, that it’s making my teeth itch.
The Darkspear, when accepting the offer to join the Horde, made efforts to put a stop to aspects of their culture that did not jive with the Horde, such as cannibalism, but never otherwise were asked to, or agreed to, stop doing absolutely everything that was important to them as trolls.
They still worship wild gods, they still shrink heads, they still perform dangerous rituals (albeit no longer of humanoid sacrifice). On and on.

Yeah, the Darkspear are the more open-minded and modern tribe. But they’re not so open-minded that their brains fell out.


I think that we should just agree to disagree honestly.

I think it doesn’t make sense for the trolls to have a dark and sand troll skin option when the intro specifically talks about the Darkspear tribe of jungle trolls,

You think it does make for the trolls to have a dark and sand troll skin option even when the intro specifically talks about the Darkspear tribe of jungle trolls.

And neither of us is going to convince the other otherwise.

Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity

As I try to understand this, its meant to imply that some members of other tribes, such as Farakki, -renounce their tribe and its backwards ways- to join their Darkspear kin and become one of them.

How is it supposed to -actually- work, I have no idea.


I’m taking it the other way. That it’s explicitly saying ‘you are Darkspear’.


I think that’s a bit of a reach honestly. It just refers to the Darkspear relinquishing a number of their more savage customs when joining the Horde.

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As far as I understand it, I think they’re getting at what Watrus wrote above. The Darkspear have given up the things that make their spears dark and are now great heroes.

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I would prefer for the things to stay the way they are with Darkspear, instead of making them the catch-all tribe. But that way its just difficult to look at them and see the sand and dark trolls among them and consider them the same thing

speak for yourself, my brain is so smooth it just slides right outta there


->Comes back to wow after a year to see how things are going
->Sees this

K lads, time to bounce again

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I think the Horde just lost… period.

We’re going to take on the war-winner’s ethics now :slight_smile: ( :angry: )

If they would have the balls to actually just outright say “So the Alliance won the 4th war, and the factions are no more, they imposed their ideology on the losers. vae victis!” it’d be more decent than what we’re getting now. At least we could RP Spartacus-like rebellions of dissenting subjects.


Hopefully something blizzard will have a look at again, though I do not expect too much of it… It definetly is a bit of a slap in the face again towards the Forsaken lore. It would have been more decent if it was metioned in order to ‘‘Ensure their survival’’, then yet… I dont see the majority of Forsaken -tirelessly- strive to protect the living. Even if I know some Forsaken are on better terms with the living (be it for their own protection, diplomacy or old relatives), it should not be the initial narative for the Forsaken starting character. If anything it should tell more about how the Forsaken continue without Windrunner and how you could forge your own path. The Forsaken never have been a race of honor and saving the living…

There are simply, too many examples on which Forsaken have shown not to a damn about the living.

-The Wrathgate
-The Sludge Fields
-Teldrassil (which spoiler, is apperently not part of the starting experience in the Shadowlands BfA leveling experience. It is not even mentioned, together with the Battle for Lordearon).
-The Battle for Lordearon
-Current Loyalists
-Any other occassion I just forgot.

Do we just retcon/forget about that all now and put Calia on the throne?

Rant over. I suppose. I only can see most Forsaken ‘‘Get along’’ with the living for their own gain, that being their survival and the power to protect their lands. Perhaps contact with living relatives to an extend. If blizzard wants to change that, they ought to do some better story telling (preferable outside of the books).


Yeah, honestly the craziest thing about this is that all of this is casually mentioned in one line of text in the starting zone


Just a ‘‘casual’’ change :rofl:


or just blizz could grown a pair of balls if they want to continue with this calia nosense. just add an option to stay as a sane forsaken and die in game as a enemy.
i will be happy even with just this one

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Aye, especially that. So we don’t get Calia on the throne be like
“Hey, I know my big bro slaughtered you all in cold blood, defiled your lands and minds, forced you to servitude and to commit other horrid acts, because some crazy knife told him so, and then you proceeded to do the same with Sylvanas, but actually liked it. So here I am, and she is not, guess you listen to me now hihi, let’s start righting the wrongs with a massive flower planting festival, and un-blightening so all the woodland creatures can play with us until Disney eventually buys us out too!”


This is what I kind of fear what will happen in Shadowlands or even the expansion after that.


Meanwhile in Orgrimmar
