[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

well i dont like it


That is a point. But similarly the dwarf starting zone quests I’m pretty sure call you Bronzebeard fifty times. It’s not implausible that they have the same philosophy for both even if some intern writing the race tooltips put down Darkspear but not Bronzebeard.

Blizzard themselves have said your character can come from wherever and is not constrained by character creation or the starting quests. Straight from the Blues themselves. Dwarves were used as an example in the interview.

If it’s really something worth contesting then we’ll just have to ask them specifically and directly about trolls.

The difference is also that Wildhammers can come and go in Ironforge, while the same cannot in any way be stated for the (in all likelyhood extinct) Dark Trolls and the (overtly hostile) Sand Trolls, in regards to Orgimmar.


Perhaps. But it’d be weird if overnight Darkspear can suddenly be every other tribes colour.

I do hope it is clarified.

I have no idea how you got too that from me bieng opposed to trolls getting sand and dark troll skins if the intro talks about Darkspear tribe of jungle trolls specifically?

I’m generally curious, mind you, because while I do not oppose playable sand, dark, forest or ice trolls, it’s not what I am saying?

As a sidenote, I’m not planning on rolling a dark or sand troll, so :man_shrugging:

Careful, according to Koiffen you’re coping now.

Humans had dark colours before the model upgrade so I don’t really care about that, if that’s what is implied.

Darkspear trolls have explicitly had varying shades of blue and maybe purple since Warcraft 3. With other tribes having distinction in skin colour. Even Zandalari to an extent have a unique colour scheme.

So either it’s a retcon and troll colour no longer indicates tribe, or Darkspear took in exiles from other tribes who then named themselves Darkspear, or something else entirely.

5/5 would lose my homeland and become slave of Gallywix again anytime. For the Horde adventure time!!!


See my theory mentioned several times, that maintains the current political status quo.

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I… I give up, how is that even implied, suggested or hinted at when we’re talking about trolls?

I’m honestly baffled, are you and Koiffen doing this on purpose? All I said what:

This is literally all I said earlier?

Koiffen changed it into me coping that Dark and Sand trolls aren’t roleplayable or hostile to the Horde and you suggested it was about black humans?

How? I’m baffled honestly and I’m not certain if you and Koiffen are just trolling me right now?

The similarity in this case is that both have 0 implications on lore.

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I’m not, apologies.

I’ve had a lot of people on various discords already try to draw a nonexistent parallel between me questioning troll skin colours and me apparently being racist. Somehow. I have no idea. I just wanted to preemptively nip that in the bud I guess.

I hope these are just mad datamined placeholders, subject to serious change.

Mainly because it looks to me that every single race has had a bit of their identity eroded and is just being used as another model variation of the ‘for azeroth’ collective conscience.


You say, but I disagree.

Because giving the Darkspear the same skin option as the Farraki Tribe of trolls and the Shadow Tooth Tribe means that either every troll race is able to become every troll colour meaning tribe and race are meaningless.

Unlike humans, where there have been black humans from the start which were removed by the model revamp and are now returning.

Basicly, what I am trying to say is:
Troll skin colour says what tribe/race/culture you’re from.
Human skin colour has no influence from what kingdom/race/culture you’re from because humans could always be black, but jungle trolls couldn’t always be yellow or black.

Fair enough, and reading through your post we both agree that when it says Darkspear Tribe, that sand and dark troll skins shouldn’t be added, atleast!

I can’t wait to see the Worgen one

“Worgen are cursed humans that will now do everything they can to stop being worgen and in about ten years will be Indistinguishable from playing a normal human because worgen bad human good.”

Expansion 10.0 is when we find out Azeroth has been waking up and that it really is a collective consciousness as the Titan’s will exerts her desires over mortal minds. It’s up to us to show the titan that cold logic is not a match for FREE WILL and that our lives…our lives are worth living.


Right, let’s see this thing off then…

Darkspear (and other jungle trolls) could always be purple, just wasn’t an option for the players, so the “dark troll” option is no issue to begin with.
Source: Troll Compendium “The jungle trolls’ bodies are covered in short, soft fur that causes the trolls to appear purple or gray”

What is culture?

Nah, there’s a lot more to it. Vol’jin (in Shadows of the Horde) was able to disguise himself as a Gurubashi by covering his tribal markings and recreating their accent to fool the Zandalari.

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According to the new description, something that the Darkspear gave up unlike the other troll tribes lmao


But can other Troll tribes use voodoo masks to wipe out befriend an entire army of Lightforged lunatics? Checkmate.
Edit: Amended the comment to suit the revised quests.


Per the revised quests the masks now bestow friendship and love and candy.

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