Well after the cinematic with Sylvanas hesitating about the Anduin’s life, what is about to happen?
I would be actually happy if she would somehow free herself and making her the old ranger general. I like her, but I hate the lore development. Like there’s so many things that don’t make sense at all.
Also I understand there’s no different ending for her than a death. She has made many bad decisions. But just imagine how she’s changing to the elf she used to be, reuniting with her sisters.
I am really scared what’s about to happen and I hope in a good ending for her.
Feel free to tell your opinion.
I hope they give her character arch an ending that doesn’t completely trash it’s legacy as an OG protagonist of this franchise.
Hopefully, one that also helps bring the Forsaken race back to its feet in terms of lore and story spotlight.
Even if the above is accomplished through some mercy kill.
Sylvanas never tried to ask for my player character help once, so no. I hope she get what she desserve
You are right about that. She has very long history and it would be bad if she would be thrown as a NPC.
I don’t care how her story ends, I just want it to end. I’m not intrigued by her arc, just annoyed by how long it takes. I care less for the character with each teasing cinematic. As far as I’m concerned, I wish her sudden death by cartoon anvil immedeately, without any explanation or exploration. But randomly popping out of existence, or her opening a portal to wonderland to live there is fine, too.
Ruined character potential, an unfortunate victim of Blizzard’s absolute lack of respect for the “show, don’t tell” rule, ultimately tiresome and boring. I consider her the weakest part of the main WoW story at the moment and want her gone asap, because I am definitely not here for Blizzard’s attempts at making me feel sorry for this irritating iteration of Sylvanas they have created, especially since I see no way for them to “rehabilitate” her without somehow downplaying the genocide she’s caused.
Although to be completely fair, I haven’t cared much for Sylvanas since her character development in Cata.
She needs to go away. With a “good riddance” theme. Let’s have some less cartoony villains, for once.
Tbh i agree with the last two posters.
I didn’t like Sylvanas from the moment she answered to Garrosh’s question what the difference between her and the Lichking is with “I serve the Horde” because that was obviously a lie.
She was basically a villain without disguise the horde was forced to work with / for for years now.
a loser that joined up with a bigger loser, just to fail the moment they faced us.
My queen. I hope she kills all her enemies especially Thrall and Baine. The Horde needs to be freed of the burden of these loser idiot leaders.
So I’m back (hi) and I missed posting.
So, my opinion on Sylvanas is that no matter which known character Blizzard had used for this position/situation, I despise how they have made her a villain since Legion but kept it all a mystery and continue keeping it a mystery.
If it wasn’t for the lockdown and being stuck at home I wouldn’t even have bought SL because even as a Forsaken-main and Sylvanas-loyalist, this mystery has gotten very tiresome. To the point where I really don’t care anymore what happens to her.
She might get redeemed, but she will pay for her crimes, one way or another, there’s no way Blizz let’s her walk away free… and yes we need some new characters taking the spotlight, it’s getting boring already with seeing same old few chars all the time mate
She is still a brilliant tactitian and one of the most powerful creatures in SL, but she is out of balance due to Anduins` isinuations.
Victory to the Dark Lady!
There is always Mist of Pandaria scenario you know… For her crimes Blizzard could send Sylvanas to work there for ever.
But I think she will actually will take the new Frostmorn to her self, and when everything will be over, she will be a new LichQueen, who will defend the entrance to Shadowlands.
Can we just resurrect Godfrey again, so he kills her, again?
She deserves to be infused with light so her senses are restored so she could fully feel pain, then she should be tied up to a poll and burned for weeks, while being healed continuously so she couldn’t die. Because her flesh would always mend and create anew, the skin and pain receptors would never get used to the pain & it would hurt the same until she would die.
Maybe after few months of being a living torch Tyrande could cut her head off, that would be nice, and mount it above the gates of a new Night Elven settlement as a reminder to everyone what happens if you cross us.
You are sick.
Sylvanas betrayed my friends, killed them, rose them into the undeath and manipulated their minds into servitude.
She stole our age old kingdom and its capital.
She ordered blighting at wrath gate that caused dishonorable deaths of soldiers of both factions who fought together
She committed genocide of unaffiliated human race in Gilneas & killed civilians who tried to escape that had no means to defend themselves
She uses the exact same necromancy with same lack of honor just like Arthas
She betrayed my king and left him to die
She killed her own civilians during Arathi gathering because she is a megalomaniac that’s completely obsessed with power over other beings
She wanted to prevent Anduin from using Azerite to preserve life and use it to achieve peace.
She committed completely unprovoked genocide at Teldrassil, wiping vast majority of the Kaldorei race and sending each and every one of them to the maw
She makes others suffer because she herself suffers and only wants to spread it as a way of coping
She blighted half of darkshore and destroyed whatever she came along the path, instead of occupying it
She used blight to kill both Alliance and Horde soldiers during battle for Lordaeron
She used death magic during Mak’Gora, dishonorably killing Saurfang
She wants to make Anduin choose to abandon hope so she can feel better about herself
Am I sick for wishing this scum suffers?
And he’s giving everyone lectures about morality
Some people take this game too seriously. To Northuldra I say this:
You can wish for Sylvanas whatever you desire seeing as she’s just a bunch of pixels and you’re not really hurting anyone. See how it works? Take care of yourself
On topic: I wish she got redeemed but if they turn her into a villain I say it’s lack of respect for the old writers who created such a damn good story and for all the Forsaken fans that got invested in said story.
No, you’re sick for identifying with a videogame to a point where you call Pixels “my friends” and come up with elaborate torture for a videogame-character.