You ARE clever Don’t think low of yourself. One of the nicest posters around here I must say.
So I posted earlier that I don’t care what will become of Sylvanas because the writers kept her motivations/reasons so mysterious.
I just realized… It annoys me to talk about all this entirely because I cannot believe the stroy about the Lich King, Sylvanas and the scourge were written with Shadowlands in mind. Maybe an inkling but in no way concrete enough to have thought for instance Sylvanas had some understanding with the Jailer or that the Lich King’s gear (well part of it) came from SL.
So whatever we might come up with now, we will never be able to realistically predict what the writers had in mind because everything now is new. Even if it took place during an older expansion. Even if it is added story and not retconned. It still is new material and therefor unpredictable. We can speculate all we want but any sort of proof we find in older lore is merely confirmation bias.
I really want the writers to stop building on old material and just come up with something entirely new.
The pc will save Anduin before it’s too late.
About Sylvanas, i like her story so far and i expect a happy or bittersweet ending.
About the cinematics i like that at the second(?) one Sylvanas was preaching about that we cant choose anything but here we are “Why do you hesitate? Make your choice”
Sylvanas was standing like Arthas and Anduin is what Arthas could become. For me that recreates the choice Arthas had. Kill himself (literally and metaphorically) to achieve his goal or not?
Are you posting on an alt or are you seriously the first alliance player in a long time to use ‘I like’ and ‘Sylvanas’ in the same sentence and not have ‘her to die’ or an equivalent added to that?
Thiy lvl 17 char is obviously his main.
I like how Sylvanas has fallen from grace - here count me in that list !
I played 1 Alliance and 1 Horde pc in BfA. About Sylvanas i have a singular interpretation of her story arc in BfA. I don’t think she burned the tree, and i consider the constant Arthas references hints about what’s going on. That’s why i like her story but that remains to be seen.
Love her tbh. Haven’t played SL yet and I trust you guys about her late development being utter trash but she has such charisma.
I think making the whole “is she redeemable” discussion the top priority is a very Alliance-ish perception of the situation : if she ever wants to go back to the Horde’s side for whatever reason, it will be the Horde’s call to decide of her fate. And the Horde is overall more about pragmatism and forgiveness than about justice and stuff. She’s a more than capable tactician and her legacy as a warchief is considerable so why not?
Because it’s crap and the horde shouldn’t want her either after thousand betrayals.
Well as I said getting over betrayals is just something the Horde does on a daily basis
No, they do not. After betrayals consequences had to follow. Putress didn’t stay alive nor did the guy who bombed the druid school and burned down the camp of allied Tauren. Sylvanas is way worse than them.
Putress had nowhere near the importance and support Sylvanas has though. And we’ve been willing to (re)integrate the Grimtotems, the remnants of the Iron Horde, the Zandalari (despite their history with Pandarens), the Blood Elves (despite their history with Trolls)… Damn Taurens could even be willing to accept Centaurs into the Horde for all we know
The fate of Sylvanas is all but a settled case. If it was then I don’t see the point of having her expressing hesitation/remorse in the last cinematic lmao
Maybe, but she won’t return. The “horde is nothing” to her, I dont know how this could be any clearer.
Because she is doubting everything she has done up until this point. That’s for your grand tactician and schemer.
And even Garrosh had been brought down to face his consequences - I dont think why would any member of Horde would want her back.
Yeah. About that. Did you by chance miss all the players who are going “Sylvanas did nothing wrong” and feel bitter for not being able to go loyalist with her all the way to the end?
I think that one actually blindsided even Blizzard. Serves them right.
Thats what small percentage of very loud loyalist group. And many have dropped that theme quickly after BFA.
And I meant lorewise.
Oh, I’m perfectly fine with the “official” lore telling edgy Sylvanas sycophants that they’re irrelevant and that the joke’s on them.
But I don’t think that will happen. Danuser won’t let his waifu go down like that.
One way or another her story comes to an end and if that will be done somewhat nicely I couldn’t care less. The quality has been flushed down the drain long time ago.
I’ll believe it when I see it…
…and yes, please, her story has to end. She needs to go away. I don’t care how, just excise her.
When she killed people on both sides she didn’t feel sorry, but now looking at princess she does? Sounds more like lousy writing.