[spoilers] 8.1.5 discussion thread

I don’t think that’s true. There are a lot of warlike people on Azeroth, but the factions have not been too far off peace in the past. If Baine becomes warchief peace is a very real possibility, although obviously this is why Blizzard will pick someone else.

Once the void is dealt with of course.

Not accounting for any other new threats popping along because of course they will.

Yeah, gotta have the Horde as the filler baddy between world ending thread 234 and world ending threat 235. :ok_hand: :laughing:

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Can’t wait to see what inane reason they manufacture for warchief Saurfang to continue the fight.

Maybe an artifact is discovered in the sea and both factions will race to control it first??

It was a personal PoV from Sylvanas AFAIK

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We’ll still shoot the swedes should they try to cross the Ice though!

As I mentioned earlier, it’s not THAT far fetched. There actually is a plausible relation between the whole matter and Baine.

Remember, Baine has a connection to Anduin and Jaina. The guy is Jaina’s brother, being raised, brain washed and about to be sent to kill Jaina. If it went ahead as planned, Jaina, one of his friends, dies, this would then either sadden or infuriate Anduin, who is also one of his friends. Which would probably make him even more reluctant to bring the war to a swift end, either to surrender or offer mercy. Both of which would save more Horde lives than a pissed off Anduin going full DEUS VULT and prolonging the war.

So doing nothing would mean: One friend’s sibling being brain washed by foul magic, said friend getting murdered in a horrific way, and another friend getting extremely pissed off or saddened. That seems reason enough to intervene I’d say.

I was confused too, but if he regrets not speaking up about the previous issues, this might just be him seizing THIS chance to finally defy Sylvanas.

Side note: Does Baine even know what happened at the Undercity? He seemed more occupied inside the walls and wasn’t in or overlooking the fields at the city gates. Though word should surely have reached him by now.


So Baine’s attempt to finally do something involves betraying the Horde once again by contacting his pen pals Jaina and Anduin for meetups to reveal information. It is quite the monkey paw wish to want Baine to do something, but the result being Baine helping Anduin and the Alliance bring down the Horde instead.

He could have just done something like wordlessly sent Derek packing or mercy killed the undead instead. Actively working against the Horde to help his best buds in the Alliance is what puts me off.

Garrosh should have killed him when he betrayed the Horde at Theramore the first time.


Surely they wouldn’t do that. Artificially prolonging the lifetime of their story would only make sense if we paid Blizzard a regular fee for access to their game, so they could milk us for as much as possible.


I still do not remember who Baine is. Who is he ? Is he that brul guy?

https://www.wowhead.com/news=289643/crucible-of-the-storms-intro-quests-xalataths-gambit All the quests seem to be alliance marked. Is the xalatath stuff Ally only or is it just wowhead’s automated systems just defaulting to Alliance?

Mercy killing Derek would be quite mighty.

Would be great.

Remember those two times when Jaina actively worked against the Alliance’s interest, didn’t see the Horde crying then, didn’t even see the Alliance cry much back there.

Guess the Alliance are more used to getting the short end of the stick :slight_smile:


Dunno what exactly you’re referring to but my gut is her staying neutral during Daelin’s shenanigans and then stopping Varian at battle for undercity? 'cos the former wasn’t “helping the Horde” and the latter she absolutely did get stick for at the time, it just dropped off when she went nutso at the end of Cata/start of MoP.

Ah, but then we wouldn’t have the inevitable meet up with Calia Menethil and the wonderful storyline that those two meeting is sure to bring to the Alliance /s

This is the problem though and why it is very hard to invest into any of the Warcraft main characters. Their thoughts and actions are there simply to serve the need to fulfil a required future plot point, rather than the plot naturally coming from their thoughts and actions. This is why we have such an idiot plot right now.

That is something I wish Blizzard would change, especially since they supposedly have “”“professional”“” writers in their team now.


Remember when she helped Baine (and by extension the Horde) recapture Thunder Bluff?
Remember when she allowed Horde adventurers back in Dalaran camps?

I hadn’t even remembered the times she blocked the Alliance from retaking Lordaeron or ending the Horde <.>

That damned drill 5-6 meters behind me is killing my focus!

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If Magatha was working for the Alliance I’d grant you this. Comparing it to the likes of Baine betraying Garrosh’s invasion of Theramore rings thin.

Uh, no, actually. Jaina only took control of the Kirin Tor during MoP and subsequently expelled the Horde.

This was then reinforced in WoD with her objecting to Khadgar allowing them to his own tower - but it’s his tower, not hers, so he overruled her on it.

And then further reinforced in Legion when the Kirin Tor were voting to allow the Horde back into Dalaran and when she was overruled again she quit and took her ball and went home crying.

So I’m not sure what you’re referring to here again I’m afraid.

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I really wanna see how the Baine storyline gets played out.

I don’t want him to die tho. Let’s see if they truly go Mop or they choose another path.

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He can’t die because he’s one of three tauren characters of note. The other two being Sunwalker Disco and Magatha.

But maybe sunwalker disco will bring the dance studio??


He’s too busy trying to innovate new born infants armour.


His body wasn’t a good one i suppose.