It’s really strange, isn’t it? I guess blizzard just wanted to keep the expansion going for at least a patch before characters had, well… a character.
An artificial delay so we can have a patch of RAAR ARATHI THIS IS WAR before reality comes crashing down, yeah.
Yeah until you realise that it was the single worst treason ever for ‘the Horde’ to object to the single ruler’s call-of-war, ala Warchief, and that is what brought peace and prosperity in the faction; everyone could play around with their culture and opinions, but when it came down to war, the Warchief and their view was supreme. Don’t like? Prove yourself to be better. Warrior’s code of survival.
Then the Horde went #progressive over Garrosh, and everyone is suddenly screaming from the top of their lungs over what their morality and sensitive feelings can accept. Those unfit for battle MUST express their opinion even though, by no former Horde standards, was that ever acceptable
Thrall’s Horde was good because Thrall’s Horde only had to protect their borders and steal a bunch of lumber. Not fix a broken world after 3 universally-ending cosmic threats deconstructed the world. Which is why, yeah, we never should have reached that stage with Garrosh but go figure.
The whole expansion’s story was jank from its very premise, that being the problem of that “they never talk about it - how do they NOT talk about it?!” There’s an absurd timeskip from Teldrassil to Lordaeron, glimpsing over the repercussions that should’ve rightfully taken place in the Horde itself.
But apparently they didn’t take place. They can’t, because then there wouldn’t be a BfA.
I think this is a good thing though, to have a world where people has a sense of morality and perceived idea of what is right and wrong, and what’s too much. Otherwise we’d end up in a W40k universe where everything is edgy and genocidal.
It’s an idiot plot going at a snails pace because of patch cycles.
You mean how the Warcraft universe originally started—constant struggle, betrayal, and murder? The orcish race, one which thrived in conquest and bloodshed to the point where they passed through space and time in order to seek war?
Yeah, there should be people who have a sense of morality and try to figure things out. Now try giving birth to those disillusioned people in a world where their family, their neighbours, their king, and their nation, was brutally assaulted and murdered while making sense. Morality and ideologies like that should be added in order to expand the depth of view characters perceive their world by. Not create a character in a bubble which makes no coherent sense in the universe they’re in—this is precisely why we’re in this pickle right now.
Jaina is a good example: grew up sheltered away from the world of strife, so ended up being optimistic. The instant she had to actually face war, however, she ended up just like everyone else. They’re trying to do the same with Anduin, but despite the numerous times that he’s lost/has been beaten to death, is still going ahead with hope. That’s illogical, unless you’re trying to portray insanity.
You can’t tell me with a straight face that you’d be OK with a gang that stole your car, burned your house, killed your neighbourhood, and got away with it just fine.
I don’t know how we got to this, but I’d probably be a bit miffed yeah!
What they really need is another Suramar. A story zone that gives you plenty of content but does eventually make you slow down a bit (the rep gets a bit annoying toward the end but if you keep at it the pacing is fine - they could improve this though) so that it doesn’t feel like you just hit a brick wall in the story and have to wait a few months.
It’s something Blizzard seriously needs to work on: getting out story content that feels real and complete with a meaningful beginning, middle and end that leaves you satisfied and interested in what comes next, rather than holding the story hostage so you pay your sub.
For one, there just needs to be more of it. A few scenarios every few months simply doesn’t cut it. They need to build up a lot in advance so they can release things regularly enough while also making sure they feel complete and enjoyable rather than tacked on and leading nowhere like the war campaign, class campaigns (though some were decent) and Broken Shore.
I know WoW isn’t built for this in the same way a game like ESO or FFXIV is, but honestly, I’d like to see some more meaningful conversations between NPCs that isn’t just them shouting things like “Enough!” “Pitiful whelp!” “I will strike you down!” and the like. Some actual character moments are what we need. Zelling and co. scratch the surface there a bit, but really don’t go far enough.
I loved Suramar SO MUCH.
While the time/repgating may have felt undesirable from a bird’s eye view, the actual result was that I became more invested in the story as I did WQs in between each chapter - essentially preventing the whole story from just being over too soon.
I was so super invested in the story. Man it was so beautiful when I first entered Shal’aran to finally see the completed Arcan’dor after all my work, to that music…
Agreed on all fronts yeah. If you kept up with it, Suramar’s pacing was perfect. If you left it and forgot, it’d be rather annoying for sure. I was so into the story that I kept up with it so, rather than feel like proper timegating, it actually kind of felt like you were helping advance the rebellion, which I liked a lot. BfA has nothing like that, which really sucks.
Because that’s basically what the war Alliance vs. Horde is?
Stole your car: stealing resources, artefacts, land.
Burned your house: mutual and constant destruction of cities and settlements with countless innocents along the way.
Killed your neighbourhood: Alliance decimated the Horde, making a point of hunting them down in their own world when they were desperately trying to escape and were later celebrated as heroes. The Horde flat-out destroyed and is in the process of destroying the last human kingdoms.
I’m all ok for characters who have not experienced any of that hatred and constant strife (so they ultimately don’t understand that peace isn’t an option), but to say that it makes sense universally in the setting of Warcraft is ignoring the entire point of Warcraft in the first place. After all, Warcraft was actually meant to be Warhammer, so edgy and genocidal is how it always was.
I don’t think that the peace route is working out, chief. Neutrals in WoW’s stories are hated for a reason.
With the Allied race requirements now listed on wowhead, I’m now unsure what the requirements for Vulpera would be since the Zandalari requirements covers the Vol’dun questline.
My new guess:
War Campaign
Voldunai Rep
Some questline we don’t know about yet.
This isn’t a fact, and this endless cycle of hatred is a trope repeated mostly by grimdark fantasy writers. Heck, even the French and English have managed to become friends again at some point in history! And the french and the germans. And the english and the germans.
And Warcraft only got big when it moved away from it and became its own. WC3 retconned a lot of the stuff from Warcraft 1 and 2.
Edit: Not advocating for Alliance and Horde to become friends by the way, that wouldn’t be very fun. But for people of the Horde and Alliance to have issues with what’s being done in the war is what makes it more interesting rather than having everyone goosestepping off to war, hand in hand.
And the Swedish and the Danish! That is the true miracle.
That’s going a bit far.
Yeah but you’re literally talking about England being friends/allowing coexistence with N@zi (censored!!) Germany lmao. We historically know what our human reaction to such opposition is: nukes. But a less progressive/more threatened society is actually more philosophically and morally progressive?
Yeah, like orcs being Diablo-esque minions of Hell, and Turalyon being an angel. Didn’t retcon the war though— As a matter of fact, WC3 & Vanilla WoW (+later expansions and, in fact, every single expansion) have made a point of highlighting that the cycle of hate is never-ending.
Cool IC point of view but I do not agree at all that this is an OOC truth.
The faction war is eternal because it is profitable for Blizz. If that should ever end, then the faction war will too. There is no in-universe reason for the wars to be impossible to end.
Europe existed before WW2 too, the Hundred Years War etc.
And the whole story of WC3 was that “eternal” enemies could unite and come together, that’s what set it apart from WC1 and 2. It wasn’t just warmongering anymore.
Blizzard (the one that makes up the in-universe reasons) says that everyone hates everyone. Does it make sense? Maybe not. Is it true story-wise? Yeah because they literally say so. A story has to make sense; a character doesn’t. When the story is driven by the character, then the story can also not make sense (because it makes sense). I unironically hope that makes sense.
Logistically speaking, the war + all the intertwining wars could have absolutely no way to continue for basically 40 years, so you have to stretch your imagination really hard. I’m unsure how that works.
I think you missed the point of it, then. The point was that HEROES could unite those nations under the most dire of circumstances, and, after the threat ended they all just returned to slaughtering one another while the heroes desperately try to hold their faction’s leashes.
Don’t get me wrong, either. I don’t like how WoW’s story has progressed, even though I do like the idea of a world at war. And ultimately, I conclude by arguing against my own point just above: just because Blizzard said it’s like that doesn’t mean it makes sense.
(but it is how it is)