A place to discuss 8.2 without having to worry about spoilers.
Yrr n’lyeth… shuul anagg!
Mount equipment so people can finally stop whining about being dazed!
I can’t believe they’re adding General Grievious’ wheel bike to 8.2.
Tauren heritage involving spirit walkers…
Wish it involved Baine’s fate
Also same with Gnomes’ about Mekkatorque
Execute Baine player choice Yes/No?
Saurfang will remember this.
Man, I was so ready for him to say that the PTR was open to play tonight / tomorrow, and not next week.
Very interested in seeing the Naz’jatar storyline!
Also hoping that the Heart of Azeroth changes help the content side of the game more.
But the snap dragons and tidal guardians are appearing at long last! And those flying creatures in the picture, I have to assume those are the couatl?
Hyped for Tauren heritage armor!
Seeing Baine strung up like that, I can think of only one thing…
we gonna have ourselves another trial folks, get your ace attorneys ready
Looking forward to Naz’jatar and Azshara’s Eternal Palace!
Those zones look damned good! Always been keen on underwater shenanigans (Vashj’ir <3), and machine towns are always fun.
slams desk
Blast from the past for all y’all.
The powerful champion Lor’themar…
As expected, Blizzard doesn’t do more than bare minimum.
“We’re going to give you exciting new active abilities!”
Tank/healer/dps abilities shared across all classes.
Ion is literally Todd Howard.
Need that wheel mount
After our ships crash into Nazjatar, everything goes black before our character wakes up to find themselves in a wagon being led by the Naga.
Todd Hazzikostas has done it again.
It’s almost like it’s too hard to add a system that is class specific, offers you meaningful customization choices, and has multiple choices.
Oh wait. We had that kind of system.
They were called glyphs.