[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Yeah she’s also an octopus now. Dunno if you noticed? I had to rewatch it a few times so it might not’ve been obvious at first glance.

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Thanks captain obvious.

You’re welcome.

By the way, that crown still looks stupid on that mog.


That’s why I call him Elensette until he removes the damn thing.

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That’s rude and I don’t appreciate it.

Until they add a crown of kael’thas transmog as a replacement that’s not gonna happen.

Very well, Elensette.

Damn elf.


“Why am I taking instructions from a guy navigating the ocean using a knife again?”

Because Nathanos is the big leader boi nao (read; he’s banging the Warchief, and thus has gained power), that’s why.

Honestly like the small touch of him smirking/smiling when the water shoots into the sky. Tho more excited for Lor’themar to get payback for Shadows of the Sun.


2 things;

  1. I liked it better when Queen Azshara followed her own plan, instead of randomly following the Old Gods one. Why should she care about a gaint, tentacled dude locked up somewhere in the middle of the ocean? (I hate how they’re able to corrupt everyone BUT the faction leaders apparently.

  2. Isn’t Nazjatar placed on the location of old Zin-Azshari? If so, it should be pleased at or around the Mealstrom so why would anyone follow their enemy there, especially since there would be no way to sail through the Mealstrom and thus the Alliance, if it was written logical, would’ve stopped following the Horde, assuming/knowing they would be swallowed by the mealstrom anyways. (I remeber a map with sailroutes having routes far away from the giant Mealstrom, lest they be sucked into it and sunk to the bottom of the sea as a result)… Meh.

I wouldn’t count on it; Darkshore warfront was payback for the Kaldorei, and they don’t even get “payback” on Azshara… So we know Lorthy is going to drop it for the bigger good anyways, because why would you write an interesting story where people actually don’t randomly drop their quests for vengeance.

It worked, didn’t it? Alliance fleet destroyed. Mission successful.

Gotta say, I quite like that we can actually see emotions on the character’s face, after that… Scene of judging Baine. I could actually get what Greymane was thinking even when he didn’t said anything! Cheer for that.

I think that’s a result of the corruption.

She appears to still have white “hair” (but those might just as well be tentacles.


Tbh it appears to me that she is doing a similar thing with Nzoth that she attempted to do with Sargeras. Strike up a bargain with a great mystical power for her own benefit. In that cutscene she doesn’t seem like the grovelling servant, if anything it seems like Nzoth needs her more than she needs him (aside from him saving her and her people).

Did… did they actually fix the glow effect’s placement on female void- and blood elves? I might just be focusing so intently that I’m wrong here, but it looks like it to me!

I somewhat vaugley recall back in wc3 when the Naga was introduced that the reason for their transformation was them being cursed as a punishment for working with the Legion or something similliar.

N’zoth was and is a very big afterthought that they only shoved in with more recent years.

I always thought the implication was that a dark power had reached out corrupted them, but it was never implicitly stated what that power was and it had been left open. We rightly assumed it was an Old God, we just didn’t know which one until the pieces started falling in place across the expansions.


Looking through the old wc3 scrips to find what I was thinking off and I already find so much rectonned stuff:

  1. Suramar was sunk on the broken isles.

" However, despite the Naga rearguard’s best efforts the Warden Maiev Shadowsong with her lieutenant Naisha managed to tail the Demon Hunter across the ocean with a small force of Sentinels. Landing upon islands not shown on any of the Night Elves’ charts, Maiev realised to her shock that she had arrived in the ancient city of Suramar, sunken beneath the waves thousands of years ago. Pondering upon this she and her companions began to search the islands for signs of Illidan."


" Lady Vashj: Why, my dear, we naga were once night elves!

The scene changes to several night elves assembled before a golden statue of Queen Azshara.

Lady Vashj: We were Azshara’s chosen, the Highborne–banished beneath the cruel seas when the Well of Eternity imploded around us!

Maiev Shadowsong: Impossible…

The scene changes again subtly. The night elves are twisted naga and the statue of beautiful Queen Azshara now bears a naga’s tail.

Lady Vashj: Cursed, transformed… we have waited ten thousand years to retake our rightful place in the world. And now, with Lord Illidan’s help, we shall!

Maiev Shadowsong: Not while I draw breath!

Lady Vashj: Your courage is commendable, but it shall avail you nothing."

There it was!



glad to see the tauren heritage armour is time gated