[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

The gnome one seems pretty gnomish in its tone, for better or worse.

You know what makes me the most sad about all of this?

For years I have held out for new Kaldorei content, especially regarding Zin-Azshari and Queen Azshara… And now I don’t even play anymore. Even if I read up on all of these, I just can’t get excited.

I don’t even have an active subscription anymore :frowning:

Did you play Azsuna?

'cos Nazjatar just looks like more of that, with a little bit more seaweed and a few less demons.

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If you wrap feces in gift paper it’s still feces


Gnomes are easy. Throw in some zany inventions, lol so randum humour and some vague references to TOTALLY going to reclaim their city aaaany day now. Boom, done.

Tauren would have actually required some nuance. But instead of going for that they decided to just shove that “hurr durr void acktwually gud” kodo :poop: instead in a questline dedicated to a race who has had nothing to do with the void at any point in history.

That’s like if the human heritage armour quest is about something druidic. Or Night Elves get told to mingle with undead. Or pandaren being relevant again. Extremely unlikely. But frankly I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard at this point.

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Wish Gnomes were Horde so I could rock that heritage on my main without having to play on the worst faction.

Just wait for the Goblin version that will probably have that hint of mad-max junkyard going on. :+1:

Really up until now BfA tauren have been mostly red man bad blue man good. Rather straight forward if you ask me. The heritage storyline of taking a badass chieftain and having him tell us how good of a job Baine is doing is in the same vein as everything leading up to it.

I’ve never understood the connection. Something bad is bad, yes, but I’d rather have content in a game than nothing. That’s literally it.

It never crosses my mind to connect it with feces.

Hard disagree. Baine’s gotten bland in the way you say, but frankly there’s a huge pile of story that they could have drawn from for tauren.

How do they look back on past events since joining the Horde when Thrall met them?

How is the centaur situation?

What’s Magatha up to?

How do the tauren people view current events?

Are they all still all in with the Horde or is there doubt?

How is Baine developing as a character?

What is this about the Earth mother dying?

And so much more. Instead we get some vague stuff about evil spirits, we do a repeat of the highmountain tauren recruitment quest or at least the first half of it, then get told the spirits are actually not so bad despite probably killing or maiming a bunch of innocent people, and Baine nor the tauren are developed or elaborated on in any way, shape or form.

At least the BElves got some self reflection on where they stand in the current world and got to fight some of their most hated enemies. It’s just a massive wasted opportunity for me or anyone else who plays tauren almost exclusively on Horde, or altogether.

Like I said you could swap all the NPC’s for another spiritual race and nothing would change.


In the Shaman Order Hall ‘‘guarding’’ the Doomstone.


You’d think with Golden loving Baine so much that they’d have found something more important for him to do.

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You probably overestimate how much power she has.

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Yeah. I doubt she has absolute authority. But because of her being around on the team, it’s probably the only reason Baine is involved at all. Blizzard literally forgot he existed until BfA more or less. But he is clearly one of her favourites, so at the very least that gives him plot armour on par with Anduin, who is another fav of hers.

tbh she probably got a script where the two have their gay wedding lying around somewhere on her desk. (C’mon, that letter Baine sent in Before the Storm was really close to the ‘secret lovers’ trope, right down to the “I wish we could talk and maybe hold hands openly with our people’s approval” bit, that and I’m pretty sure a tauren sending someone a piece of their own horn is basically a coonfession of love)

You cannot spell Baine Bloodhoof without Bad Fool.


One step closer to HD Worgen models & heritage armour.


At last, the long wait is almost over.


I really love the idea behind Island Expeditions, but it’s a pity the execution of them has been so terrible alongside the loot acquisition. Adding two new Islands in 8.2 without fixing the problem with them first though, what?


Thats kinda BfA track-record.

Same with Warfronts, etc…

Lets just add more and hope people forget they’re really, really boring

Yea, and Goblin HD Models and Heritage armor! :smiley:

Wasn’t it confirmed it was something akin to that?

Makes me wonder if its a Kalimdor-Tauren only thing or the Taun’ka, Yaungol, Highmountain-Tauren do it to! D:

Smug Azshara

Didn’t make she used to have white hair and eyebrows? Here she has black eyebrows.

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