[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I don’t know, the Night Warrior plot had potential but was ultimately ruined by them not giving it a satisfactory conclusion.


It showed some promise yes. But was heavily under utilized. And I still feel like all of the power buff was kinda weakened by Nathanos "ENOUGH"ing away scot-free.

Either dont have him show up to the fight at all, or actually have him defeated.


But they got their rEvEnGe!


Tl;dr. My beloved Night elves are ruined.

After all they were in Warcraft 3


It’s pretty much the standard. Basically Blizzard have turned WoW into a reddit thread of “Who would win in a fight between x and x” where the answer is no one.

They keep pitting lore characters up against each other, but have one of them back out or be interrupted before it can be resolved.

Garrosh vs Thrall is the only one I can think of that actually had a resolution.


Imo they were ruined the moment they joined Alliance in vanilla because… Reasons.

I’ve wondered about an AU where Thrall and co washed up further north, met then befriended the night elves because warriors or something, while Jaina landed further south and helped the tauren instead.


Essentially Warcraft’s version of Drow elves, combined with wood elves, and some extra savagery.

They are being -that- type of rpers. Rebel/Criminal rpers that put themselves in dangerous situation but refuses character injuries or death.


They had nothing to do with the Alliance really.

The only experience they had with them was Jaina’s forces, that was completly cut off from the old Alliance and working together with Thrall’s Horde.

Could apply to fans of anything in WoW tbh


That goes without saying.

Making jokes about suicide isn’t very UwU of you, Scorchbraid. ;/


That’s a very poor taste joke when a known streamer and gamer has just killed themselves.


Does anyone know if Nemesis titles are achievable when queuing for Ashran now? Would be nice to pick up a few.

Suicide jokes, really? That’s a new low for you.


I didn’t mind night elves joining Alliance -that- much, as long as they kept their aesthetics and ways completely. And having some solitude and showing bit of Independence. Similar to what they are now, sorta. Or largely like Warcraft 3.
But maybe they would be better without joining Alliance? Don’t know.


Dude… that’s not okay at all…


I’m very hopeful for Sylvanas, it’s made clear by the devs she would never stand trial and end up in chains nor will she be a raid boss.

8.3 will be dedicated to Sylvanas, everything that has happened in BFA thus far has been a part of her plan. I look forward to seeing her prevail as it’s being made more and more obvious.


That’s what I kind of liked about them in the early expansions, that the process of getting from Teldrassil to an Eastern Kingdom city wasn’t easy. They did feel a lot more isolated and their zone stories were more isolated and not really linked in with the rest of the world.


The nightborne were right.

Its nice that people can remain hopeful, I personally is rather skeptical. Especially considering they have actually -lied- before. Not just ambigously/vaugley like with the burning of Teldrassil, but flat out said something that then wasnt true.

Best example being for the Siege of Orgrimmar patch where they specifically said several times that Vol’jin will -not- be warchief.

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