[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I wish they’d just let us grind the reps instead of spoon feeding us each day.

Say what you will about WoD reps, but at least I could do them at my own pace and grind them out for as long as I wanted, even though they were just a mindless mob slaughter.

They went overboard with this time gating crap.


Duuuuude I’d love the new expansion to be some like gnome island that’d be a huge cyberpunk-like city with robots and prostethic limbs and all, with some goblins chunked in there for cartels and all. That’d be amazing!

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I hated this stuff in WoD for garrisons.

Player A can play one hour a night, player B can play for seven hours on a Sunday. Thanks to timegating A will make far more progress. 7x as much.

This needs to stahp

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This is also why I really like LOTRO’s approach to it, specifically reputation. One time when I was playing it I decided that I wanted to get max reputation with Bree for a mount and some neat cosmetic items.

So, I went into the barrow dens and grinded mobs for rep tokens. They drop fairly well, and there is absolutley zero limitation to how many of them you can use per day/week/year whatever etc.

This is how they do all of their rep, -as well- as daily quests atop of it, and I love it. You can even trade the rep granting items.

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The current system we have here feels very much like it’s there to pad things out and keep people hooked. Only at this point, they’ve gone so far overboard that it’s only discouraging me and making me want to play less. Diminishing returns and all that, I suppose.

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Exactly. They want daily players. Every day.

People complain about the vanilla grind but at least you were largely on your own pace. Since dailies became more prominent in Wrath onwards, now they dictate your progress so you don’t unsub in a month.

It’s frustrating because in old vanilla dev diaries they talk about letting the player progress at their own pace. And FFXIVs director similarly says he doesn’t want his game to feel like a job, and even says he doesn’t care if people unsub after doing all there is in a new patch. It’s a very stark comparison to modern WoW devs mentality.


Yeah. These days it’s more like holding your progress hostage rather than encouraging you to stay on, and I feel that’s what’s driving people away. Blizzard doesn’t seem to get that, though. /shrug

My main issue with Blizzard’s portraiting enemy races is that except the playable races, all the other imperialistic ones have nothing but soldiers or people trying to kill us…

Honestly who hunts to feed that army? Who craft those armors? Who tends to Naga babies (dw I already know)? I’d be surprised that all of the Nagas are overzealous soldiers who have no other interest.

Suramar proved superior, even if Allied races weren’t planned back then (And it’s my belief that they weren’t until Blizz figured out to make a player retention method out of it and hide how :poop: BfA is) at the very least while the Nightbornes loyal to Elisande were mostly soldiers, the rest were actually, you know, citizens who bake’n’stuff.


See, that was my main issue with the Mogu in MoP.

Where was their actual stronghold? Isle of Thunder was only reclaimed post-launch when Lei Shen was resurrected, Mogu’Shan Palace was isolated due to the closed Vale gates, and no one had been in the Vaults for thousands of years. Everywhere else they appear is just ruins they are trying to reclaim.

Where exactly did the mogu populace live the last few thousand years?

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No, thanks. I’d rather have quests.

Laughing Skull, never again.

Personally, I’d have WotLK rep system, aka dailies + rep tabards, but compared to this crap I’d even take the laughing skull grind. At least I could progress on it at my own pace rather than doing a bunch of WQs and gaining few measly hundred rep per day.


Honestly I could have bought that the mogu army was solely composed of those stone guardians, the casters being the flesh mogu and such…

None of that happened. Same with Flesh Mogu lifespan? How did they reproduce if there was no fem Mogu apart from Lei Shen’s concubines (and even they were stone), did they just make stone guardians then exposed them to the curse of flesh?

Seriously, the race building of WoW is fairly lacking here (Heck even the faithless Sethraks have an economy around slavery and civilians) what’s the point of make great world building if what inhabits it is just underdeveloped.

Best to have both quests and rep grind… WQs and quests are annoyingly time gated, however I’d like to have a mean to grind if I feel like it… Even 5-6 rep per mob killed is better than nothing for the people who actually can bother. It would even be ideal in Mechagon since you gotta kill mobs for scraps anyway.


they actually did it

Hey, I had to match five yellow runes today! If it was just four, I’d have been able to do it much faster.


Eh it isn’t such a big deal. Remember that Ogri’la daily where you had to remember the color sequence and repeat it?

That jelly jump WQ can go to hell however…

It’s just broken atm. I clip through the jellyfish model without bouncing, and bounce even when not touching the model.

I will not bother until they fix it.

It’s still annoying, but the trick is to backpedal onto the launch-pad thing, then aim for the left-most jellyfish. It’s still a bit fiddly but all you have to from there is aim correctly. Your momentum should be fine.

Thanks. Still pathetic that we need such gimmicks just to to do a WQ though…

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Oh yeah absolutely. I’m hoping they do something to fix it.

Exactly that. I enjoyed constantly jumping and trying for a good aim, rather than waiting for a damned 5 coloured row to be completed on its own