I’m getting some flashbacks to Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues
Specifically the Think tank characters.
I’m getting some flashbacks to Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues
Specifically the Think tank characters.
I like that Erazmin really has no qualms about demons or fel magic. His response to Demon Hunters is just to see them as another form of augmentation, and offering them advice on becoming aquatic.
Everyone is a comrade in Mechagon. No faction wars, no racial tensions, no moral arguments.
Just robots.
Wait. Does that mean cyborg Demon Hunters can now be a thing? Because mechanical gills and integrated engines are apparently things the Mechagnomes have ready for augmentation
Pls no Stormwind is already angsty enough
Cybergnome 2077 when.
Concept: Shady Mechagnome cyberneticist selling parts at extreme prices, and repossessing them when people cant pay the interest.
Was already planning a mechagnome that involuntarily scraps other gnomes to resell their parts on the black market. Business be booming.
“You should start chopping off bits of your face and replacing them with tubes”
Make a mechagnome villian inspired by Doctor Doom.
It did make it to the live. Been there from Vanilla to Cata. You just had to wall-jump to get there.
So far I think the patch has been okay. Nothing spectacular, but better than most of BfA so far. I’m not a massive fan of the annoying zone design they have going on in Nazjatar, but at least there’s stuff to do.
What I dislike is the overall feel of the zone. Didn’t Azshara boast how she’d make Nazjatar a capital that eclipses the glory of Zin’azshari itself? Well, I don’t see it. I thought that the highborne were supposed to be vain, pompous, proud, arrogant, excessive and loving beauty and power, yet the naga seem to live in the ruins and caves dotted with few of their buildings here and there?
When Azshara said “Behold! Nazjatar!” I was like “Seriously…? This is it?”
Very disappointed, sorry. This feels just like Argus, which instead of looking like a true bastion of Legion power in the universe looked more like few small camps dotting the landscape.
Blizzard had enough time to make this a truly memorable experience for all the people who were teased with Nazjatar since even Warcraft The Frozen Throne. Major letdown.
Yeah it’s just a pile of ruins and then Azshara’s palace. You think over 10,000 years they’d have some time to fancy the place up a bit.
It should’ve been a naga city for the most part, imo, with the ruins on the periphery or else underneath. It’s not exactly impressive as it is. I do like the Coral Forest, though.
I like the quest to get the upgraded flight whistle with the Highborne ghosts. Though, I have a feeling both Mechagon and the Unshackled are gunna be one hell of a slog in terms of rep.