[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

See how history repeats? We shall learn from it!

She never should’ve become Warchief in the first place, for one…


Same here raid looks beautiful and dungeon to :heart_eyes:

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Vol’jin was tricked into naming her. What’s the issue?

That he trusted voices in his head after being stabbed with a fel weapon
That he didn’t do crap in the short time he was Warchief
That he became Warchief in the first place
That Garrosh went the way he did

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Horde don’t have loyalty! looks like a group of passengers who r there at the moment. Sylvanna have different methods about winning war but she is great tactician even if she is dark. Saurfang and Baine for me a just a emos who want to die and don’t care about Hrode at all!

Calling Saurfang and Baine emos, while praising Sylvanas, ironic.
“What joy is there to this curse?”
“What are we if not slaves to this torment?”
She also threw herself off LK’s throne once that was done, you speak of loyalty? She cared nothing about “her people” and still doesn’t, they are but tools for her pathetic attempt to never die.

Inviting the Nightborne was also a mistake, by the way.


Fel isn’t the go-to magic for mind control, not to mention the guy got stabbed by some random Fel Guard not a Dreadlord. It wasn’t the Fel that jumbled with his mind.

That he didn’t do crap in the short time he was Warchief

He defeated the Iron Horde and spearheaded the Garrosh rebellion.

That he became Warchief in the first place

He was the best for the job. The Horde should never be lead by an elf, and Baine was still too green. Thrall had kids.

That Garrosh went the way he did

Definitely a missed opportunity. Garrosh’s crimes pale in comparison to Sylvanas’, not to mention Garrosh was betrayed by 2 of his 3 advisors like 1 week into his office term.


I know it’s wrong. But a small part of my brain went “yes, please” at that.

Mainly for the posibility of seeing the Gob Squad in a SG1 setting.


Perhaps not go-to but it certainly could do stuff, also, trusting strange voices in your head to pick the worst candidate Warchief is silly in the first place.

He didn’t defeat the iron horde, he was featured like, once or twice in the expansion.

Fair enough, though I’d still prefer some orc

Thing is I don’t think he should’ve committed war crimes in the first place, should’ve been that the land-sea attack on theramore wasn’t only to lure in troops, but to let unarmed citizens escape, Garrosh didn’t like Krom’gar for what he did.

Also the entire feel of MoP in general “yes, the ability to create soldiers with blood magic” and all that, just… no.

He shouldn’t’ve been perfect, but they’ve gone just way too far

The Warchief is still the commander of the Horde and gets full credit for his wins and defeats, just like how you’d fire a Football Manager who keeps getting losses. Even if he’s not the one playing.

It’s been said that the Stonetalon questline where Garrosh is an honorable chap was a miscommunication. It wasn’t supposed to happen. They always wanted him as a villain.

I don’t mind Garrosh turning evil in MoP all that much, because by the time MoP hits, Cairne betrayed him, Vol’jin betrayed him, and the blood elves were conspiring to turn Alliance.

My headcanon is that the Sha just manipulated his already paranoid thoughts ( and who could blame him? Thrall told him to trust his advisors and Cairne marches into Orgrimmar, insults him and attacks him for something he didn’t do ).

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Not even that though, this is like firing your home cuontry’s football manager because you lost in a team that bought you. Khadgar was the one to lead the armies in that xpac.

Sad that the miscommunicated part was the best part, also Silverpine was nice.

I’m also not a fan of a lot of that, blood elves considering the Alliance should’ve been out of the question, Cairne being bullheaded was fine, and Vol’jin went too far, it’d be nice if he spoke against Garrosh, but not “I’m gonna shoot a black arrow in your heart”.

How about… we kill some Alliance leaders to make up for it?

I think they are at least 2 High Kings behind…





Make it happen.

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And then Anduin light-ress Jaina…?


No no please…

I prefer her to rise as a Lich rather than another holy undead crap


She dies to an anti-ress dagger.

It’s magic, I don’t have to explain it.

That’s fair.

Lillian voss gonna plunge the blades of annotioned then?


Not really. Vol’jin had a good character arc in MoP only for them to do nothing with him in WoD and then subsequently kill him off in Legion. I’m glad his story is continuing in BFA but he was terribly used as Warchief. The war against the Iron Horde was generally spearheaded by Khadgar and the “commander”.

Sylvanas isn’t a great tactician. The Burning of Teldrassil for instance was a spiteful act that accomplished absolutely nothing. Instead of “destroying hope” the Night Elves just became super pissed and started a guerilla war, the Alliance retaliated in full at the Battle for Lordaeron and it was what began dissent in the Horde’s ranks from Saurfang to Baine and now other implied Horde leaders.