[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I clicked from Classic (when I was a kid and just started playing) all the way up until WoD. I was very stubborn but eventually I realized that I couldn’t keep up in PvP unless I began keybinding.

I’m like that with macros, I’ve only just now started to use mouse over macros and now i can’t live without them (while healing)

You forget this was off the coat tails of wrath, which saw by far the highest sub count the game ever had but also the easiest content as far as PvE went at a non-heroic raiding level.

More players = more casuals overall (Especially with the mass marketing going on at the time).

Remember how cata dungeons required CC and strategy again? But people were so used to steamrolling Wrath dungeons that they cried and cried until the dungeons got nerfed?

A friend of mine was wanting to do the Outlaw Mage Tower challenge, gave him some pointers, got him all geared up and he went in. Few nights later he said he was struggling to get Agatha past 98%… perplexed I asked how that was even feasible because he should just be melting imps and her at his ilv. So I ask him to Discord screenshare.

He was clicking anything past 1, 2 or 3. After screaming internally I introduced him to keybindings 101. Utilising shift, ctrl and alt. He grumbled and said he never had to do it last time he raided. I asked him when that was. He said vanilla. I had to break it to him that the game has changed juuust a little bit since then.

To his credit he took the keybinding stuff seriously after a brief dose of stubbornness. But it was night and day. As soon as he started using the new bindings and didn’t click his stuff he went from wiping at 99% to getting her to 50%, 40, 30, 20, 10. But then time ran out and the Mage Tower went poof. I’m certain if he had just another day he’d have gotten it. Unfortunately I don’t think he has even touched BfA endgame but then neither have I really.

Point is: a lot of people are ‘bad’ and don’t even realise it because casual content in no way forces them to be remotely good. Then they’re surprised when the game actually challenges them, and would rather complain than look at themselves and git gud.

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Guys, overall

Do you expect good and based content and story from 8.2

Or bad, boring and nothing interesting from it?

I expect that they might swerve us with Azshara in the sense that we maybe won’t kill her because she and N’zoth aren’t presented as allies. As for the final boss of BFA it’s going to be pretty predictable though. Sylvanas or N’zoth, even if they insist the former won’t be MoP all over again.


Oh, I was certain it was going to be about coronating the player as the next tauren High Chieftain.


Bad and boring.

Mechagon Island looks like trash, and Nazjatar is nothing what it should’ve been like if brought above surface.

And the story has been crap for a long time now, Blizzard said there’s stuff we won’t expect, but they did the same with the War of Thorns, they’re just playing the Subverted trope here, basically, tell us it’s not what we expect in an attempt to make us theorize about other possibilities, only for it to be exactly what we predicted all along.


I keep seeing people say this and I don’t get what’s so crap about it. It’s completely in Sylvanas’ character to do what she did and commit a crime so foul that she forces the Horde to fight until the end or face annihilation.

You could even argue that the Horde isn’t Garrosh-ing her because they know that the Alliance/Tyrande won’t stop even if Sylvanas is dethroned.

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Sylvana[s] [h]as a b[el]iev[a]ble moral [c]ode, [k]now[s] [ho]w the world works, a[n]d pr[o]texts the Ho[r]de.

[tauren and orcs lose their minds]


This but unironically.

Just going to post this to brick all Saurfang fan’s totems + sever their connection to the elements

Blackrock Clan FIRST WAR Browncloak Conspiracy A GOOD WAR War of the Shifting Sands Drannosh Heart of Draenor Deathbringer Gunship Battle Saurfang the Younger WHITECLAW REBELLION Sludge Fields Massacre Swamp of Sorrows PATH OF GLORY Mak’gora GARROSH HELLSCREAM Anduin Wrynn Matthias Shaw SI:7 Stormwind Intelligence 7 Grim Tidings Dark Ranger Lyana DRAENOR WAR CRIMES Porkless Diet BLOOD CURSE



viewing this post has crashed my jade serpent statue — how do i fix it?


Gol’Kosh! Do not look at this dae’mon’s inscriptions, the elements just abandoned my spirit stone!


Hmm weird it feels like the Saurfangposting stopped after the sweep post was done.

guess there’s more suarfang fans in this thread than I thought.

Did you ever try to use something like blizzard or rain of fire in Vashj’ir?

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At this point I’ve just nothing left to say or add. No doubt I’ll have more ammo come the PTR.

Remember guys, if it’s on the PTR it’s near enough set in stone. At best maybe a few minor details change in response to feedback but broad events never change. The added Sylvanas route for 8.1 was a last minute addition and it shows as you go tattle to her and… That’s it.

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I expect good content. I’m in the minority(?) of players that seem to genuinely enjoy the game’s story, and I have been waiting ages for Azshara to play her hand.

And did you see the how Nazjatar’s edges is literally the ocean being kept at bay? I am certain the feeling will pass when I go there often enough, but that made me super creeped when I first saw it. Just imagining those tonnes of water suddenly drowning the zone all over again, with us still there. Yikes.

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And then in Mechagon we will find an ancient experimental Titan Star-Gate which the Titans used to go to the Void realm, and the next expansion will be “Through the Void Gate”.

And there, we find out that…

It was all gnomes and we have been gnomed

Regardless of who the final boss of the expansion is, I don’t want any boss to be Garrosh wielding an Old God axe Sylvanas wielding an Old God dagger :worried:

… oh man