[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I’m paying to be on life support and at the same time be bullied by the local school bully.

Dude, blizzard. Get your things straight. No, the Horde does not enjoy being a puppet or being used as a tool for the Alliance over and over and over.


On the logical purely rational hand, that is true.

But having Tyrande sit out the final confrontation with Azshara, with the spotlight being on a character only added in the last expansion, and on the faction opposite hers, just feels like they done did Tyrande dirty.

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Seeing as the writers think that Shandris has a rivalry with a high elven/dark ranger that stretches back 3000 years despite the night elves didn’t leave Kalimdor until about 14 years ago I don’t hold out much hope for her involvement being very fulfilling when it comes to consistency.


Blizzard seems to desire the entire removal of Tyrande in big events.

Just look at the Nighthold end cinematic. She’s clearly there… But for some reason she got erased when Illidan sent that message.

Everytime since then, when Tyrande could be involved in Elven related matters, Blizzard erases her from it.


At the same time, any character involved in the Azshara story needs to be able to work alongside the other faction, due to how they’ve designed the story. And after everything that Tyrande has gone through recently, I doubt that she’s the best choice.

I imagine that the same people complaining about her lack of involvement would be complaining about the butchering of her character and her forgetting Teldrassil, if Tyrande promoted the idea of the Horde and the Alliance banding together against a common foe and the possibility of bringing the Blood War to an end.


Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m sure a loremaster here will have more info, but did Tyrande ever actually meet Azshara? I remember Ashara sitting in her palace coordinating things with her new demon friends, but never actually heading out into the field and hanging.

With that in mind, why does Tyrande have this place in people’s minds as the arch nemesis of Azshara when literally any other elf (Jarod, Shandris, Malfurion etc) from that era would have an equal level of hatred for the Queen that betrayed them.

Also, as someone else pointed out, Tyrande suddenly dropping her Night Warrior thing in Darkshore to come and fight Azshara would be weird. But also it would mean that Tyrande would have to team up with the Alliance, which would unwrite everything they just did with her.

Alternatively she could not team up with the Horde and actively fight them, but that would be logical storytelling and that’s not what we are about here.


It’s a little sad that Tyrande has to sit this out. A lot of attention has been put on Thalyssra, possibly because she was a Highborne Arcanist during Azshara’s reign and perhaps Blizzard wanted to focus on that side to Azshara’s story.

As it stands, Thalyssra would the better one to try and get the factions to work together.

Yes. Tyrande was imprisoned by Azshara’s Highborne. Lady Vashj tried to kill her and Dath’Remar set her free.

In the WOTA trilogy, Azshara mocks the newly elected High Priestess’ faith in Elune.

Yes, she was imprisoned during the War of the Ancients, and met Azshara within.

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Tyrande dropped her night warrior thing to see Anduin be gifted a new boat for god sakes.


Damnit Jessicka, do you exist entirely to fact check me? But that was exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I couldn’t remember that scene off the top of my head, but it’s coming back to me now.

It’s worth remembering that this is a good chance to develop Thalyssra too, she hasn’t got a great deal of history fleshed out. However we now know that she once tutored and has been first arcanist for a long, long time.




A little.


She was offered to be a Handmaiden to Azshara because she was hmmmm good looking.

Which made Lady Vashj jelly and wanting to kill her.


That too.

Vashj was the jelly type.

Man I need to read that trilogy again. For as much as people hate on Knaak, I remember really enjoying those books. Really developed my love for the idea of the old Elven kingdom which has been given new life with the Nightbourne.

Shandris has been in the game as long as Tyrande btw

Actually even longer, In Warcraft 3 I think she’s in the Horde mission where we get to kill Cenarius while Tyrande only shows up at the start of the Nelf campaign

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Lady Vashj can choke me anyday :wink:, either form.

I think this might be the angle that they are going for with Azshara’s story.

Focusing more on the “Highborne” arc, as far as the Horde story goes.

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Uhhh…about that…

I hate Knaak, but the story is fairly good. I just hate his stupid overly verbose description of every single area they appear in. -_-

I liked the guy who wrote ‘‘The Last Guardian’’ the most, after that it’s Christie Golden.

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