[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

They use the Goblin skeleton thank you. I refuse to accept responsibility on racial lines.

A modified one.

They have amazing casting animations that goblins don’t have.

Stupid sand foxes.

Model update… Soon.

But they won’t completely alter the casting animations… :frowning:
They’ll be like the originals.

I miss racial casting animations, while the new ones are very smooth everyone’s a little samey.

They’re still there though.

Depends on the spells used. Incinerate for warlocks use the standard racial one, but Chaos Bolt use the new cool one for all.

i for one have no problem with vulpera. Everyone makes it out like there’s going to be some huge furry apocalypse on Horde side. Everyone was afraid Horde would be 90% elves with Nightborne. Everyone was afraid Horde was going to be just [new thing].

They’ll be about as (ir)relevant was Pandaren. Cool lore, and only dedicated few stick to it.


No, but Kul Tirans are humans are exactly the same race. One just lives elsewhere and is fat.

Zandalari and Darkspear are flat out different species.

They are both trolls.

Kul Tirans and Stormwindians are both humans.

I’m not seeing the difference or how the Alliance is hard-done by here.


I just hope we get the Vulpera models that are in game already.

I mean, I know that it is 90% likely and everything, but I just have a small, nagging feeling like they’ll drastically change them like they did with the nightborne.


That’s like saying a Rottweiler and a Jack Russell are different species.

Like, you’re being quite purposefully obtuse here.

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The vulpera models in-game work with the vast majority of player armour already (including some they’d never get like the heritage stuff for other races), unlike the OG nightborne who had their armour “baked in” (like the Sethrak do).


It’s not perfect for all of 'em mind you, some of it looks a little silly at times, but it’s definitely tweakable.

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No, I know, the feeling is pretty irrational.

Like I’m pretty sure we’ll get the ones we’ve seen in game.

But its still there.

Not really. I just feel Zandalari -should- definitely be a seperate race, while stuff like Mechangomes/Kul Tirans/Lightforged Draenei should not be. Probably Highmountain to.

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Jesus Christ, dude.


Lor’themar got a new sword:


His sword is a really cool one
Would’ve like if he got a bow mainly, as a ranger…

He’s melee spec ((but also has mass charm because he’s a chad)).

I started testing out Mechagon on the PTR and one thing that really stuck with me was how the mechagnomes keep suggesting you upgrade yourself, with some even having an on-click quote about fixing you up with a new arm while you can ask some named NPCs for specific advice on how to upgrade yourself to be most optimal. Some of them are class-specific answers.

For the gnome and goblin RPers out there who really need to engage in some Deus Ex Machina: Mankind Divided RP, Rustbolt is the hottest place to fulfill your robotic desires.


Well I do like transhumanism…