[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

  • Kua’fon (New) - Flying Mount. Kua’fon. “Once a little hatchling, raised into a mighty pterrordax by a loving handler. He finally learned to fly.” Source: Quest: Down, But Not Out Zone: Zuldazar

Our boy grew up

Also it looks like profession skillcaps are going up from 150 to 175, at least for gathering profs (probably for crafting too).

Horde bodyguards are all gilblin, so my hope for a makrura friend has been dashed.


From the encounter journal:

  • Intermission Three: Darkness Rises :
    Azshara reveals her true plans and exposes the players’ folly.
  • Stage Four: This Palace Is a Prison :
    Unable to leave, Azshara turns her full force upon the raid. Players must contend with Azshara while attempting to keep the Titan Console under control.


ww w.wowhead. com/news=291375/8-2-ptr-build-30168-new-void-dragon-model#screenshots:291375:1

Oh my.

Void Elves at it again?

That mechagon stuff sounds neat! It makes me wanna go play a Gnome! D:

Cairne… I miss him a lot…
“Take Heart young one! The Earthmother is near”

Azshara also has a cool voice, i like it…

And …
That void dragon thing… Disappointing…

“Hahah! You, the player, are an idiot for following the story you were railroaded into with no choices!” - A bad DM, and a bad writer.


Also, notice how the Horde gets all these cool Dinosaur mounts(Which makes sense obviously) and we’re stuck with Gryphon recolor #352454325363 ? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Horde ones are recolours too, specifically of the zandalari exalted rep mount, kua’fon and the Dazar’alor raid metamount. In fact if I’m not mistaken the armoured gryphon only has the one colour priot to 8.2 (from Operation: Shieldwall?) so these are the first recolours for it, while the Horde have already had three iterations on offer (one of which the Alliance can also use).



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Ahh fair enough! Not that i’ll buy them for that insane amount of gold anyways xD

Me and you Loth… I will be it’s prophet, you will bw the General …

The Hour of Twilight comes!

Seems that there is a possibility for old gods to rise again in this… Would like seeing Y’shaarj himself…

A shepherd, cloaked in the shadows of her past, beloved by a flock of blind sheep.
She guided them over a cliff. Even as they crashed upon the rocks, they never doubted her. The crows grew fat upon sheep flesh. Her laughter echoed all around.

Sylv has either unqittingly or willingly been in leage with the big bads and it’s p damn obvious tbqh.


Telaryn spotted that the Sylv mask from Anduin’s new HotS taunt looks to be wearing the Tempest Crown from the xalatath quest.

Xal herself called it “A crown for the ruler of all worlds”. Could just be hots lore (since the hots people also thought Anduin was wielding Fearbreaker not Shalamayne) but eh, something to bear in mind.

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In fairness, the railroading is done to the player. Azshara is talking to the PC. And… Well, if we look back through the WoWstory… The PC is a bit daft. I mean peon daft. It’s almost like the PC walks from area to area going:

"Huh? Something need doing?

Do work mission thing for magic shinies you say? Okie dokie."


We’ve been hit on the head so many times, and have taken immeasurable damage that it stands to reason our characters have all become a bit… compromised.
Still, they kill good and will do all kinds of dangerous things for some new trousers, so give them a new weapon and a little task, and off they go. :slight_smile: Aww.


Ashvane’s voice acting is pretty great (kind of par for the course, it’s been pretty stellar for all this expansion), and she sounds genuinely terrified when Azshara turns her into the monstrosity.

Also I’m unspeakably hype for Black Empire 2: Electric Boogaloo

A bit of the dialogue regarding the Baine scenario has been rewritten, it’s up on Wowhead. (curse this forum for not letting me post links except youtube videos for some reason)

It looks like they want to try and explain why Lor’themar sides with Baine, amongst some other things.

EDIT: Turns out I can add links but not when initially posting something, I have to edit it in. These forums are odd.

Does blizzard think we’re stupid?

Garrosh : Charges on Theramore and waits until Alliance’s greatest leaders and general gather to kill them all.

Sylvanas : Uses Baine as bait to unite all of her political opponents and kill them all in some way.

And she’s supposed to make Garrosh look like an amateur? My god, the whole “I let them flee because I have a better plan” is Mustache twirling villain excuse 101 that definitely amounts to nothing. Not only the story is playing out the same way as before but it’s somehow worse.


I honestly prefer the old version over a new one. At least there he tries to be somewhat hesitant to join sides, but still is forced to make a choice, as opposed to a new dialogue, where its basically :crazy_face: Lets save honourable Baine :crazy_face: